這不,最近這段時間,坊間又開始風風火火地流傳起兩人要離婚的八卦了……於是,貝嫂直接霸氣地帶著全家人上了《Vogue》封面,回應了這件事……David and Victoria Beckham have finally addressed the state of their 19-year marriage in a new interview with Vogue, having been plagued by split rumours in recent months.For the October edition of the iconic publication, the superstar couple have taken part in a photoshoot with their entire brood - children Brooklyn, 19, Romeo, 16, Cruz, 13, Harper, seven, and even their beloved cocker spaniel, Olive.The image sees David and Victoria sat on the grass in the sunshine, the children and their dog leaping about around them with water guns.在接受《Vogue》採訪時,貝嫂表示:「People have been making things up about our relationship for 20 years, so David and I are pretty used to ignoring the nonsense and just carrying on as normal, but these things have a wider effect on the people around us, and that』s unfair.」「人們這20年來總是在我們的關係上無中生有,我和大衛對此習以為常,聽而不聞,以平常心對待,但這些事情給我們身邊的人帶來了更大的影響,這點很不公平。」先前,據小貝的朋友爆料,在上次的離婚謠言流傳最厲害的時候,小貝和貝嫂還和家裡的四個孩子來了場嚴肅的深度談話,表明爸爸不是騙子(捂臉)……「They sat the children down and addressed these horrific, hurtful whispers. Both David and Victoria are very transparent with the kids to ensure they hear things directly from them - and not from the playground.」「他們讓孩子們坐下來,處理這些可怕又傷人的閑言碎語。大衛和維多利亞都對孩子們十分坦誠,確保他們能從自己這裡直接得到消息 —— 而不是從遊樂場里。」「After the latest furore, they once again took the decision to be open and honest with them, reassuring them Daddy is not a cheat.」「在最近的風波之後,夫妻倆再次決定要和孩子們坦誠相待,讓他們相信爸爸不是騙子。」在採訪中,貝嫂也談到了小貝和一家人對她而言的意義。「We both realise that we are stronger together than we are as individuals. Would either of us be in the position that we are in now had we not met and been together all those years ago? It』s all about the family unit.」「我們倆都意識到,和單獨一個人時相比,我們倆在一起的時候強大多了。如果我們兩人沒有相遇,並且在一起這麼多年,我們能成為今天的自己嗎?這一切都與家庭紐帶緊密相關。」隔三差五地就「被離婚」,感覺小貝一家也是有點心累啊……
來源:Daily Mail
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