近期英美出版社/新書推薦匯總 | 真正的英文系在研究些什麼?

近期英美出版社/新書推薦匯總 | 真正的英文系在研究些什麼?

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當代文學大類的科研選題和研究角度,兼收並蓄,主題深刻,與哲學、倫理學、社會學密不可分,subject matter更是橫跨動物,生態,自然,科技,經濟,政治歷史,婚姻生活,美食,音樂,電影等等領域和話題。了解文學和社科類的英文新書是一個打開視野的好方法。amazon.comamazon.co.uk是你永遠的朋友。


原文鏈接: 近期英美出版社/新書推薦匯總 | 真正的英文系在研究些什麼?

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1.Reaktion Books

因為以前工作的關係知道了英國小眾出版社Reaktion Books, 專做社科和角度刁鑽的人文、科普類選題。

《脫歐黨的英國文學導讀》 (自譯中文)

The Good Brexiteer』s Guide to English Lit

出版社:Reaktion Books



Reaktion下一季度的新書The Good Brexiteer』s Guide to English Lit 看著特別有趣,可以說成是《脫歐黨的英國文學導讀》。它從英國經典文學的足跡中尋找不列顛的民族意識緣何而起,表露在哪裡,又如何被文學作品澆灌生長。作者在莎士比亞,簡·奧斯汀,托馬斯哈代的作品中尋找民族主義的內涵, 還研究現代經典作品如The Queen and I 以及London Fields, 還研究了英國的國歌,校歌,以及許多偉大詩歌作品。所謂「不列顛」意味著什麼,過去意味著什麼,現在意味著什麼,將來會意味什麼?


What is Nigel Farages favourite novel? Why do Brexiteers love Sherlock Holmes? Is Philip Larkin the best Brexit poet ever? Through the politically relevant side-road of English literature, John Sutherland quarries the great literary minds of English history to assemble the ultimate reading list for Brexiteers. What happened to Britain on 24 June 2016 shook the country to its roots. The Brexit vote changed Britain. But despite its referendum victory, Brexit is peculiarly hollow. It is an idea without political apparatus, without sustaining history, without field-tested ideology. Without thinkers. It is like Frankenstein waiting for the lightning bolt. In this irreverent and entertaining new guide, Sutherland suggests some stuffing for the ideological vacuity at the heart of the Brexit cause. He looks for jingoistic meaning in the works of William Shakespeare, Jane Austen and Thomas Hardy, in modern classics like The Queen and I and London Fields, and in the national anthem, school songs and great poetry of the country. Sutherland explores what Britain meant, means and will mean, and subtly shows how great literary works have a shaping influence on the world. Witty and insightful, and with a preface by John Crace, this book belongs on the shelves of all good, bragging Brexiteers and many diehard Remoaners too.

奈傑爾·法拉奇最喜歡的小說是什麼?為什麼脫歐黨們喜愛福爾摩斯?菲利普·拉金是脫歐黨中最傑出的詩人么? 作者解讀了英國文學的政治含義,通過政治這條旁門左道研究了英國歷史上偉大的文學家們,為這個即將脫離歐洲的國家集合整理了一份終極閱讀清單。

2016年6月24日發生在英國的事件徹底震動了整個國家。脫歐公投改變了整個不列顛島。但是,儘管公投取得了勝利,脫歐仍是一個特別空洞的概念。這個概念沒有政治學文獻資料, 沒有久遠的歷史,也沒有歷經實踐檢驗過的意識形態。也沒有思想家。它就像是等待閃電的弗蘭肯斯坦。在這本大不敬卻充滿趣味的書中, 作者Sutherland為脫歐的緣起這一空洞的概念內核提供了許多可填充的內容。他在莎士比亞,簡·奧斯汀,托馬斯哈代的作品中尋找民族主義的內涵, 還研究現代經典作品如The Queen and I 以及London Fields, 還在國歌,校歌,以及英國偉大詩歌作品中尋覓著。作者探索了所謂「不列顛」意味著什麼,過去意味著什麼,現在意味著什麼,將來會意味什麼,並且含蓄地展現了文學作品是如何對世界產生塑造性的影響的。這本書幽默詼諧,才思機智,加上John Crace的前言, 適合所有脫歐黨,也適合頑固的留歐黨們。

《黑暗:一部文化史》 (自譯中文)

DARKNESS: A Cultural History

出版社:Reaktion Books

作  者:Nina Edwards





Darkness divides and enlivens opinion. Some are afraid of the dark, or at least prefer to avoid it, and there are many who dislike what it appears to stand for. Others are drawn to this strange domain, delighting in its uncertainties, lured by all the associations of folklore and legend, by the call of the mysterious and of the unknown. The history of our attitudes toward darkness—toward what we cannot quite make out, in all its physical and metaphorical manifestations—challenges the very notion of a world that we can fully comprehend.

