配音學英語 純正美音脫口而出
You actions will determine your fate.
大自然在說話 配音學英語 https://www.zhihu.com/video/1015600895958122496Some call me nature,
others call me「mother nature」.
I』ve been here for over 4.5 billion years,
22500 times longer than you.
I don』t really need people,
but people need me.
Yes, you future depends on me.
When I thrive, you thrive.
When I falter, you falter.
Or worse.
But I』ve been here for eons.
I have fed species greater than you.
And I have starved species greater than you.
My oceans,
My soil,
My flowing streams ,my forests.
They all can take you or leave you.
How you choose to live each day, whether you regard or disregard me, doesn』t really matter to me .
One way or the other.
You actions will determine your fate , not mine.
I am nature, I will go on.
I am prepared to evolve.
Are you ?
※雙語閱讀 | 不要著急,最好的總會在最不經意的時候出現!
※Please Dress Me in Red
※為什麼要背單詞?面對一個傾城的姑娘,只會「You are beautiful「怎麼說得過去呢?