何兆武 — 無論什麼工作,你一定要有興趣才好

何兆武 — 無論什麼工作,你一定要有興趣才好

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He Zhaowu, renowned historian and translator, was born in the year of 1921 in Beijing. He attended the National Southwest Associated University (NSAU) from 1939 to 1946, and worked at the Institute of Historical Research of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences for a long time. In 1986, he became a professor at the Institute of Humanities and the Department of History in School of Humanities at Tsinghua University, where he would continue for a long period the study in historical theories, cultural exchanges between Chinese and western cultures, and the contemporary western intellectual history.


On December 22, 2016, Mr. He talks about his past during an exclusive interview with the reporters from China.org.cn.You can』t expect this kind of meandering mood from a 95-year-old unless he』s talking about the memories from the past.


Mr. He got into translation during his college year. At the beginning, he simply wanted to 「gain some pocket money.」 The first book he ever translated was Du Contract Social by Rousseau, which he referred to as the 「bourgeoisie』s bible of liberalism.」 Later he translated over 20 books of lengths long and short as a means of livelihood, and for the purpose of having fun.


Mr. He recalls the past when all his school mates did part-time jobs for a little extra money on the side, be it translator, middle school teacher, or office clerk at a newspaper press. The schedule of newspaper press allowed these students to work at night and return to their class the next morning. 「People were extremely poor during the wartime, and translating one book alone can put bread on your table for a whole semester.」


Mr. He also argues that translation is a process to educate oneself. You』d gain a better understanding of the original text after you translate it. 「When you read a book and something comes across as vague, you might just let it go. But when you』re translating, there』s no way you could remove the sentence. You』ve got to think deeply and figure out its meaning. This is how you learn through translating.」


With his wife and three sisters also attending NSAU, Mr. He has a deep connection with the university. He was a student there for seven years and has quite enjoyed the days. In his dictated memoirGoing to School , those years came to life.


「I wasn』t in any political group back then. A lot of my school mates were passionate. Some of them joinedSanqingtuan (Youth League of Three People』s Principles) of the Kuomintang, some were more into the democratic parties. There were some who joined the Communist Party, who, of course, did it in discreet. But everybody knew at least something about it. I, on the other hand, didn』t think myself good enough to deal with the political activities. I didn』t know whether the things they were preaching were real or not, trustworthy or not. That』s why I didn』t join any of the groups. Some of my close friends picked their own group. We still got along pretty well in life, but there used to be leftists, rightists, so conflicts and quarrels were inevitable. But of course when it came to the resistance of the Japanese, not a single person would disagree.」 The photo of Mr. He when he was young is included in his memoir Going to School.


「The Japanese』s bombers would come every day, and the alarm would go on and on. For instance, the alarm would go on at 10 am, so we knew that the bombers had taken off, in about half an hour they』d reach the sky above Kunming. I was young back then, and I could cover ten miles』 land in that half an hour. So I』d run to the suburbs, caves, drains, and just hide there until they were gone. Only then would I go back to class. This happened almost every single day. And of course, there were casualties. I lost some of my schoolmates to the bombings.」


Mr. He recalls one of the teachers from whom he benefited a lot during his years at the NSAU, Professor Zhang Xiruo. 「Professor Zhang was the head of the department of politics. I took his class for two years. I studied at the Department of History, so I didn』t need to take a course in the Department of Politics. But I found his lectures to be very interesting, so I went anyway, which was a valuable thing back then—you had the liberty to do a lot of things. I was a history student, but I went for a course at the Department of Politics, and nobody would stop me.」 The photo shows a copy of A Collected Essays of Zhang Xiruo in Mr. He』s collection.


「When we were students, Professor Zhang has assigned Manifesto of the Communist Party as a compulsory read, and we had to take an exam for it. China was under the ruling of the Kuomintang back then, but we had a lot of fun reading a work by Marx. It has broadened our horizon.」 After the liberation, Professor Zhang became the second Minister of Education of the new China. The photo shows a copy of Capital on Mr. He』s bookshelf.


