Cocktails Families.

Cocktails Families.

來自專欄 Mixology調酒之樂

1.Beer- and cider-based mixed drinks

This category of mixed drinks doesn』t present a greatchallenge to the cocktailian bartender, but it is important, as always, toachieve balance in these drinks, and much of this depends on the beer beingused. I tend to shy away from lighted-bodied American lager and opt formicrobrewed products, which tend to be sturdier. Sometimes I 『ll evensubstitute a pale ale for a larger---the Sierra Nevada bottling is a goodchoice here.

Definition: Beer- and cider- based mixed drinks contain beeror cider; it doesn』t matter what ratio the beer or cider has to any otheringredient or groups of ingredients.

Include:Black and Tan, Black, Black Velveteen, Boilermaker, Dog』sNose, Larger and lime, Pernod and Cider, Shandy.

2. Bottled Cocktails

If you are throwing a party, it』s best to prepare more thanone variety of bottled cocktail so that your guests will have a choice ofbeverage. For service, it』s a good idea to take a larger container, big enoughto hold at least one bottle of each cocktail, fill it with ice, and arrange thebottles, each fitted with a speed pourer, decoratively---perhaps surrounded bysliced fruits, or even flowers. You can take another iced-filled container andarrange upturned cocktail glasses on top of the ice so that they』ll be wellchilled when the party begins.

Definition: Bottled cocktails are mixed drinks made forgatherings and parties, usually in advance of the event. Water should be addedto the recipe to compensate for the lack of ice meltage present in cocktailsmixed in a shaker or mixing glass.

Include:Cosmopolitan,Jack Rose Royale, Manhattan, Magarita, Martini, Circa 1900, Sidecar DeLuxe.

3. Champagne Cocktail

The original Champagne Cocktail, classically made by placinga cube of sugar in the bottom of a champagne, soaking it with bitters, andfilling the glass with chilled champagne, invites myriad variations, It shouldbe seriously considered as a base for new creations, especially as new spiritsand liqueurs are released.

Definition: Champagne Cocktails are drinks that containchampagne or any other sparkling wine, no matter what ratio the champagnehas to any other ingredients or groupsof ingredients.

Include: Alfonso,Bellini,B9 Martini, Champagne Cocktail, Esquivel Cocktail,Eve』s Seduction Apple Martini, Fallen Angel Cocktail, French 75, Kir Royale,Mimosa, Moon Walk, Nelon』s Blood, OldCuban Cocktail, Pierce Brosnan, Punt e Mes Fizz, Ritz of New York, SeelbachCocktail, Tbilisi Royale, Tiepolo, Tsar』s Champagne Cocktail, Tulio Oro.

4. Cobblers

The family of this drink was around by the mid-1800s, andalthough I』m tempted to say that cobblers are now arcane, they do provide abase for creativity and should probably be reconsidered by professional andamateur bartenders alike.

Definition:Cobblers call for a base liquor and a sweetening agent, suchas simple syrup, grenadine, or a liqueur; they are built in glasses filled tothe brim with crushed ice and are garnished with an abundance of fruits.

Include:Bourbon Peach Cobbler, Brandy Cobbler, Crème de MentheFrappe, French Connection Cobbler, Jamaican Cobbler.

5. Duos and trios

Duos call for two ingredients, usually a spirit and aliqueur; Trios call for cream or a cream liqueur to be added to a Duo to make awhole new drink. Although two-ingredients drinks look simplistic, and some ofthem are , when one of the ingredients is a complex liqueur, such asChartreuse, or perhaps a multiayered single-malt scotch, they can be quiteintricate.

Definition: Duos are composed of two ingredients, usually abase spirit and a liqueur, and are normally served in an old-fashioned glass.Trios and Duos to which cream or a cream liqueur has been added. Not all Duoscan be mad into Trios. Not all Trios start out as Duos.

