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一。System and Control 系統控制分支

(機器人的領域除了人工智慧和machine learning以外,就是EE當中的系統控制)

1.1:Technical University of Denmark 丹麥技術大學(DTU):ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING QS排名116;

專業:Electronic Engineering MSc,系統控制只是其中一個分支


1.1.1 Specializations分支分類

The MSc programme in Electrical Engineering allows you to specialize in one of the five study lines:

  • Automation and Robot Technology 而我們強調的機器人系統控制的部分是這個分支,有些同學會設計控制系統,控制機器人躲避障礙物等等,屬於這個分支。但是要注意,EE當中系統控制分支會涉及到機器人的領域,但是和純的Robotics MSc差別和要求都非常大,這一點一定要注意。

1.1. 2 課程設置:Electrical Engineering (MSc) - DTU


1.1.3 DTU其他的幾個分支為:

  • Acoustics 在微電子和集成電路的領域裡面有聲音處理,這個分支是側重音頻處理,

Acoustics is a wide field that includes topics such as human perception of sound and auditory modelling, electroacoustic systems and audio coding, architectural acoustics, sound fields and vibration, and advanced acoustic measurement techniques.

  • Electric Energy Systems 能源系統
  • Space Technology 空間技術
  • Wireless Engineering 無線工程

1.1.4 DTU的EE錄取背景要求:必須本身本科是EE本科或者相關專業(比如機械工程,CS等等)而你的本科成績單需要有數學和物理的成績,電子學和電磁技術等等這些EE本身的基礎課。

International students國際學生

Applicants to DTU』s MSc programme in Electrical Engineering must have completed a BSc in Electrical Engineering or another relevant course of study. Applicants should possess good qualifications in basic mathematics and physics as well as in electrical, electronic and electromagnetic technology. It is also recommended that applicants are acquainted with signal processing, programming and control. It is also important have experience with theoretical and experimental work.

Other applicants must be able to document that they possess corresponding qualifications and will be assessed individually.

1. 2:Chalmers University of Technology 瑞典查爾姆斯理工大學:QS排名133

  1. 2.1 專業名稱Systems, Control and Mechatronics 2年120個學分的項目


The aim of the programme is to prepare you for a professional career by providing a broad systems engineering base, suited to the engineering of complex, computer-controlled (embedded) products and systems. The programme also offers course packages towards subtopics (e.g. control; automation; mechatronics), and/or fields of application. Applications span a wide spectrum, from small consumer devices and medical equipment to large systems for process and production control.

1.3: KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm 皇家理工學院(KTH):QS排名98;


1.3.1 專業名稱Masters programme in Systems, Control and Robotics: Masters programme in Systems, Control and Robotics

KTH的系統與控制項目是獨立的項目,不是EE整體項目的分支,因此自己還有具體的分支:Programme tracks,但是這些分支就非常細化了,就一般選擇的時候學生背景差別不會大,而主要看興趣點了,這一點在動機信當中和職業規劃聯繫在一起。

Robotics and autonomous systems機器人學和自動系統: This track is intended for students that are interested in autonomous systems. This track has a somewhat broader scope and also looks, for example, at sensing and perception in addition to control.

Networked control systems網路化控制系統: The track is intended for students who are interested in future industrial or academic careers within the area of networked control systems. Examples of these systems include, among others, autonomous agents and vehicles, smart electricity grids, smart buildings and factories, and communication networks.

Systems and control theory系統和控制理論: This track provides a strong theoretical basis for a future industrial or academic career in complex system design and analysis.

Electric energy systems電力系統: This track is intended for students who are interested in systems and control with applications to electric power systems and electrical machines.

1.4 Technische Universiteit Delft 代爾夫特理工大學 (TUD):Master of Science Electrical Engineering, Track: Signals & Systems QS排名54;學校卡211

1.4.1 專業名稱: Master of Science Electrical Engineering, Track: Signals & Systems

Track: Signals & Systems

TUD的系統分支和一般的控制系統不太一樣,融合了信號處理的領域,而EE當中信號處理是單獨的一個領域,叫做signal processing,而這個項目是融合了兩者。所以有信號處理項目的背景和系統背景的都可以申請TUD這個項目,而一般其他學校當中信號的領域有些會出現在communication或者information當中。

1.4.2 課程設置:

Track Programme


1.5 Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TUE):Electrical Engineering,QS排名104;

1.5.1 專業名稱:Masters Program Systems and Control

Masters Program Systems and Control


Research groups Electrical Engineering EE旗下的兩個分支:

Electromechanics and Power Electronics (EPE)

Control Systems (CS)






2.1 Chalmers University of Technology 瑞典查爾姆斯理工大學:QS排名133

Embedded Electronic System Design

2.1.1 課程設置:選修課的寬泛程度每個學校不一樣,而每個課程的課程描述學校都在官網上面有,詳細課程描述建議上上面的鏈接自己看

2.1.2 錄取背景要求:

Entry requirements (academic year 2018/19)

General entry requirements 整體項目的基礎要求:必須是理工科出身

To be eligible an applicant must either be a holder of a Bachelors degree in Science/Engineering/Technology/Architecture or be enrolled in his/her last year of studies leading to such a degree.

Specific entry requirements 項目的特殊學分先修課要求:

Bachelors degree (or the equivalent) with a Digital Design profile and a Major in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Automation and Mechatronics Engineering, Engineering Physics or the equivalent


Prerequisites: Mathematics (at least 30cr.) (including Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations and Transform theory), Electronic and computer fundamentals (including Electric circuit theory, Electronics, Digital Fundamentals, Digital system design using VHDL/Verilog, Computer organization), Basic Programming, Signals and Systems (including Control and Filter fundamentals) 必須有30個學分的數學課程,包括線性代數,微積分,微分方程和變換理論),電子和計算機基礎(包括電路理論,電子學,數字基礎,使用VHDL / Verilog的數字系統設計,計算機組織),基本編程,信號和系統 和Filter基礎)30個學分,一個也不能少,而歐洲ECT的學分轉換方式和國內是1:1或者1:1.5,或者1:1.75, 每個學校不一樣,要看兩個學校總體學分的比例

Preferable course experience: Advanced computer organization, Electrical measurements, Semiconductor devices or Microelectronics and Programming (C/C++) 有較好的課程經驗:先進的計算機組織,電氣測量,半導體設備或微電子學和編程(C / C ++)

2.2 KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm 皇家理工學院(KTH):QS排名98;

專業名稱Masters programme in Embedded Systems 1月15日截止日期

Embedded Systems at KTH


The programme offers four tracks:

The Embedded Electronics track addresses the problems of integrating sensors and communication devices into SoC/ASIC and PCB-based embedded systems, with a focus on the Internet of things.嵌入式電子學軌道解決了將感測器和通信設備集成到基於SoC / ASIC和PCB的嵌入式系統中的問題,重點放在物聯網上。

The Embedded Platforms track addresses the problems of designing and assembling an embedded single-/multi-/many-core CPU platform, including embedded softwareEmbedded Platforms跟蹤解決了嵌入式單/多/多核CPU平台(包括嵌入式軟體)的設計和組裝問題。

The Embedded Software track addresses the problems of designing and maintaining embedded software running on single-/multi-/many-core systems, including computer hardware fundamentals.嵌入式軟體跟蹤解決了設計和維護在單/多/多核系統上運行的嵌入式軟體的問題,包括計算機硬體基礎知識。

The Embedded Control track addresses the problems of designing electronics/embedded systems that are closely integrated with mechanical systems.嵌入式控制軌道解決了與機械系統緊密集成的電子/嵌入式系統設計問題。

2.3 Technische Universiteit Delft 代爾夫特理工大學 (TUD):Master of Science Electrical Engineering, Track: Signals & Systems QS排名54;

2.3.1 專業名稱:MSc Embedded Systems 學校卡211

MSc Embedded Systems


2.4 Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TUE):Electrical Engineering,QS排名104;

2.4.1 專業名稱:Embedded Systems Embedded Systems


  • Design of a high-performance buffered crossbar switch fabric using network on chip使用晶元上網路設計高性能緩衝交叉開關結構
  • ClasH – From Haskell to hardwareClasH - 從Haskell到硬體
  • Advanced automated sequential hardware - in the loop simulator generator先進的自動化順序硬體 - 在環路模擬器發生器中研究
  • DVB4Cell: Composable Algorithm Toolkit for the Cell Broadband 可組合演算法工具包
  • Radio wave propagation in metal train compartments無線電波在金屬火車車廂內傳播
  • Profiling symmetric encryption algorithms for implant Table medical devices分析種植醫療器械的對稱加密演算法
  • Control of section distributions on boundary layer suction systems for automotive wind tunnels汽車風洞邊界層吸力系統截面分布的控制
  • Analyzing RT-motion USB software framework分析RT-motion USB軟體框架
  • A multi-level parallel solution for Huffman decoding霍夫曼解碼的多級並行解決方案






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