In this book, Nina Edwards explores darkness as both a physical feature and cultural image, through themes of sight, blindness, consciousness, dreams, fear of the dark, night blindness, and the in-between states of dusk or fog, twilight and dawn, those points or periods of obscuration and clarification. Taking us across the ages, from the dungeons of Gothic novels to the concrete bunkers of Nordic Noir TV shows, Edwards interrogates the full sweep of humanity』s attempts to harness and suppress the dark first through our ability to control fire and, later, illuminate the world with electricity. She explores how the idea of darkness pervades art, literature, religion, and our everyday language. Ultimately, Edwards reveals how darkness, whether a shifting concept or palpable physical presence, has fed our imaginations.




臭蟲的隱秘文化史 (自譯中文)


作  者:Klaus Reinhardt

原出版社:Reaktion Books



人對蟲子的恐懼和厭棄,以及人把臭蟲歸於不同於self的other,其背後究竟有怎樣的社會意識形態?其實Animal studies是文學研究中大熱的課題哦。


Few animals elicit such a profoundly honest response of horror, fear and fright as the bedbug. Uninvited, bedbugs invade your privacy; they enter your bed, leave their marks and take away your bodily fluid - blood. From fossils to ancient Greek theatre, modern horror fiction and the bitter battles of recent scientific research, Bedbug investigates the animals natural history and examines how ordinary people, travellers, artists and scientists have experienced and confronted bedbugs over the centuries.

Klaus Reinhardt explores how the fear of bedbugs has been institutionalized, leading not only to the development of pest control and research laboratories but to bedbugs becoming the Other, used to represent personal enemies, denigrate social classes and characterize capitalist villains. With a mix of amusing, repulsive and illuminating illustrations, Bedbug informs, entertains and even pledges for tolerance for a surprising and profoundly misunderstood insect.



作者Klaus Reinhardt探索了對蟲的恐懼是如何體制化的,這不僅導致了殺蟲行為、殺蟲技術的發展、昆蟲研究實驗室的建立,還使得蟲子成為了「他者」(the Other),異類,並被用來代指個人恩怨的仇敵,指代社會階層,還能描繪那些如寄生蟲一般的反派人物。本書混合穿插了或有趣,或令人反感的各類插圖,本書知識豐富又有娛樂性,甚至央求人們對這種意外被深深誤解的昆蟲多一些包容。

嗚咽的天使:現代思想家們的瘋癲,倦怠與憂鬱 (自譯中文)

ANGELS IN MOURNING: Sublime Madness, Ennui and Melancholy in Modern Thought

出版社:Reaktion Books


Reaktion Books下一季度的新書Angels in Mourning,大意是《嗚咽的天使:現代思想家們的瘋癲,倦怠與憂鬱》,是一部研究Modernism的哲學/文論著作, 探討了現代主義的反理性特質。所謂Modernism,一大特點就是對之前一個時期奉為圭臬的科學與理性的一次質疑,在思想和文學作品中更多地表現憂鬱、虛無、失衡的狀態,比如艾略特的荒原文學,比如康德、韋伯、本雅明等思想家的抽象與反叛。


Sublime madness and ennui: melancholy is a condition of imbalance, chaotic and desolate, and a keystone of modern Western thought. In Angels in Mourning, Roger Bartra explores how three lucid European thinkers - Immanuel Kant, Max Weber and Walter Benjamin - addressed the irrational and the dolorous, drawing attention to some apparently marginal aspects of their work in order to illuminate the way in which they gazed into the darkness. It is not obvious why melancholy should find such a prominent space in our society. Why did this threatening expression of langour and disorder gain such a foothold at the heart of a European culture guided by the light of rationalism? In this surprising and insightful study, Bartra considers this question through investigations of Kant, Weber and Benjamin, and suggests that one explanation may lie in the blossoming of Romanticism, that deep-seated protest against the Enlightenment and the capitalist order.