Include: Alaska, Alexander, Amaretto Alexander, AppleMartini, Black Russian, Brandy Alexander, Brave Bull, Burnet, Burnished GoldMartini, Chocolate Martini, Copper Swan Cocktail, Debonair, Dubonnet Cocktail,French Connection, Goddaughter, Godfather, Godmother, Godson, Golden Cadillac,Grasshopper, Irish Peach Cream, Mudslide, Pacific Rim Martini, Pink Squirrel,Planter』s Cocktail, Raspberry Martini, Rusty Nail, Starry Night Cocktail,Stinger, Toasted Almond, Tremblment de Terre, white Russian, White Spider.

6. French-Italian drinks

Drinks included here all contain vermouths, either sweet,dry, or both, or sometimes brand-named products, such as Lillet, an aperitifwine that』s closely related to vermouth. The name of this family of drinks isderived from the fact that people used to call sweet vermouth 「Italian」 and dryvermouth 「French」, referring to their countries of origin(regardless of wherespecific bottlings were actually produced).

Definition: French-Italian drinks contain a distilled spiritand sweet or dry vermouth, or sometimes both. They can be modified by otheringredients.

Based with a gin or vodka based, include: Abbey Cocktail,Allies Cocktail, Bermuda Rose Cocktail, Bronx Cocktail, Caricature Cocktail,Chanticleer Cocktail, Claridge Cocktail, Dirty Martini, Gibson, GoldfishCocktail, Income Tax Cocktail, Martinez, Martini, Maurice Cocktail, PompierCocktail, Riveredge Ccocktail, The Third Degree, or Martini with a Spot, VesperMartini.

Based with a whiskey or brandy, include: Algonquin Cocktail,Arawak Cocktail, Black Feather Cocktail, Blackthrone, Blood-and-Sand Cocktail,Boddy Burns Cocktail, Blackthorne, Blood-and-Sand Cocktail, Bobby BurnsCocktail, CEO Cocktail, Corpse Reviver NO.1, Deadly Sin, Dubliner Cocktail,Manhattan, Manhattan(dry), Manhattan(perfect), Manhattan(Kentucky』s Best),Millennium Manhattan, Paddy Cocktail, Phoebe Snow Cocktail, Preakness Cocktail,Remember the Maine, Rob Roy, Rob Roy(dry), Rob Roy(perfect).

7. Frozen Drinks

For it to be palatable, it』s imperative that it have asmooth consistency and be easy to sip through a straw.

Include: Cognac Coulis, FrozenBanana Colada, Frozen Banana Daiquiri, Frozen Chi-Chi, Frozen Daiquiri, FrozenMargarita, Frozen Pina Colada, Hemingway Daiquiri, Rum Runner.

8. Highballs

Highball is a railroad term formerly used to indicate to theconductor on a stream train that there was enough water in the tank, and thusthe train could go full speed ahead. The water level was indicated by a ballconnected to a float inside the tank, so when the ball was high, the tank wasfull.

Definition: Highballs are built in highball glasses; theycall for a base spirit and a mixer, such as soda or water.

Include: Bourbon and Branch, Bourbonand Coke, Brandy and Soda, Cuba Libre, Dark and Stormy, Gin and Tonic, GinBuck, Jack and Coke, Mamie Taylor, Moscow Mule, Pimm』s Cup, Presbyterian, Ryeand Ginger, Scotch and Soda, Scotch and Water, Seven and Seven, Vodka andTonic.

Highballs: FloridaHighballs

They are mixed drinks built in a highball glass that containorange or grapefruit juice but not cranberry juice, since that』s the definingingredient in New England Highballs. You』ll understand why I chose to grouptheses drinks together, pay close attention to the relationship between Sex onthe Beach, a New England highball, and the Fuzzy Navel, its Floridian sister.

Include: Alabama Slammer, Black-EyedSusan, Bocce Ball, Freddie Fudpucker, Fuzzy Navel, Greyhound, HarveyWallbanger, The Salty Chihuahua, Salty Dog, Screwdriver, Sioe ComfortableScrew, Tequila Sunrise.

Highballs: NewEngland Highballs

All New England Highballs contain cranberry juice and arebuilt in a highball glass. Although there are only six drinks in the NewEngland Highball family, it』s interesting to note the relationship between theCape Codder, the Madras, Sex on the Beach, and the Woo Woo.

