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countries assess their annual carbon dioxide emissions, they count up their cars and power stations, but bush fires are not included presumably because they are deemed to be events beyond human control. In Australia, Victoria alone sees several hundred thousand hectares burn each year in both 2004 and the present summer, the figure has been over 1 million hectares.SWT
Orbital Debris
decades, space experts have worried that aspeeding bit of orbital debris might one day smash a large spacecraft intohundreds of pieces and start a chain reaction, a slow cascade of collisionsthat would expand for centuries, spreading chaos through the heavens. In thelast decade or so, as scientists came to agree that the number of objects inorbit had surpassed a critical mass or, in their terms, the critical spatialdensity, the point at which a chain reaction becomes inevitable they grew moreanxious.Early
this year, after a half-century of growth,the federal list of
detectable objects (four inches wide or larger) reached10,000, including dead satellites, spent rocket stages, a camera, a hand tooland junkyards of whirling debris left over from chance explosions anddestructive tests. So our billion dollar of satellites are at risk.Food and eatingin Australian
the past twocenturies there has been a dramatic change in the role of food and eating inAustralian public consciousness. Public discussion of food was largely confinedto matters of supply, distribution and price.Towards the end of the nineteenthcentury some newspapers were offering
regular columns of advice on housekeepingtopics, including menu planning and recipes. However, eating remainedessentially a private activity, even when undertaken in company.By
the latetwentieth century, food and eating had become prominent public preoccupations.Evidence of this dramatic cultural revaluation abounds. In bookstores, forexample cookery and all things related to it are often among the largerdisplays.There
are specialty stores selling all manner of cookware, tablewareand other
paraphernalia associated with food, eating and drinking.Perhaps
mosttelling is the extension of the phenomenon of mass media celebrity to includeculinary personalities. Scholars, too, have jumped on the commodificationbandwagon. Now degrees in gastronomy seem set to emulate the MBA phenomenon ofthe 1980s and food has become a respectable subject for investigation withphilosophers, sociologists, historians, cultural theorists, ecologists and manyothers all having a go at it.However,
surprisingly, the question seems to haveheld little fascination for
most historians. For the best part of two centuriesthey have managed to write their accounts of colonization and nationhood withonly scant reference to how the settlers and their descendants fed themselves.Electric eels
a field tripto the Amazon in 1 807, 1 9th-century explorer Alexander Von Humboldt witnesseda group of horses lead through a muddy pool filled with electric eels, which hedescribed as dramatically leaping up to attack the intruders. But scientistshave doubted the story. Anillustration of Alexander Von Humboldts story ofthe battle between the
horses and electric eels.The
first time Iread Von Humboldts tale, I thought it was completely bizarre, Catania says.Why would the eels attack the horses instead of swimming away? But then heobserved the same behavior by accident as he transferred the eels in his labfrom one tank to another using a metal-rimmed net. Instead of swimming away,larger eels attacked the net by leaping out of the water.Catania
trackedthe strength of the eels electric shock by attaching a voltmeter
to analuminium plate, or conductive metal strips to predator objects such as acrocodile head replica.The zap a submerged eel distributes through the water isrelatively weak when it reaches the target.But
when an eeltouches it with its electricity-generating chin, the current travels directlyto the target and has to travel through its body before it gets back to thewater, Catania reported in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.This
allows theeels to deliver shocks with a maximum amount of power to
partially submergedland animals that invade their territory, Catania explains. It also allows themto electrify a much larger portion of the invaders body.Catania
found the eels leapt to attack, ratherthan receded, more often when the water in the aquarium was lower. He arguesthe attack lets electric eels better defend themselves during the Amazon dryseason. When theyre cornered in small pools and make easy prey.Overqualified worker
yourrecruiting efforts attract job applicants with too much experience a nearcertainty in this weak labor market you should consider a response that runscounter to most hiring managers MO: Dont reject those applicants out of hand.Instead,
take acloser look.New research shows that overqualified workers tend to performbetter than other employees, and they dont quit any sooner. Furthermore, asimple managerial tactic empowerment can mitigate any dissatisfaction they mayfeel.The
prejudiceagainst too-good employees is pervasive. Companies tend to prefer an applicantwho is a perfect fit over someone who brings more intelligence, education, orexperience than needed. On the surface, this bias makes sense: Studies haveconsistently shown that employees who consider themselves overqualified exhibithigher levels of discontent. For example, over-qualification correlated wellwith job dissatisfaction in a 2008 study of 156 call-center reps by Israeliresearchers Saul Fine and Baruch Nevo. And unlike discrimination based on ageor gender, declining to hire overqualified workers is perfectly legal.But
even before the economic downturn, a surplusof overqualified candidates was a global problem, particularly in developingeconomies, where rising education levels are giving workers more skills thanare needed to supply the growing service sectors. If managers can get beyondthe conventional wisdom, the growing pool of too-good applicants is a greatopportunity. Berrin Erdogan and Talya N. Bauer of Portland State University inOregon found that overqualified workers feelings of dissatisfaction can bedissipated by giving them autonomy in decision making. At stores whereemployees didnt feel empowered, over-educated workers expressed greaterdissatisfaction than their colleagues did and were more likely to state anintention to quit. But that difference vanished where self-reported autonomywas high.Presidential election
to theUnited States Constitution, a presidential election is to be held once everyfourth year. The process of electing a President and Vice-President begins longbefore Election Day. Candidates from both major and minor political parties andindependent candidates begin to raise money and campaign at least one year inadvance of the general presidential election. In order to officially representa political party, a candidate must be nominated by that party.This
primarynomination process is a contest that often produces factions within politicalparties. These divisions impact the policy stances and agendas of thecandidates running for nomination as they attempt to garner the support ofparty leaders and activists. The nominating process officially begins with thefirst state primaries and caucuses, which usually occur in the month ofFebruary of the election year. It is at these local events that voters aregiven their first chance to participate in electing the nations next President.There
are many factors that influence who willultimately become the candidate for a party. The publics perception of thecandidates is influenced by such things as media reports, public opinion polls,candidate preference surveys, and advertising. These factors will helpdetermine the perceived strengths and weaknesses of the candidates in themonths leading up to the caucuses and primaries.FIB
Volcanos eruption
blast more than 100 milliontons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year but the gas is usuallyharmless. When a volcano erupts, carbon dioxide spreads out into the atmosphereand isnt concentrated inone spot.But sometimes the gas gets trapped underground under enormous pressure. If itescapes to the surface in a dense cloud, it can push out oxygen-rich air and become deadly.Growth of the internet
The exponential growth of the internetwas heralded,in the 1990s, as revolutionizing the production and dissemination of information. Somepeople saw the internet as a means of democratizing access to knowledge.For people concerned withAfrican development, it seemed to offer the possibility of leapfrogging overthe technology gap that separates Africa from advanced industrializedcountries.
The United Nations
United Nations is an internationalorganization founded in 1945. Due to its unique international character, andthe powers vested in its founding Charter, the organization can take action on a widerange of issues and provide a forum for its 193 Member States to express theirviews, through the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic andSocial Council and other bodies and committees. The work of the United Nationsreaches every corner ofthe globe. Although best known for peacekeeping, peacebuilding, conflict prevention, andhumanitarian assistance, there are many other ways the United Nations and itssystem (specialized agencies, funds, and programmes) affect our lives and makethe world a better place.WFD
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