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營養學是留學美國申請較為熱門的專業之一,但是在美國的大學中,營養學的研究生課程開設的不算太多,在綜合排名前100當中,大概只有20多所學校開設這個專業,因此申請競爭較為激烈。部分學校將營養學研究生課程單獨設置在食品與營養系下面,也有部分學校將營養學的研究生課程定位為多科學的交叉性課程。不同學校的營養學分支設置也不相同,歸納起來,可分為臨床營養學(Clinical Nutrition)、社區營養學(Community Nutrition)、食品營養學(Food Nutrition)和生化與分子營養學(Biochemical & Molecular Nutrition)這四個主要的分支方向。




Graduate Admissions & Admissions to the Nutritional Sciences Graduate Program

Admission is based on under-graduate and graduate grades, letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant』s academic potential and/or professional experience, and the applicants statement of purpose. A GRE exam score is required for admissions but admission is not based on GRE score cut-points. The Admission Committee also examines the fit between applicant』s goals and the goals of the program.

Admissions decisions are made by the Graduate Admissions Committee on the basis of review of each applicants particular profile of strengths.

In-residence Application deadline for Spring is October 1.

In-residence priority Deadline for Fall applications is December 1 if applying for financial support, however the program will continue to accept applications through the spring semester.

Masters of Nutritional Sciences Online priority deadline is May 1, final deadline August 1. Please see this page for the Online Application.

Educational Requirements for Admission

Admission requirements to the Graduate School and the Nutritional Sciences Graduate Program are as follows:

1. A bachelor』s degree in a nutrition related field from an accredited United States institution or proof of equivalent training at an institute outside the United States.

2. A grade point average of at least 3.00 in upper-division work (junior- and senior-level courses) and in any graduate work already completed.

3. Although a combined GRE score, verbal and quantitative, of more than 300 is no longer an admission requirement, the GRE test is still required for admission and is used to inform the admissions process.

4. A satisfactory score (minimum score of 82 required) on the TOEFL exam. For more information, please see utexas.edu/ogs/admissio

5. Applicants should have a background in nutrition or related sciences.

6. Personal statement of the individuals research and professional experience, goals, and how completion of the program will further those goals.

7. Applicants should have a background in nutrition or related sciences and/or meet the pre-requisite coursework for admissions (described below).

The Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) recommends that if you do not have a bachelor』s degree in a science field, you are requested to complete the courses below prior to applying for admission to our program:

* Introductory Nutrition and Laboratory

* Introductory Biology: Cell Biology

* Vertebrate Physiology

* Principles of Chemistry and Laboratory

* Organic Chemistry and Laboratory

* Biochemistry and Laboratory



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