Include: Bay Breeze, Cape Codder,Madeas, Sea Breeze, Sex on the Beach, Woo Woo.

9. Hot Drinks

Most hot drinks are fairly simple to prepare, but some, suchas Café Brulot, require a little skill. Remember, though, when making hotdrinks in which spices are called for, to use the freshest ingredients possiblein order to extract more flavor. For hot drinks served with cream floating ontop, please avoid the use of artificial products.

Include: Café Brulot, Hot ButteredRum, Hot Toddy, Irish Coffee, International Coffees: American coffee No.1to4,Caribbean Coffee, French Coffee, Gaelic Coffee, German Coffee, Greek CoffeeNo.1to2, Italian Coffee No.1to3, Jamaican Coffee No.1to2, Keoke coffee, MexicanCoffee, New Orleans Coffee, Spanish Coffee.

10. Infuse

Read more details about Infuse just click into this article please: To Infuse Spirits.

Include: Lark Creek Inn TequilaInfusion, Limecello, Limoncello, Raspberry Vodka.

11. Jelly Shots

Most mixed drinks, when turned into Jelly Shots, areunappealing to the eye. I recommend thatyou add a couple of drops of food coloring to the recipe, but be careful notadd too much----stir the mixture after every drop and test for color. Coloringalso makes the shots easy to distinguish from one another if you make a variety of shots.

Definition: Jelly Shots are drinks gelatinized by theaddition of unflavored gelatin.

Include:Banana Daiquiri Jelly Shot,Margarita Jelly Shot, Whiskey Sour Jelly Shot.


Although the word JULEP has no true connection to mint, wehave come to instantly think of that fragrant herb whenever the word is spoken.The drink in this family, therefore, all depend on fresh mint as a flavoringagent, or simply as an aromatic garnish.

Include:Massa Mojito, Mint JulepNo.1to2, Mojito, Southside Cocktail, Southside Fizz.

13. Milanese Drinks

This is a small but very important family of drinks, all ofwhich call for Campari. Campari is a form of bitters first produced in Milan,citca 1867, by Gaspare Campari, owner of the Café-patisserie Campari; it』s saidthat you must try this drink three times before you』ll enjoy it. This is anunderutilized ingredient in modern-day cocktail bars and should be consideredfor use when you』re in a creative mode.

Include: Americano, Astor Martini, Blood Orange, Negroni, Teresa,Valentino, Valentino(Vodka).

14. Muddled Drinks

When granulated sugar is muddled with wedges of citrusfruit, it can add an extra dimension to some otherwise ordinary potions. Therecipe for the Tom Collins, for instance, calls for lemon juice---it』sbasically no more than gin, lemonade, and club soda, and it』s a very refreshingdrink. But if, instead of making the Tom Collins with lemon juice squeezed fromthe fruit, you muddle lemon wedges with granulated sugar, you will find thatthe sugar extracts the essential oils from the lemon zest and adds an extrasparkle to the drink. This doesn』t happen in every muddled drink; nevertheless,the act of muddling is part of the show for the customer, and it should beperformed where you, the bartender, can easily be seen.

Definition: Muddled drinks are made by crushing some of theingredients with a wooden muddler, or pestle, before adding ice and spirits.

Include: Caipirinha, Caipiroska, Whiskey Old-fashioned,Whiskey Old-fashioned(Fruit style), Whiskey Old-Fashioned(Peach).

Other drinks that call for muddling included in the recipechapter: Massa Mojito: Julep Family, Mojito: JulepFamily, Old Cuban Cocktail: Champagne Cocktail Family, Southside Cocktail:Julep family; Southside Fizz: Julep Family.

