





ABEAM - 向右或與水運工具中心成直角。

ABOARD - 在水上飛機上或在水上飛機上。

交通點 - 在您放入或取出的河流或湖泊岸邊的地方。

活動刀片 - 當使用雙層或皮划艇刀片時,在任何特定時刻在水中的刀片。

AFLOAT - 漂浮在水面上的行為。不要擱在岩石或沙洲上。

AFT - 朝向水上船的後部或船尾。

AGROUND - 皮划艇或其他水上工具卡在沙洲或沙灘上的一個點,特別是在無意的情況下。

錨點 - 防止船隻移動的機械裝置

ANCHOR TROLLEY - 在一側運行皮艇長度的裝置。您可以通過索具中的環來運行您的錨索,這將允許您通過索具移動環來更改錨的位置。

ASTERN - 朝向皮划艇或其他水上飛機的後部。

AZIMUTH - 與北方水平偏離的角度。使用指南針時,方向以度為單位讀取。例如,南方將是一個180度的方位角。

BACKPADDLE - 向後划槳,作為減緩或逆轉皮划艇向前運動的手段。

保釋 - 通過用桶舀出皮艇或用艙底泵將其抽出來從皮艇中清空水。

BEAM - 皮划艇或其他水上運動工具在最寬處測量時的寬度。

BEAR OFF - 從海岸或障礙物推開。

以下 - 下游或下遊河流。

BENT SHAFT PADDLE - 刀片與軸成一角的槳。在平靜或平坦的水面上划槳時可提供更高的效率。

BILGE - 皮划艇船體內側的低點。

艙底泵 - 一種手或腳泵,用於清除收集在艙底水中的水。

BLADDER - 在皮艇內放置充氣氣囊,以在發生翻滾時提供更大的浮力。

BLADE - 槳的寬平端。

弓 - 皮艇的前端或前端。

弓 - 皮艇定向與弓向前。

支撐 - 用於提供支撐並防止皮划艇傾覆的中風。請參閱「高支撐」和「低支撐」。

緩慢行駛 - 當皮划艇橫越波浪,水流或障礙物時的一點。一個不受控制的拉刀的結果往往是傾覆。

BULKHEAD - 在皮艇的前後甲板下面的一個隔板,其中裝有齒輪或氣囊。

CAPSIZE - 將皮艇翻轉或翻轉成倒立姿勢的行為。可以通過戰鬥輥或划船者從船上的出口進行調整。

CHANNEL - 一段通過暗礁,淺灘和其他障礙物的可通行水域。

圖 - 導航地圖。

CHUTE - 在兩個大障礙物之間流動的一段河流,壓縮水流併產生迅速的水流。

駕駛艙 - 槳手坐在皮划艇甲板上的開口。

COAMING - 圍繞皮艇駕駛艙的邊緣配有噴霧裙。

DEAD RECKONING - 導航術語。通過考慮電流,風速以及您的預計航向和速度等因素來確定您的位置的方法。

甲板 - 皮船的外罩或頂部。

草稿 - 皮划艇的水線??與船的龍骨底部之間的距離。

拖曳 - 任何抵抗皮划艇或其他船隻向前運動的阻力。特殊的蠟可以用來減少皮艇的船體阻力。

乾衣服 - 一件寬鬆的衣服,襯衫和橡膠衣服穿在衣服上,旨在完全防水。即使在零度以下的溫度下也能保持佩戴者的溫暖。

DUFFEK TURN - 通常用於進入渦流的複合衝程。另請參閱High Brace。

EDDY - 電流 - 通常位於溪流或河流中的大石塊或其他障礙物後面 - 與主電流不一致。渦流中的水流停止或逆轉,並從主流向上流動。漩渦可以用作休息站或在被稱為「渦流跳躍」的技術中上行或下行。

