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Didi rocked by second passenger killing in three months despite additional security measures

○ rock一詞大家熟悉的意思為「岩石;石塊;搖滾樂」,作名詞。它還可以作動詞,表示「使搖晃;使震動;使震驚」,此處文中表示「被第二次乘客遇害事件震驚「,」rocked by second passenger killing「。

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A second killing in three months involving a passenger using Didi Chuxing』s ride-hitching service has placed the Chinese company back under scrutiny after stepped-up security measures failed to prevent the death.

○ 」ride-hitching service「表示」順風車服務「,滴滴出行軟體上關於其它幾個打車服務的英文版分別如下:Express 快車、Premier 禮橙專享、Taxi 計程車、 Luxe 豪華車。

○ Premier除了熟知的」總理「一譯,還可以表示」首要的,最好的「,比如」杭州最好的酒店「,用英文可以說」Hangzhous premier hotel

○ Luxe其實是個法語辭彙,表示」奢侈「,英文裡面有對應的單詞deluxe,表示」高級的、奢華的「。

○ 」叫車服務「的英文為」the ride-hailing services「,昨天的路透社:滴滴順風車,又出事了的報道當中提到了關於「滴滴公司」的一個表達:the countrys largest ride-hailing firm/the biggest ride-sharing firm。搭滴滴的乘客可以表示為「a ride-sharing passenger

○ stepped-up作形容詞表示「加速的;加強的」,關於這幾種措施,路透社的文章中提到了:

○ spark wider community outrage: 引起民憤

○ carpooling service: 拼車

○ Didi Hitch: 順風車

措施就是「滴滴順風車司機在清早和夜間只能搭載同性乘客」,「limiting Didi Hitch drivers to pick up...late evening hours.」

○ pick up一詞意義繁多,這裡只列舉常見的幾種:

· 撿起,拾起,如pick his cap up, 撿起帽子

·(跌倒或被擊倒後)慢慢站起身,如pick himself/herself up, 慢慢站起來

·(開車)接,取,如pick up some clean clothes, 接幾件乾淨衣服

·(不費力地)學會;習得,如pick up french, 偶然學會了法語

· 染上(疾病),如pick up a nasty infection, 染上嚴重的傳染病

· 接起(某觀點、話題),如pick up his point, 接著談一談他的觀點

·(貿易、經濟)改善,如Industrial production is beginning to pick up, 工業生產正在開始好轉

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Police in Yueqing city in China』s eastern Zhejiang province said on Saturday they found the body of a 20-year-old female surnamed Zhao, and arrested a Didi driver who confessed to her rape and murder. The victim had sent a message to her friend a day earlier asking for help before she went missing. Investigations are still ongoing.

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Didi, which ran the hitch-a-ride service, said it would not 「shirk from responsibility」 and expressed deep sorrow for the tragedy.

○ the hitch-a-ride service 順風車服務

○ shirk: /???k ;??k / 逃避,可作及物或不及物動詞(+from),常與responsibilities, duties and obligations搭配

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The case comes just three months after the death of a female user of Didi Hitch in Henan province sparked safety concerns, causing the Beijing-based start-up to suspend the ride-pooling service and step up safety measures.

○ spark saftey concerns 引發安全擔憂,還可以表示為「fuel safety concerns

○ step up safety measures 加強安全措施

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The revamp included the introduction of mandatory facial-recognition scanning for all drivers on its platform before they take any orders, a move designed to prevent unauthorised persons from stealing the identity of Didi-registered drivers.

○ revamp表示「修改,改進」,可用作動詞或名詞,此處文中顯然是用作名詞,表示「整改措施」,代指前文提到的「step up safety measures」。「司機在接單前都必須進行人臉識別」,「mandatory facial-recognition scanning for all drivers on its platform before they take any orders」。

○ a move表示「行動,舉措」,此處用作同位語。

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It also halted pairing up commuters heading in the same direction after 10pm and started to send automatic alerts to both passengers and car owners on unfinished trips between 10pm and 6am.

進一步說明整改措施:10點以後暫停接單(pair up commuters);系統發送安全提示(send automatic alerts)。

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In the latest case, the arrested driver, whose family name is Zhong, had passed background checks and had no prior criminal record, according to Didi. He had registered with the company using his authentic ID, driver license and vehicle registration certificate, according to a statement on Saturday.

○ prior criminal record 犯罪前科

○ vehicle registration certificate 機動車行駛證

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Having passed the facial-recognition scan in the morning, Zhong 「physically altered the appearance of his number plate」 before the trip, Didi said. The company said it assisted the police in their investigations and helped solve the case in 14 hours.

○ passed the facial-recognition scan 通過人臉識別,還可以用被動語態表達:「be confirmed by facial recognition」

○ altered the appearance of his number plate 換了車牌,其它表達方式有:」altered the cars license plate「

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Nonetheless, the case is sure to revive public concerns over the safety of ride-hailing.

○ revive public concerns over 再次引發公眾擔憂,revive一詞表示「恢復,復興,蘇醒」,還有演出、戲劇作品等「重新上演」的意思。



空姐乘順風車遇害 滴滴公司懸賞百萬尋凶

滴滴出行問題頻發 再次敲響監管警鐘

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Didi said in response that it was unable to authenticate such requests and could only share the information with law enforcement agencies in the absence of permission from the passengers themselves.

○ authenticate 「鑒定(某物)真實性」

○ law enforcement agencies 執法部門/機關

○ in the absence of 缺乏;不存在

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But it acknowledged responsibility for failing to follow up with an investigation into a complaint made against the driver a day before the incident. In that complaint, another passenger said the same driver had requested she sit in the front passenger seat, and had driven the vehicle to a remote area and followed the passenger for a distance after she got off.


○ complaint表示「投訴」,常見的動詞搭配有make/file/lodge(均表示「提出投訴」),receive (收到投訴),deal with/handle(處理投訴),investigate(調查投訴)

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The company said it would offer a minimum of three times of financial compensation required by law to the family of the victim in Yueqing. 「Whatever the reason, we will not shirk from our responsibilities in this,」 Didi said.


From: SCMP

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TAG:滴滴出行 | 滴滴順風車 | 英語 |