15. Orphans

The thirty-three drinks included here don』t fit into anyfamily at all, as far as I can ascertain, so I』ve labeled them Orphans. Many ofthe Orphans, such as the Boston Cream Martini, the Glenkinchie Clincher, andthe Russian Walnut Martini, are modern-day creations and are quite sweet. Somenew cocktails that also fall into the Orphan category——the Dreamy DoriniSmoking Martini, being, perhaps, the prime example——aren』t sweet at all,however, and show off the craft of the twenty-first-century cocktailian bartender. Surprisingly enough, some of the old classics refused to bemembers of any family that I could figure out, the Sazerac and the Monkey GlandCocktail among them. These are recipes important to every bartender who wantsto have a complete repertoire. Dont ignore the Orphans.

Include: Baileys Chocolate Martini,Banana-Split Martini, Betsy Ross, Blow My Skull Off, Bobbo』s Bride Straight Up,Boston Cream Martini, Dreamy Dorini Smoking Martini, Elegant Without Number,Flame of Love, Flirtini Martini, Gimlet, Glenkinchie ClINCHER, HawaiianCocktail, Haymaker Special, Jamaican Ten-Speed, Kentucky Long Shot, Kir, Lewis& Martin Cocktail, Libation Goddess, Mandrintini, Many Pickford Cocktail,Millennium Cocktail, Monkey Gland Cocktail NO.1to2, Mousques Cocktail, OatmealCookie Cocktail, Royale, Russian Walnut Martini, Satan』s Whiskers, Sazerac,Tart Gin Cooler, Tiramisu Martini, White Wine Spritzer.

16. Pousse-cafes

Pousse-café literally translates as 「push the coffee」,although the intent in unclear. Did this category of drinks originate assomething to 「push」 the coffee down your throat? Or perhaps, as some peoplehave suggested, the phrase might have originally meant 「Push the coffee away,I』ll have myself a drink.」

Definition: Pousse-café are drinks made by floating oneingredient on top of another, or several others, to create a multi layeredeffect.

Include: Angel』s Tit, AWOL, B-52,Black-and-white Cocktail, Blue-eyed Blonde, Fifty Avenue, French-kiss Shooter.

17. Punches

Punches make life easy for the host at large parties andeven small gatherings. The drink is made beforehand, and guests enjoy theritual of helping themselves whenever they are ready for a second or thirddrink. It』s best to keep punches cold by using large blocks of ice in thebottom of the bowl; these are easily achieved by using thoroughly washed juiceor milk cartons, which can be peeled away from the ice without a great deal ofeffort.

Definition: Punches are mixed drinks made in largequantities for parties and other social gatherings.

Include: Artillery Punch, Bolo』sPomegranate Sangria, Bolo』s White Peach Sangria, Fish House Punch.

18. Snappers

I have grouped all the savory drinks together in the Snapperfamily because they are all, more or less, based on the Bloody Mary, which wasonce called the Red Snapper. The variations on these drinks are countless,since all sorts of different spices can be married to tomato juice, clam juice,or beef bouillon, and it can be interesting to create cuisine-specific snappersby using, say, cumin and turmeric to make an Indian Bloody Mary, or carawayseeds in conjunction with aquavit for a Swedish-style drink.

Definition: Snappers are mixed drinks made with savoryingredients such as tomato juice, beef bouillon, and clam juice and seasonedwith a variety of condiments.

Include: Bloody Bull, Bloody Caesar,Bloody Mary, Blood Mary Martini, Bullshot, Red Snapper.

19. Sours

The Sour family can be broken down into many differentcategories. For instance, sours that are sweetened by grenadine, rather thansimple syrup, were once known as Daisies, and Fixes were sours sweetened bypineapple juice.

Definition: Sours contain a base liquor, lime or lemonjuice, and a non-alcoholic sweetening agent, such as simple syrup, grenadine,or pineapple juice. If the base of a sour is a liqueur, no additionalsweetening agent is required.

Include: Amaretto Sour, AppleSidecar, Apricot Sour, Bacardi Cocktail, Bennett Cocktail, Bolero Cocktail,Clover Club Cocktail, Daiquiri, Delicious Cocktail, El Presidente, Fish HouseCocktail, Jack Rose, Lemon Drop, Old San Juan Sour, Pisco Sour, Scofflaw Cocktail, Tea Tini, Tropical Cocktail,Ward Eight, Whiskey Sour.