EDDY LINE - 主要下游電流與次要上游電流之間的河流邊界。

ENDER - 一種遊戲機動,其中皮划艇允許他的船首被吸入一個洞中,將皮艇站立起來,直到船的浮力將其發射回空中。

臉部 - 推動水面的槳葉的一側。

瀑布 - 突然落在一個邊緣,水流入下面的水池。瀑布只能由高級皮划艇嘗試。

FEATHER - 要轉動槳葉,使槳葉與電流或風平行,阻力減小。

FERRY - 橫向移動皮艇或其他水上工具。

FIBERGLASS - 用於建造皮艇船體的輕質複合材料。玻璃纖維重量輕,強度好,相對容易修理。

FLATWATER - 平靜的河流,湖泊或海洋沒有激流或大浪。

FLOTATION - 在皮艇的前部和船尾放置泡沫或空氣囊以增加浮力並防止船在沉沒時下沉。

FOLDBOAT - 巧妙設計的皮划艇,由橡膠織物或帆布製成,具有可摺疊的木製或鋁製框架; 可以包裝成小捆或包裝以便於運輸。

FOOT BRACE - 通常在海上皮划艇上發現的類似兜風的腳踏板,通過ske鰭或方向舵提供更大的機動控制。

FORWARD FERRY - 一種機動遊戲,皮艇從水流角度向下游流動,橫向穿過河流的另一側。

GIRTH - 皮划艇或其他船體最寬處的周長。

梯度 - 衡量河流的傾斜程度,例如河流每公里或英里下降的英尺數量。

HATCH - 覆蓋在海上皮艇的甲板上,食物和其他裝備可以存放在不同的隔間中。

重水 - 高速度的湍流水,通常通過急流和其他狹窄的水道。

頭盔 - 覆蓋並保護槳手頭部的硬塑料或凱夫拉爾外殼。可選海上皮划艇,必須在河流和白水劃皮艇。

HIGH BRACE - 在進入或離開漩渦時通常使用的強勁且支撐性的支撐桿,以及皮艇對無意識傾覆的最佳防禦。也被稱為「Duffek中風」。

LOW BRACE - 一種支撐性的中風,手臂低而靠近身體,並且槳的背面支撐在水面上。

洞 - 通常形成在大石塊或其他障礙物後面的危險和動蕩的河流特徵。通常要避免的是,一個洞可以吸入水下的皮艇並將其固定在那裡。另一方面,游擊手往往會在可以彈出「恩德斯」的地方找到漏洞。見Enders。

船體 - 皮划艇的主體或外殼。船體可以由玻璃纖維,塑料,凱夫拉爾,艾拉爾鐵木,木材或充氣橡膠製成。

HUNG UP - 皮划艇或其他水上運輸工具被困在岩石或其他障礙物上時。

液壓 - 在河流上,水在岩壁或岩石底部迴流或以其他方式倒轉的區域。

HYPOTHERMIA - 身體核心溫度下降至危險水平的情況,通常在潮濕和寒冷的條件下。受害者可能變得昏昏欲睡或迷失方向。如果不能迅速治療,體溫過低會導致因暴露而死亡。

