(How your heart age is key to heart attack or stroke risk?選譯,英文附後:
該測試不是診斷性的 – 它不會告訴你心臟病是否會發作 – 但這可以是一個警告,讓你做出為了健康改變生活方式。
閱讀食品和飲料包裝上的標籤 --資料來源:NHS選擇
來自英格蘭NHS的Matt Kearney博士說,這項測試「有可能幫助數百萬人」。
卒中協會首席執行官朱麗葉?布維里(Juliet Bouverie)表示:「我們認為,在整個英國,大約有600萬高血壓或房顫病人未得到診斷和治療,高血壓或房顫是卒中的兩大風險因素。
每周運動的推薦量 — 至少150分鐘的中度有氧運動,如騎自行車或快走— 可以降低患心臟病和中風的風險。
Public Health England is urging people over 30 to take an online test to find out their heart age, which indicates if they are at increased risk of suffering a heart attack or a stroke.
They predict about 80% of heart attacks and strokes in people under 75 could be prevented if heart health was improved.
Unhealthy lifestyles put four in five adults at risk of early death, they estimate.
People should quit smoking, eat a healthy diet and get enough exercise.
The test is not diagnostic - it will not tell you whether you are going to have a heart attack - but it can be a wake-up call to make healthy changes.
Obesity, poor diet, a lack of exercise and high blood pressure are significant risk factors for the heart that can be changed.
How to improve your heart health:
Give up smoking
Get active
Manage your weight
Eat more fibre
Cut down on saturated fat
Get your five a day fruit and vegetables
Cut down on salt
Eat fish
Drink less alcohol
Read labels on food and drink packaging
Source: NHS Choices
Almost two million people have taken the heart age test and 78% of participants have a heart age higher than their actual age, putting them at greater risk of an early death. Of those, 34% were more than five years over their actual age and 14% at least 10 years higher.
More than 84,000 people die from a heart attack or stroke each year in England.
Dr Matt Kearney, from NHS England, said the test has the "potential to help millions of people".
The test is being backed by the British Heart Foundation and the Stroke Association.
Juliet Bouverie, chief executive at the Stroke Association, said: "We believe that across the UK there are around six million people who are undiagnosed and untreated for high blood pressure or atrial fibrillation, two of the biggest risk factors for stroke.
"However, treatment for these conditions can significantly reduce your risk of stroke and the devastation it causes."
The test asks 16 simple physical and lifestyle questions and gives an estimation of your heart age, and a prediction of the risk of having a heart attack or stroke by a certain age.
It also gives suggestions on lifestyle changes to help people reduce their heart age.
One year after quitting smoking, a persons risk of heart disease is about half that of a smokers
Doing the recommended amount of weekly exercise - at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise, such as cycling or brisk walking - can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke
Increasing the amount of fruit and veg from three portions daily to more than five can lower the risk of heart disease or stroke