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上海市第二中級人民法院認為,被告人朱曉東故意殺人,致一人死亡,其行為已構成故意殺人罪,依法應予處罰。本案雖因婚姻家庭矛盾引發,且朱曉東自首,但朱曉東犯罪性質惡劣,作案後長時間藏匿被害人屍體。期間,朱曉東還用被害人的錢款、身份證,多處旅遊、與異性開房約會等,肆意揮霍享樂,無悔罪表現,社會危害極大,罪行極其嚴重,故依法對朱不予從輕處罰。依照《中華人民共和國刑法》第二百三十二條、第五十七條第一款之規定,作出如上判決。今天讓我們一起來看相關新聞和英語報道。新聞來源有:1 China Daily Wife killer sentenced to death2 Global Times Shanghai man who killed, froze wife on trial
Yang』s family has accused Zhu of committing premeditated murder, claiming that he purchased the freezer two months before her death. However, during a court hearing in November, the man claimed that he bought the freezer for storing meat meant for his pet reptiles.
【注釋】1 be sentenced to death: 被判處死刑;2 strangle:勒死,扼死,絞死,掐死; 3 quilt: 被子,被褥;4 premeditated murder:蓄意謀殺;premeditated:(犯罪)有預謀的,預先策劃的; A premeditated crime is planned or thought about before it is done.
Zhu Xiaodong, who was accused of murdering his wife and freezing her corpse, will be sentenced on Thursday, http://Xinmin.cn reported.
Zhu strangled Yang Liping over a dispute in October 2016 at their home in Shanghai. After that, he wrapped the body in a quilt and hid it in arefrigerator for 105 days, during which time he posed as his wife on social networking sites and through text messages to her parents and friends.He turned himself in to police in February 2017 after inviting his parents over for dinner and confessing his guilt. According to a 2017 report by Beijing Youth Daily, Zhu confessed in court and said he was "willing to accept all punishment in line with the law." Yangs family believe it was a premeditated murder and demanded justice, calling for the most severe punishment.【注釋】1 turn sb in to police=surrender himself to police.向公安機關自首(投案)
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