國際河流規模難度 - 河流急流暴力評估指南。類別範圍從第一類,輕微漣漪到第六類,只有先進的槳手才能嘗試的暴力白水。

K-1 - 一個人或獨木舟。

K-2 - 雙人或串聯皮艇。

卡亞克 - 類似於獨木舟的雙層或單槳槳式推進式甲板艇。

凱夫拉(KEVLAR) - 用於皮艇建造(和防彈背心)的合成材料。凱夫拉爾的優點包括重量輕,強度高達鋼材的五倍。

LASH - 通常用繩子或蹦極繩固定皮艇甲板上的裝備。

發射 - 推動皮艇或其他船從岸上進入水中的行為。

LEEWARD - 遠離風。順風。

LIFE JACKET - 一種由槳手佩戴的漂浮裝置,用於提供水中的浮力。也被稱為救生背心或PFD。

OUTFITTER - 為皮划艇和野外旅行提供所有必要設備的商業公司。

OUTSIDE BANK(外部銀行) - 河流或河流彎道的外部。

PADDLE - 帶有兩個平坦葉片的軸,用於在水中推進皮艇。槳可以由木頭,鋁或塑料製成。

剝皮 - 技術上留下漩渦,槳手將皮划艇指向上游,植入高支撐桿,並讓主要電流繞過河流進入河流。

PFD - 個人浮選設備。見救生衣。

枕形岩石 - 一種具有欺騙性的河流特徵,水流緩慢地流過水下障礙物。

瀝青 - 一條陡峭的河段。突然下降。

PIVOT - 在水中急轉彎。

PLAYBOATING - 在白水皮划艇上表演特技和其他動作的行為。通常只適用於高級手推車。

游泳池 - 溪流或河流上的平靜水域。

POWER FACE - 槳葉推動水面的表面。

PRY STROKE。用於將製作工藝側向移離槳板的槳衝程。


PUT-IN。獨木舟放置在水中的地方; 一個發射場; 旅行的開始。

設營。與風浪成一定角度; 一種以微小的角度騎在海浪上的技術,以避免將弓埋在駐波中。

RAPIDS - 通常伴有岩石和陡峭坡度的快速湍流白水。

讀水 - 一種判斷水情況並確定通過河流上的急流的最佳路線的技術。

REVERSAL - 一種類似於漩渦的水流特徵,電流本身反轉回來。逆轉通常是由表面或水下的岩石或其他障礙物引起的。

RIFFLES - 在I級白水中發現輕微,淺水急流。

SCOUTING - 在嘗試之前檢查河流未知部分的行為。始終是避免麻煩的好方法。

Schering - 一種支撐行程,使槳在水中始終以反覆的拱形運動。用於在傾覆後或遇到困難的水時支撐槳手。

軸 - 在皮划艇槳上,把手和槳葉之間的把手區域。

鞋 - 水體中特別淺的區域,通常由沙壩或其他水下障礙物形成。

SLALOM - 一種通過一系列大門操縱皮艇的河流賽車形式。

吸煙者 - 一段激進或暴力的白水。

SPRAY SKIRT - 圍繞槳手腰部的織物裙子,防止水從駕駛艙進入船內。

SQUALL - 在水面上快速移動的風暴,通常伴隨著陣陣風雨。

穩定波 - 波浪在一個地方保持靜止的白水功能。用於衝浪和其他playboating演習。

STARBOARD - 面向船頭的皮划艇右側。

斯特恩 - 皮划艇或其他水上飛機的後部。


STROKES - 用於控制皮艇速度和方向的各種划槳動作。

閃光燈 - 閃光燈安裝在海上皮划艇上,作為該地區其他船隻的警告信號。

衝浪 - 在海洋或白浪激流中「騎」波陣面的行為。

SWAMP - 當皮艇傾覆或無意中充滿水時。

TANDUM KAYAK - 一艘皮划艇,可容納兩名槳手。通常是海上皮划艇。也被稱為「K-2」皮划艇。

技術通道 - 一段艱難的急流,需要小心操縱才能安全通行。

喉嚨 - 槳葉軸上的區域扇出到更寬的葉片中。

TROUGH - 兩波之間的凹陷。

進行中 - 唉,這趟旅程已經開始了。

甚高頻無線電 - 甚高頻無線電。使用海上皮艇獲取當前的天氣狀況和其他信息。也可用於在緊急情況下發出遇險呼叫。

WATERLINE - 皮划艇或其他水上運輸工具漂浮時沿著船體的水線。

WAVE CREST - 波谷的頂峰,在波谷的對面。

WET EXIT - 在沒有選擇滾動的情況下舀出翻滾的皮划艇。

WET SUIT - 靠近身體穿著的氯丁橡膠緊身衣褲,用於防止冷水的寒冷。在寒冷的天氣情況下,一件好的濕衣服可以保護槳手免受低溫。

白水 - 也被稱為急流和野水。一陣湍急的快速流動的水流經岩石,瀑布和其他障礙物。

WINDWARD - 風吹的方向。背風的反面。

ABEAM -- To the right, or at right angles to the center of a water craft.

ABOARD -- On, or in, a water craft.