Sours: international sours

These sours, sweetened by liqueurs, offer the cocktailianbartender a wonderful opportunity for experimentation. It』s possible to takealmost any of these recipes and make it your own simply by substitutingdifferent liqueurs for the one called for in the formula.

Definition: International Sours call for a base liquor andeither lime or lemon juice, and are sweetened by a liqueur, another fruitjuice, or both.

Include: An apple a day, AviationCocktail, Bistro Sidecar,Canteen Martini, Charlie Chaplin Cocktail, ChathamCocktail, Chaya Candy Apple Cosmo, Delmarva Coktail, Delmarva Cocktail No.2to3,Disaronno Margarita, El Floridita No.1to2, English Rose Cocktail, FernanditoCocktail, Gotham Cocktail, Hop Toad Cocktail, Jackey Club Cocktail No.2,Kretchma Cocktail, Leap-year Cocktail, Millionaire Cocktail No.4, Millionaire』sMargarita, Modernista, Paradise Cocktail, A quick Little Pick-me-up, RBSspecial cocktail, Stiletto Cocktail, Twentieth- Century Cocktail.

Sours: New Orleans Sours

Discovering this category of drinks was the most excitingthing that happened to me while writing. I owe a debt of gratitude toDr.Cocktail, a.k.a. Ted Haigh, for pointing out that the Sidecar is a variationon the Brandy Crusta, and that the Margarita is also built on the same formula.

Definition: New Orleans Sours call for a base spirit, lemonor lime juice, and triple sec or another orange-flavored liqueur, such ascuracao.

Include: Beachcomber Cocktail,Between the Sheets,Big Pine Key Cocktail, Blue Train Cocktail, Cacharita,Calvados Cocktail, Caribbean Cosmopolitan, Cherry Blossom Cocktail, ClassicCocktail, Corpse Reviver No.2, Cosmopolitan, Crux Cocktail, Deauville Cocktail,Footloose Cocktail, James Joyce Cocktail, Lola Martini, Maiden』s BlushCocktail, Maiden』s Prayer Cocktail, Margarita, Martin-i-tini, Metropolitan,Millionaire』s Margarita, Oriental Cocktail, Pegu Club Cocktail, RosebudCocktail, Sage Margarita, Sidecar.

Sours: Sparking Sours

Since relatively few Collinses, Slings, and Fizzes arerelevant to the twenty-first-century bartender, I have chosen to group them all together in this family; you』ll see howthey relate to each other.

Definition: Sparking Sours contain a base spirit, lemon orlime juice, a sweetening agent, and a carbonated beverage.

Include: Apricot Fizz, CarbonatedPiston Slinger, John Collins, Long Island Iced Tea, Maravel Sling, Pretty inPink, Ramos Gin Fizz, Singapore Sling No.1to2, Tom Collins.

Squirrel Sours

This, I believe, is a whole new genre of cocktails, and it』sa result of Mardee insisting that we buy some crème de noyau, a pinkalmond-flavored liqueur that』s readily available in liquor stores but is seldomseen behind bars of the twenty-first century.Crème de noyau works best in these drinks, since it deliverssuch a wonderful pinkish hue, but this is a good category for experimentationwith other nut-flavored liqueurs, such as amaretto, Frangelico hazelnutliqueur, and Nocello, a walnut-based liqueur.

Definition: Squirrel Sours call for a base spirit, lemon orlime juice, and crème de noyau or another nut-flavored liqueur.

Include: British Squirrel, CaribbeanSquirrel, Dutch Squirrel, French Squirrel, Irish Squirrel, Kentucky Squirrel,Maryland Squirrel, Mexican Squirrel, New Jersey Squirrel, Russian Squirrel,Scottish Squirrel.

20. Tropical Drinks

The tropical-drink craze was started in America by Donn theBeachcomber, who opened a tiki-themed joint in Hollywood in 1934.

Include: Bahama Mama, Fog Cutter,Hurricane, Mai Tai (original), Mai Tai No.2, Pina Colada, Planter』s Punch,Scorpion, Zombie No1to2.


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