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三明治 Sandwiches

人們相信,三明治是由三明治伯爵四世John Montague發明的(對,三明治是一個姓)。這位三明治先生嗜賭成性:他廢寢忘食地打牌,吃飯也不願意離開牌桌,——他甚至要求僕人把乳酪和肉呈到牌 桌上,但是他又發現這麼吃會把手弄髒,影響了打牌的進度。因此,他想出了一個絕妙的主意——把食物夾在兩片麵包里,這樣就不會弄髒手了!自此,三明治誕生 了。

The sandwich was invented by the fourth Earl of Sandwich John Montague. Montague was a gentleman who loves gambling--even more than meals – he was not willing to leave the card tabel for one moment, that he asked his staff to bring him meat and cheese at the table. But then he found his hands would still become messy – thus ruining his game. He then had the idea to put the food between two slices of bread so his hands could remain clean. Thats how the sandwiches was born!

三明治的發明者——三明治伯爵四世John Montague


For afternoon tea, the sandwiches are a much more dainty affair and the crusts should correctly be cut off. Fillings are usually, smoked salmon, egg mayonnaise, ham… and, of course, cucumber.


When preparing sandwiches, remember to not over-fill them , to avoid the most embarrassing situation: when guests bite into them the filling shoots out!


Finger sandwiches can be long and rectangular, or triangular.

司康餅 Scones


The scones used to be triangular when they came from Scotland ,made from oats and were griddled. But today, scones are usually round, flour-based and oven baked.


The origin of the scone is thought to come from where Kings and Queens are crowned--the Scone Palace. Traditional scones are plain, but he raisins and fruits are added to modern scones, and the Americans even add chocolate chips to them.


Scones are some kind of bread,so that they should be broken but not cut. To eat a scone, simply break it in to two halves with fingers. A well-made scone will have a break in the middle and easily broken.


Jam and clotted cream are the traditional partenrs to scones. Take a portion of each from pot to plate with teaspoons, then use your knife layer the scone. Whether you put jam or cream on first is personal preference, but I recommend you to spread jam first. Do not dip your scones in jam or cream.

蛋糕 Cakes


The cakes and pastries are eaten last in the afternoon tea affair, and they have a really big familiy: including miniature brownies, macaroons, small chunks of carrot cake, tea loaf or tiny strawberry tarts.


To have all these attractive desserts, you may need the pastry fork .A pastry fork is a small fork with three tines, as opposed to main forks which have four, and shaped like a knife so you can cut into the cake or pastry.

茶 Tea


Regularly, tea leaves give the best flavour rather than tea bags, which is usually made from the remnants of proper tea leaves. A tea strainer is required,if u decide to use loose tea,to catch the leaves going into the cup.


Different teas need different water temperatures. Not all teas can bear boiling water poured on them, a mistake many make. Black teas can, on the whole, cope with boiling water. But others require different temperatures.


The simpliest way is to read the mannual of the tea packet, or consult the teashop or manufacturer as to what their advice is for getting the best from your tea.


Whatever type of tea you are having, its safe to follow the below steps:


Boil the kettle, pour in one third of the hot water after several seconds.

2) 晃動茶壺,讓茶壺吸收沸水的溫度,以保證下一壺水的熱度全部留給茶葉,以保證茶葉被充分泡開。當茶壺充分受熱後,可以把水倒出,再倒入新的一壺沸水。

Warm the pot by swishing the water around.It helps the next batch of water stay warm,and the tea leaves express the best flavour. Once warmed, the water can be tipped away, then pour in a new batch.


Add in one heaped teaspoon of leaves per person, and then one for the pot. Leave it for three to six minutes – depending on size of leaf and how strong you like your tea (larger leaves need longer time)


Now I believe you will enjoy your afternoon tea like a real gentleman and lady. Find more articles about afternoon tea etiquette in our account!


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