ACCESS POINT -- The spot on the banks of a river or lake where you put in or take out.

ACTIVE BLADE -- When using a double, or kayak, blade, that blade which is in the water at any given moment.

AFLOAT -- The act of floating on the water. Not aground on a rock or sandbar.

AFT -- Toward the rear, or stern, of a water craft.

AGROUND -- A point in which a kayak or other water craft is stuck upon a sandbar or shoal, especially when not intended to be.

ANCHOR -- A mechanical device that prevents a vessel from moving

ANCHOR TROLLEY -- Apparatus that runs the length of your kayak on one side. You run your anchor line through a ring in the rigging, and this will allow you to move the ring via the rigging to change the placement of your anchor.

ASTERN -- Toward the rear of a kayak or other water craft.

AZIMUTH -- The angle of horizontal deviation from the north. When using a compass, the direction is read in degrees. South, for example, would be an azimuth of 180 degrees.

BACKPADDLE -- Paddling backward as a means of slowing or reversing the forward motion of a kayak.

BAIL -- To empty water from a kayak by scooping it out with a pail or pumping it out with a bilge pump.

BEAM -- the width of a kayak or other water craft when measured at its widest point.

BEAR OFF -- To push off from shore or an obstruction.

BELOW -- Downstream or down river.

BENT SHAFT PADDLE -- A paddle in which the blade is set at anangle to the shaft. Provides greater efficiency when paddling in calm or flat water.

BILGE -- the low point on the inside of a kayaks hull.

BILGE PUMP -- a hand or foot pump used to remove water that collects in the bilge.

BLADDER -- An inflatable air bag placed inside a kayak to provide greater buoyancy in the event of a capsize.

BLADE -- The wide, flat end of a paddle.

BOW -- The front or forward end of the kayak.

BOW-IN -- Kayak oriented with the bow forward.

BRACING -- A stroke used to provide support and prevent the kayak from capsizing. See "high brace" and "low brace."

BROACHING -- A point when the kayak is oriented broadside to waves, currents, or an obstacle. The result of an uncontrolled broach is often a capsize.

BULKHEAD -- A partition beneath the forward and aft decks of a kayak in which gear or bladders are stowed.

CAPSIZE -- The act of flipping or rolling a kayak into an inverted position. Can be righted by a combat roll, or by the paddlers egress from the boat.

CHANNEL -- A section of passable water through reefs, shoals, and other obstructions.

CHART -- A navigational map.

CHUTE -- A section of river that flows between two large obstructions, compressing the water and causing a swift current.

COCKPIT -- the opening in the kayak deck in which the paddler sits.

COAMING -- Piece around the rim of a kayak cockpit to which a spray skirt is attached.

DEAD RECKONING -- A navigational term. A way of determining your position by taking into account such factors as currents, wind speed, and your projected course and speed.

DECK -- The cover or top of a kayak.

DRAFT -- The distance between the waterline on a kayak and the bottom of the boats keel.

DRAG -- Any resistance to a kayak or other boats forward motion. Special waxes can be used to decrease the drag on a kayaks hull.

DRY SUIT -- A loose fitting, insualted and rubberized garment worn over clothing and designed to keep water out completely. Designed to keep the wearer warm even in sub-zero temperatures.

DUFFEK TURN -- A compound stroke normally used for entering an eddy. Also see High Brace.

EDDY -- A current--usually behind a large rock or other obstruction in a stream or river--which is at variance with the main current. Water flow in eddies either stops or reverses and runs upstream from the main current. Eddies can be used as rest stops or to maneuver upstream or downstream in a technique known as "eddy hopping."

EDDY LINE -- The boundary in a river between the primary downstream current and a secondary upstream current.

ENDER -- A playboating maneuver where the kayaker allows the bow of his boat to be sucked into a hole, standing the kayak up on end, until the buoyancy of the boat sends it shooting back up in the air.

FACE -- The side of a paddle blade that is pushing against the water.

FALLS -- A sudden drop over an edge where water falls free into a pool below. Falls should be attempted by advanced kayakers only.

