來自專欄航空與飛行21 人贊了文章
周日,是IOE(initial operation experience)開始的第一天,是我第一次在真是航班上坐在左座飛行。雖然之間的模擬機訓練和檢查都非常的順利,但是真機和模擬機還是有不小差距的。因為左座和右座分工非常明確,之前在右座積累的經驗基本用不上,一切相當於從頭開始。
之後的滑行、起飛、爬升、巡航都很順利,包括最初的下降階段;不過,接下來問題就來了:我們的目的地機場是一個非常有名的國家公園:冰川國家公園機場(KGPI:Glacier National Park Airport);這是一個被FAA 列為SAAT3的機場。
先解釋一下什麼是SAAT:SAAT(Special Airport Assessment Tool)是FAA為了運行安全而設計的一套機場等級評估體系。該評估體系參照機場的周圍地形、障礙物、進離場程序的等因素將美國所有的機場劃分為四個等級。等級從低到高,運行難度係數逐漸增加。
下面是FAR 121部中對 其中特殊機場評估和運行的要求:
§121.445 Pilot in command airport qualification: Special areas and airports.
(a) The Administrator may determine that certain airports (due to items such as surrounding terrain, obstructions, or complex approach or departure procedures) are special airports requiring special airport qualifications and that certain areas or routes, or both, require a special type of navigation qualification.(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, no certificate holder may use any person, nor may any person serve, as pilot in command to or from an airport determined to require special airport qualifications unless, within the preceding 12 calendar months:(1) The pilot in command or second in command has made an entry to that airport (including a takeoff and landing) while serving as a pilot flight crewmember; or(2) The pilot in command has qualified by using pictorial means acceptable to the Administrator for that airport.(c) Paragraph (b) of this section does not apply when an entry to that airport (including a takeoff or a landing) is being made if the ceiling at that airport is at least 1,000 feet above the lowest MEA or MOCA, or initial approach altitude prescribed for the instrument approach procedure for that airport, and the visibility at that airport is at least 3 miles.
(d) No certificate holder may use any person, nor may any person serve, as pilot in command between terminals over a route or area that requires a special type of navigation qualification unless, within the preceding 12 calendar months, that person has demonstrated qualification on the applicable navigation system in a manner acceptable to the Administrator, by one of the following methods:(1) By flying over a route or area as pilot in command using the applicable special type of navigation system.(2) By flying over a route or area as pilot in command under the supervision of a check airman using the special type of navigation system.(3) By completing the training program requirements of appendix G of this part.
言歸正傳,這次要飛的冰川國家公園機場就是一個SAAT-3 的特殊機場。機場深藏在落基山脈中,環山面湖,是絕對的風水寶地。
"Traffic no effect. Clear visual approach runway 20."
※『航空攝影』Sarah Martinet:俯瞰冰島
※C919三年內交付? 有可能但也面臨挑戰