
生詞表 2013

生詞表 2013


speculate 推測

plaintiff 原告

defendant 被告

indictment 控告 accusation

anticipate 預期

turnaround 周轉時間

disposable 一次性的

hijack 劫持

curb 控制

fine-grained 細緻的

get cracking on 動工,開始做

set off the row 挑起爭吵

comply with 服從 observe conform to/with

on that count 在那一方面

indulgence 縱容

asteroid 小行星

be tempted to 想要做

flagship 旗艦

hence 因此,之後,自此

willfully 任性固執地

fad 一時流行的狂熱

This long perspective makes the pessimistic view of our prospects seem more likely to be a passing fad.

lot 命運

But we are now knowledgeable enough to reduce many of the risks that threatened the existence of earlier humans, and to improve the lot of those to come.

fashion 使成型

overstep 逾越,違反

agrotechnology 農業技術

eradicate 根除,消滅

paraphrase 轉述,意譯

disciplinary 學科的

Today, the socia sciences are largely focused on disciplinary problems and internal scholarly debates, rather than on topics with external impact.


open book竟然不是打開書!那是什麼?
ZAPP Vocabulary 2.1 – Jobs & Work

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