

來自專欄魏劍峰:當我們在談英語學習時我們在談什麼63 人贊了文章



寫作中常見的用於表示原因-結果的連接詞有so/thus/therefore/consequently/as a result/as a consequence/for this reason等等。這裡介紹一個新的說法:

Mr Mattis has argued that, judging both by its declared philosophy and its growing arsenal, Russia could in certain situations resort to 「battlefield」 nuclear weapons in the belief that America would not want to respond to the use of a low-yield nuclear weapon by annihilating Moscow. It follows that America needs to be able to match Russia at every level of escalation.


這裡有一個值得注意的表達:It follows that… 這是一個固定句式,意思是「由此得出,由此可以推斷出」。


(1) If we posit that wage rises cause inflation, it follows that we should try to minimize them.

(2) Because ladybirds eat greenfly, it follows that a decrease in the numbers of ladybirds will lead to a rise in the population of greenfly.


Research has shown that increased investment in higher education has a positive effect on a country』s gross domestic product. In the long term, a society with more educated citizens will experience more innovation, greater productivity, and higher global competitiveness. It follows that governments should make higher education available to all students.


如何形容某事物具有很多優點,能夠帶來好處?常見的說法是:something is beneficial/something can offer many benefits,除此之外,還可以參考下面的用法:

But when many in the West are contemplating their future with new foreboding, it is important to understand why the sceptics are wrong; why economic integration is a force for good; and why globalisation, far from being the greatest cause of poverty, is its only feasible cure.

上文中有這樣一句話:why economic integration is a force for good(為什麼經濟一體化是有益的)。其中a force for good是一個地道英文寫作中很常見的表達,它的意思是「某事物是有益的,某事物能帶來好處」。比如麥克米倫詞典中有這樣的例句:

The Internet can be a force for good by helping to spread knowledge.


(1) Despite its potential risks, genetically engineering technology can be a force for good by helping to fight hunger and poverty.

(2) In recent years, many Chinese citizens have taken a keen interest in western holidays and festivals. As long as foreigners do not try to impose their beliefs on the local people, the growing popularity of western festivals can be a force for good.


下面的句子出自The Economist一篇關於非洲電網建設的文章Light-bulb moment:

Typically, countries connect citizens with vast grid-extension programmes. Big grids make perfect sense for populous places. They can cheaply supply power generated far away to millions and, as they incorporate more wind and solar energy, they are becoming greener. But in remote places, the economic case for grids becomes hard to make.


其中最後一句話值得注意:the economic case for grids becomes hard to make. 這裡case是熟詞生義,它的含義是「論點;事實」(a set of facts and arguments that you can state for or against something),the economic case for grids becomes hard to make 字面意思即「電網在經濟上的理由並不充分」,引申為「使用電網在經濟上並不划算」。


There is a good case for/against building nuclear plants.


He makes a good case for cutting expenses.


A case can be made for reducing taxes right now.



Any welfare reform entails trade-offs between the cost of a scheme and its effects on poverty and incentives to work. No scheme is perfect. But a good basis is the negative income tax, which subsidises workers below an earnings threshold, while taxing those above it.


a trade-off between A and B 也是一個應用很廣的句型。舉兩個例子:

(1) In the face of serious pollution, many countries have to make a trade-off between economic growth and environmental protection.

(2) More and more office workers feel that they have to make a trade-off between their job and their family.



(1) It follows that…

(2) be a force for good

(3) a case can be made

(4) a trade-off between A and B


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