FEATHER -- The To turn the paddle so that the blade is parallel to the current or wind and the resistance is reduced.

FERRY -- To move a kayak or other water craft laterally across a current.

FIBERGLASS -- A lightweight composite material used in the construction of kayak hulls. Fiberglass is lightweight, has good strength, and is relatively easy to repair.

FLATWATER -- Calm river, lake, or ocean water without rapids or high waves.

FLOTATION -- Foam or air bladders placed in the hull of a kayak forward and aft to increase buoyancy and keep the boat from sinking in the event of a capsize.

FOLDBOAT -- Ingeniously designed kayaks made of a rubberized fabric or canvas with a collapsible wooden or alumnium frame; can be packed into a small bundle or pack for easy transportation.

FOOT BRACE -- a peddle-like foot rest, normally found in sea kayaks, that provides greater maneuvering control through a skeg or rudder.

FORWARD FERRY -- A maneuver whereby the kayak angles downstream to the current and crosses laterally to the opposite side of the river.

GIRTH -- The circumference of a kayak or other boats hull at its widest point.

GRADIENT -- A measurement of the degree of inclination of a river, as in the number of feet the river drops per kilometer or mile.

HATCH -- Covering on the deck of a sea kayak beneath which food and other gear can be stored in various compartments.

HEAVY WATER -- High velocity, turbulent water, usually through rapids and other constricted waterways.

HELMET -- Hard plastic or Kevlar shell that covers and protects the paddlers head. Optional in sea kayaking, mandatory in river and whitewater kayaking.

HIGH BRACE -- A strong, supportive bracing stroke normally used when entering or leaving an eddy and a kayakers best defense against an inadverdant capsize. Also referred to as a "Duffek stroke."

LOW BRACE -- A supportive stroke where the arms are low and close to the body, and the back face of the paddle is braced against the water.

HOLE -- A dangerous and turbulent river feature, usually formed behind large rocks or other obstructions. Normally to be avoided, a hole can suck a kayak beneath the water and hold it there. Playboaters, on the other hand, often seek out holes where they can pop "enders". See Enders.

HULL -- The main body or shell of a kayak. Hulls can be made of fiberglass, plastic, Kevlar, Airalite, wood, or inflatable rubber.

HUNG UP -- When a kayak or other water craft is caught and trapped on a rock or other obstruction.

HYDRAULIC -- On a river, an area where water backflows at the base of a ledge or rock or otherwise reverses itself.

HYPOTHERMIA -- A condition where the bodys core temperature drops to a dangerous level, normally in wet and cold conditions. The victim can become drowsy or disoriented. If not treated quickly, hypothermia can lead to death due to exposure.

INTERNATIONAL SCALE OF RIVER DIFFICULTY -- Guidelines for rating the violence of a rivers rapids. Categories range from Class I, marred by light ripples, to Class VI, violent whitewater that should only be attempted by advanced paddlers.

K-1 -- A one-man or solo kayak.

K-2 -- A two-man or tandem kayak.

KAYAK -- A decked craft similar to a canoe and propelled by a double or single-bladed paddle.

KEVLAR -- A synthetic material used in kayak construction (and bulletproof vests). The advantages of kevlar include light weight and strength up to five times that of steel.

LASH -- To secure gear to the deck of a kayak, usually with a rope or bungee cord.

LAUNCH -- The act of propelling the kayak or other boat from the shore and into the water.

LEEWARD -- Moving away from the wind. Downwind.

LIFE JACKET -- A flotation device worn by a paddler and used to provide buoyancy in the water. Also known as a life vest or PFD.

OUTFITTER -- Commercial companies that supply all the equipment necessary for kayaking and wilderness travel.

OUTSIDE BANK -- The outside of a bend in a stream or river.

PADDLE -- A shaft with two flat blades used to propel a kayak through the water. Paddles can be made of wood, alumnium, or plastic.

PEELING OUT -- Technique of leaving an eddy whereby the paddler points his kayak upstream, plants a high brace, and lets the main current swing him around and into the flow of the river.