2.Verso Books

Verso Books是美國一個小眾社科學術出版社,主打的就是比較先鋒、比較有創意的社科學術書。如這一本Humankind,能看出英語系、比較文學系近年來喜愛的諸如生態哲學,生態政治,動物與人類的倫理哲學,科技倫理,城市變遷,移民與語言多樣性等等選題。

P.S. 我順便列出了作者資料,可以據此參考英語系教授們都在研究些什麼。不是傲慢與偏見了不起的蓋茨比以及無聊的咬文嚼字哦。


Humankind: Solidarity with Nonhuman People

作  者:Timothy Morton

原出版社:Verso Books


敲黑板:俗話說得好,有關self 和 other的研究是文學院的萬能選題。


A radical call for solidarity between humans and non-humans.

What is it that makes humans human? As science and technology challenge the boundaries between life and non-life, between organic and inorganic, this ancient question is more timely than ever. Acclaimed object-oriented philosopher Timothy Morton invites us to consider this philosophical issue as eminently political. In our relationship with nonhumans, we decide the fate of our humanity. Becoming human, claims Morton, actually means creating a network of kindness and solidarity with nonhuman beings, in the name of a broader understanding of reality that both includes and overcomes the notion of species. Negotiating the politics of humanity is the first crucial step in reclaiming the upper scales of ecological coexistence and resisting corporations like Monsanto and the technophilic billionaires who would rob us of our kinship with people beyond our species.



人類何以為人?隨著科學技術日益挑戰著生命體與非生命體、有機體與無機體之間的界限, 這個古老的發問比以往任何時候都更迫切。著名面向對象分析哲學家Timothy Morton邀請我們來一起思考這一政治性頗為凸顯的哲學命題。我們處理與非人類物體的關係時隨即決定了人類的命運。作者認為,人之為人事實上意味著要創造一個聯結非人類體的友情關係網,以贏得對現實的更廣博的認知和理解——這種現實涵蓋了各種物種,但衝破了物種的範疇。探求人類與人文的政治,是重獲生態共生系統高級形態的首要一步,是抵制諸如孟山都等企業和科技財團們對我們的剝削(他們剝奪了我們與人類之外物種友好相處的能力)的首要一步。



—Jeff Vandermeer, 著有The Southern Reach trilogy, The Millions

「這是一部Theory (capital T) 理論有關氣候變化與物種滅亡命題的精彩導讀.」

—Ted Hamlton, 洛杉磯書評


—Steven Umbrello, Journal of Critical Realism


Timothy Morton是萊斯大學英文系主任(Rita Shea Guffey Chair) ,著有

《暗黑生態學:未來共生的邏輯》(Dark Ecology: For a Logic of Future Coexistence);

《虛空:佛學三問》(Nothing: Three Inquiries in Buddhism);

《超物體:世界末日的生態與哲學》(Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World);

《生態之思》(The Ecological Thought);

以及 《無自然生態》(Ecology without Nature)。


3. Cornell University Press




Understanding Others: Peoples, Animals, Pasts

作  者:Dominick LaCapra

原出版社:Cornell University Press



敲黑板:還是那句俗話,有關self 和 other的研究是文學院的萬能選題。

康村出版社主打比較先鋒、學術性強的政治、文學、哲學類著作。這一本研究Self and Others的書很值得了解。人之為人的原因,人與他人、人與其他物種的關聯究竟是怎樣的,這些在文學院是大熱的話題。


"To what extent do we and can we understand others--other peoples, species, times, and places? What is the role of others within ourselves, epitomized in the notion of unconscious forces? Can we come to terms with our internalized others in ways that foster mutual understanding and counteract the tendency to scapegoat, project, victimize, and indulge in prejudicial and narcissistic impulses? How do various fields or disciplines address or avoid such questions? And, in the light of recent developments, have these questions become particularly pressing and not in the least confined to other peoples, times, and places?

Making selective and critical use of the thought of such important figures as Sigmund Freud, Jacques Derrida, and Mikhail Bakhtin, the book investigates a series of crucial topics from the current state of deconstruction, trauma studies, and the humanities to newer fields such as animal studies and posthumanist scholarship. A feature of the book is the effort to bring critical historical thought into a provocative engagement with politics and our current political climate".


我們究竟能多大程度地理解【他者】(Others)——他人,其他物種,時間,與地點?如果我們的自我是由無意識的力量塑造的,那麼他者對我們的自我中扮演的是什麼角色?我們是否能與我們內化的他者達成一致,以促進相互理解的方式和諧共處,從而抵抗想要謀害、找替罪羊 的行為趨勢,防止自我沉浸在偏見與自戀的衝動之中呢? 不同的學科和領域是如何解答或規避這些問題的呢? 這些問題是否已日益凸顯,是否不限於他人、時間和地點這些範疇呢?

