

來自專欄 Oral English Topics1 人贊了文章


China is the home of tea culture. the discovery and development of tea culture has a history of thousands of years. As one of the most popular drinks, tea can clear away heat and toxic (?t?ks?k)material, refresh human and even lose your weight, so it is a green drink.

In ancient chain, people all like to drink tea everyday. Nowadays, young people seldom drink tea but almost drink coffee, but i』m developing this habit. I just see some people drink tea, like my mom and dad, businessmen, it may become a traditional custom in China.

However, there is more and more foreigners drink tea, and they do it everyday. So it just make me feel very confused. What is your opinion about that phenomenon.

As a chinese, we dont really have coffee in our culture. We almost have tea, i never understood the 「coffee thing」 , even though more and more people are now drinking coffee, or getting the habit of drinking coffee every morning.

I never get this. Sometime i try to drink Americano [ɑ:,merikɑ:n?u]. It an American version. It a kind of like the attending coffee with hot water. it just like concentrated coffee and not as strong as black coffee. Some people call it filter [?f?lt?(r)] coffee. A filter coffee is one where they have a paper filter, and they put the coffee through, so that the water drip through the coffee, and then you get the flavor of coffee come at bottom [?b?t?m] of cup . I just think it smelled nice but i didn』t think it would taste very nice. How about you?

I think coffee can make you keep alert and energetic. Once you get addicted[??d?kt?d], it just like a drug, and it definitely a legal drug.

I watch a interview today, it is a interview of coffee culture in abroad [??br?:d].

And the Brazilian say he used to hate coffee when he was a child [t?a?ld]. But his mother drunk coffee all the time. And he think it is mysterious, because he didnt think it taste well. He started to drink coffee when he got to 24, he was a university student. And he drunk so much because he thought it can make him feel energetic. and then he would have much energy for the whole entire day. He love black coffee, no sugar, no milk. He said drink coffee sometimes make people feel nervous and energetic. and he call it coffee sensitivity. Coffee is incredibly strong. Youve have no idea how strong it is. People kind of become tolerant to coffee and they drink it so much that it doesnt really affect them. So it just like smoking a cigarette. He love latte excluding black coffee. Its just so frothy and so beautiful. In finally, he said since he has probably been drinking coffee for ten years, he can tell the difference between coffee now. just like the way that some guys take wine, and they know the difference.



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