During his seven years at the NSAU, Mr. He took four majors: civil engineering, history, philosophy, and foreign languages. He said, 「When you study, do so in diversity. You can』t just study one or two things, for they won』t allow you to see the whole picture. For instance, you』rea Chinese, of course you need to know about the Chinese history. But if you know nothing about the world history, you can』t really understand the history of China.」


The bookshelf in Mr. He』s home are flooded with books on history, both in Chinese and other languages. According to him, he only does this job because he』s interested in history. 「No matter what you do, you had better like it. If you don』t like it, and you force yourself to do it, it』s just no fun.」


Talking about foreign language, Mr. He refers to it as a tool that everybody should learn to use. 「Illiterate people who can』t read will never get to know a lot of things.」 To the question of how do you manage a foreign language, Mr. He suggests to read enormously and diversely. 「Of course it』s hard at the beginning, but as you read more, it will be less hard. We even had hard-fixed rules during the school years, for instance, you』re reading ten novels this semester. Along the way, the books would all just make sense to you.」

何兆武先生年輕時喜歡看電影;他最喜歡的影星是英格麗·褒曼(Ingrid Bergman),曾經看過十幾部她出演的片子。這個愛好對語言學習也很有幫助。「那時候,電影院放映的大部分是好萊塢電影,都是英文的。看電影也不貴,大概一兩毛錢看一次。你每個月看一次電影,看上一年,看了十幾部,大致就都可以聽懂了。這就好比你到上海,開頭不懂上海話,住個一年兩年,你也會了。」

Mr. He loved to watch movies when he was young. Favorite movie star being Ingrid Bergman, he』s seen a dozen of movies that starred her. This hobby also helps with the learning of foreign languages. 「Back then, the theatres screened lots of Hollywood movies, and they weren』t dubbed at all. It wasn』t expensive to go to one, costing you around 10 or 20 cents (1.4-2.8 US cent). You go to the movies once a month and do that for a whole year, then you would』ve seen about a dozen and you would』ve understood them all. It』s like when you go to Shanghai and you don』t understand a thing of Shanghainese, but then you live there for a couple of years and you』ll master the language.」


Mr. He has authored numerous great works. Many of his essays were published in collections: History and Its Methodology, A Collection of Rational Criticism Essays on History, On the History of Communion Between China and the West, etc. His translation works include Du Contract Social by Rosseau, Les Pensées by Pascal, A Collection of Rational Criticism Essays on History by Kant,A History of Western Philosophy by Russell, etc.


Mr. He went on to teach world history in college, and began to translate relevant western academic works. What he wanted to convey through the translation was the authors』 thoughts on the past history. 「Every country and every nation has its own history. If you don』t know anything about it, it』s a great loss for you. The history of other countries is part of human history, and everything in history is valuable.」


Mr. He says, almost all his translation works are about the intellectual history, and that』s what interests him the most. 「There are just too many books to be translated, you can only pick so many that you』re interested in. When you like what you do, you work better. If you don』t and you are forced to do the uninteresting thing, there』s no way you can work well. You have to be absorbed in a book in order to translate it well. You won』t be, if you』re not interested in it.」 On April 20, 2015, the Translators Association of China (TAC) honored Mr. He with TAC』s Lifetime Achievement Award in Translation.


Mr. He』s word for the young translators is, you should cultivate the interest and practice a lot. 「Do a little bit of everything, and gain an experience for yourself. Translate something just for your own practice. Find a couple of books that you』re interested in, and translate them just for the sake of it. It gets easier as you translate more and gain more experience.」 The photo shows a newspaper article headlined 「Lifetime Achievement Award Goes to Mr. He Zhaowu.」


For health reasons, Mr. He doesn』t work anymore. He mocks himself saying, 「I』m almost 96 years old now. You don』t live very long after you get there. Even if you』d make it to 100 years, it wouldn』t be real 『living,』 since you wouldn』t be able to do what you really want to do.」 However, even though he』s in bed all day long, there are always a few stacks of books beside his bed, and he still translates for fun from time to time. The photo shows a daily schedule of Mr. He.


On the windowsill of Mr. He』s bedroom, there are some photos of his family. Among them, the one in black and white is his deceased wife.


After the interview, Mr. He insists on getting up and walking us to the doorway.


A common-looking apartment building at the southwest corner of Tsinghua University』s campus, this is where Mr. He Zhaowu, renowned historian and translator lives.





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