作者高度選取、借鑒並批判運用了弗洛伊德,德里達,巴赫金等大家的思想。這在本書中,作者Dominick LaCapra研究了一系列重要話題,包括解構的當代形態,創傷研究,人文學科,以及動物研究、後人類研究等等新領域。LaCapra將歷史上的批評理論積極巧妙地與政治學以及當前政治環境相結合。他極具批判性地重新思考了當下主流趨勢,結合探索了新舊形勢,並暗示了該問題在川普時代的新內涵。.


"Dominick LaCapra的新書是一部對各類話題批判思考的一次綜述,話題廣泛,從創傷研究到人類中心主義。最重要的是,他以一種前所未有的可持續性的方式從弗洛伊德的『working through』 的概念發展出來,展示了一個基於自我意識和對讓渡關係(所有事物都相互暗指)進行嚴格審視的批判理論是如何打破自給自足的線性敘事的。 "

——Carolyn Dean, 耶魯大學歷史與法語系Charles J. Stille教授


——Ethan Kleinberg, 溫斯利安大學歷史與文學教授, 人文學科研究中心主任


Dominick LaCapra是歷史與比較文學榮譽教授。他著有多部書籍,包括《歷史,文學與批判理論》(History, Literature, Critical Theory), 《歷史及其局限:人與動物與暴力》(History and Its Limits: Human, Animal, Violence), 以及《傳遞中的歷史:經驗,身份及批判理論》(History in Transit: Experience, Identity, Critical Theory).

4. The University of Chicago Press


慾望管理:一部政治哲學理論譜系 (自譯中文)

The Government of Desire: A Genealogy of the Liberal Subject

作  者:Miguel de Beistegui

原出版社:The University of Chicago Press






Whether as economic interest, sexual drive, or the basic longing for recognition, desire is accepted as a core component of our modern selfidentities, and something we need to cultivate. But as Miguel de Beistegui charts in The Government of Desire, this has not been true in all times and all places. For centuries, as far back as late antiquity and early Christianity, philosophers believed that desire was an impulse that needed to be suppressed in order for the good life, whether personal or collective, ethical or political, to flourish. Though we now take it for granted, it was only in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that the naturalization of desire took place, and the pillars of the liberal self and form of government were erected.

By critically exploring Foucaults claim that Western civilization is a civilization of desire, de Beistegui crafts a provocative and original genealogy of this shift in thinking. He shows how the relationship between identity, desire, and governance has been harnessed and transformed in the modern world, shaping our relations with others and ourselves, and establishing desire as an essential driving force for the constitution of a new and better social order. But is it? The Government of Desire argues that this is precisely what a contemporary politics of resistance must seek to overcome, questioning the supposed universality of a politics based on recognition and the economic satisfaction of desire. Relying on Foucault as well as on Deleuze and Guattari, de Beistegui highlights the need to elaborate a politics of difference and creation, raising the crucial question of how can we manage to be less governed today and positing strategic questions of possible contemporary forms of counter-conduct. Drawing on a host of thinkers from philosophy, political theory, and psychoanalysis, and concluding with a call for a sovereign and anarchic form of desire, The Government of Desire is a groundbreaking account of our freedom and unfreedom, of what makes us both governed and ungovernable.


不管是經濟利益,性慾驅使,還是對認同感的基本渴望,慾望被公認為現代人身份認同的核心元素,是我們需要培養的東西。但是,正如作者Miguel de Beistegui在本書中提出的,這一點並不是在所有時代和場合下都成立。幾個世紀以來,哲學家們都認為人應該抑制慾望,只有壓抑慾望才能保持旺盛的生活狀態。直到十七十八世紀時,慾望的自然化才漸漸成型,漸漸建立起了自由自我及其管理形式的幾大理論支柱。

作者批判地探究了福柯所提出的西方文明是一部慾望的文明的論斷,梳理了這一學科的譜系和思想轉變歷程,既有活力又有原創性。他展示了身份、慾望與管理之間的關係在現代世界是如何被利用和歷經轉變的,如何塑造了我們與他人的關係以及與自己的關係,以及慾望的形成是如何成為建造新的、更好的社會秩序的核心驅動力的。那麼,真的是這樣的嗎?本書認為,這恰恰是當今的反叛政治必須努力克服的一點,對基於認同慾望和經濟滿足慾望的政治普適性提出了質疑。以福柯理論為依託,同時借鑒德勒茲和伽塔利, 作者強調了修正創造與差異政治的必要性,提出一個關鍵問題,即當今的我們如何能做到少受管理,本書同時就其反向作用力量可能存在的各種現代形式提出了問題。






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