雙語閱讀 | 女生可以女漢子,為什麼男生就不能「娘」呢?
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Youve probably heard it before: More than biology, family, friends and society influence impressions of what it means to be a boy or a girl, placing rigid gender expectations on children from a young age.
In recent years, a growing body of research has focused on health inequities that result from enforced gender norms in children.
Whether a child is in Baltimore, Beijing or New Delhi, the onset of adolescence triggers a common set of rigidly enforced gender expectations associated with increased lifelong risks of mental and physical health problems.
The study calls it the hegemonic myth: the perception that men are the dominant sex, strong and independent, while women need to be protected.
CNN早前曾刊登了文章《Why girls can be boyish but boys cant be girlish》,其中寫道:
Today, theres not a single traditionally masculine thing a girl can do that would raise eyebrows.
超過一半的女生加入運動隊。水果姐Katy Perry、黑寡婦斯嘉麗約翰遜都剪了乾淨利落的短髮。《神奇女俠》成為史上最賣座的超級英雄電影之一。
Meanwhile, theres still not a single traditionally feminine thing a boy can do that wouldnt raise eyebrows. A boy who likes wearing jewelry or makeup, twirling in a tutu or caring for baby dolls is at best the subject of conversations conducted sotto voce. At worst: a bullys target.
Describe a boy with a phrase that includes the word "girl" in it, and youre likely to make his parents spines quiver, including those of many of the feminist dads I know.
Girls get to flip through books like "Strong is the New Pretty," but no publication is telling boys that typically feminine traits like caring for others or, yes, taking an interest in beauty (which is often tsked tsked in boys) is the new strong.
In her recent book "Women and Power: A Manifesto," Mary Beard encourages readers to scrutinize our notions of power, particularly those inhospitable to behaviors and experiences traditionally associated with women.
Mary Beard在其新書《女性和權利:一項宣言》中,鼓勵讀者審視我們對權力的觀念,尤其是那些對傳統上與女性有關的行為和經歷不友好的讀者。
"If women are not perceived to be fully within the structures of power, surely it is power that we need to redefine rather than women?" she writes.
Widening the perimeters of boyhood would be a great place to begin this work of redefining power. It should, as others have suggested, help inoculate boys against the stoicism and aggression some of them experience in their teenage years.
Raewyn Connell, author of "Masculinities," said many teenage boys still feel as though they must avoid any signs of weakness or femininity.
《Masculinities》的作者Raewyn Connel認為,還有很多青少年覺得他們應該避免任何軟弱或女性化的行為。
This, in turn, feeds homophobia, because gay men are associated with the parts of themselves that they feel they must suppress.
"With teenage boys, the search for respect and recognition often results in exaggerated displays of dominating masculinity: the football hero, the first guy in the peer group who smokes, the playground bully, etc.," Connell said. This is often accompanied by "a stark rejection of girl things. "
Broadening boyhood will also help give legitimacy to womens work and interests, bringing things like beautification, compromise and caring for others into the official range of human endeavors that truly matter.
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