PFD -- Personal Flotation Device. See Life Jacket.

PILLOW ROCK -- A deceptive river feature where water flows gently over an underwater obstruction.

PITCH -- A steeper section of a river rapid. A sudden drop.

PIVOT -- A sharp turn around a point in the water.

PLAYBOATING -- The act of performing stunts and other maneuvers in whitewater kayaks. Normally for advanced paddlers only.

POOL -- A stretch of calm water on a stream or river.

POWER FACE -- The face of a paddle blade that pushes against the water.

PRY STROKE. A paddle stroke used to move the craft sideways, away from the paddle.

PURCHASE. The application of power on a paddle to get leverage.

PUT-IN. Where a canoe is placed in the water; a launching site; the start of a trip.

QUARTERING. Running at an angle to the wind or waves; a technique for riding over waves at a slight angle to avoid burying the bow in a standing wave.

RAPIDS -- A fast, turbulent stretch of whitewater normally accompanied by rocks and a steep gradient.

READING THE WATER -- A technique of judging water conditions and determining the best route through rapids on a river.

REVERSAL -- A water feature similar to an eddy where the current reverses back on itself. Reversals are usually caused by rocks or other obstructions on the surface or beneath the water.

RIFFLES -- Light, shallow rapids found in Class I whitewater.

SCOUTING -- The act of inspecting an unknown section of a river before attempting it. Always a good way to stay out of trouble.

SCULLING -- A supporting stroke that keeps the paddle in the water at all times in a repeated arching motion. Used to support the paddler after a capsize or when encountering a difficult stretch of water.

SHAFT -- On a kayak paddle, the handle area between the grip and the blades.

SHOAL -- A particularly shallow area in a body of water, usually formed by a sand bar or other underwater obstruction.

SLALOM -- A form of river racing in which kayaks are maneuvered through a series of gates.

SMOKER -- A stretch of aggressive or violent whitewater.

SPRAY SKIRT -- A fabric skirt that surrounds the paddlers waist and keeps water from entering the boat through the cockpit.

SQUALL -- A quick moving storm over the water, usually accompanied by gusts of wind and rain.

STANDING WAVE -- A whitewater feature where a wave remains stationary in one place. Used for surfing and other playboating maneuvers.

STARBOARD -- The right side of the kayak when facing the bow.

STERN -- The rear of the kayak or other water craft.

STRAINER. Brush or trees which have fallen into a river, usually on the outside of a bend. Current may sweep through, but the obstruction will stop a craft. Can be deadly.

STROKES -- A variety of paddling movements used to control the speed and direction of a kayak.

STROBE LIGHT -- A flashing light fitted to a sea kayak as a warning signal to other boats in the area.

SURFING -- The act of "riding" a wave front, either on the ocean or in whitewater rapids.

SWAMP -- When a kayak is capsized or inadvertently filled with water.

TANDUM KAYAK -- A kayak build to accomidate two paddlers. Normally a sea kayak. Also known as a "K-2" kayak.

TECHNICAL PASSAGE -- A stretch of difficult rapids that requires careful maneuvering for safe transit.

THROAT -- The area on a paddle shaft that fans out into the wider blade.

TROUGH -- The depression between two waves.

UNDERWAY -- The trip, alas, has begun.

VHF RADIO -- Very High Frequency radio. Use on sea kayaks to get current weather conditions and other information. Can also be used to send out distress calls in an emergency.

WATERLINE -- The line of water along the hull of a kayak or other water craft when it is afloat.

WAVE CREST -- The summit of a wave, opposite of the trough.

WET EXIT -- Bailing out of a capsized kayak when rolling is not an option.

WET SUIT -- A neoprene bodysuit worn close to the body and used to keep out the chill of cold water. A good wet suit can protect a paddler against hypothermia in cold weather situations.

WHITEWATER -- Also known as rapids and wildwater. A stretch of turbulent, fast moving water that flows through rocks, over falls, and around other obstructions.

WINDWARD -- The direction from which the wind blows. The opposite of leeward.



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