如何審題 , 才能做到滴水不漏?
來自專欄雅思寫作1 人贊了文章
http://weixin.qq.com/r/oylNVVTEMwlMrRA293yx (二維碼自動識別)
Task2要求我們在40分鐘必須完成250字以上的大作文,不是一件輕而易舉的事情。要想有效地進行寫作,審題是第一項要務,也是我們雅思評分規則中最核心的一個板塊(TA), 很多考生都把大部分精力花在大量積累辭彙短語以及句型上,往往一篇文章寫的天花亂墜,辭藻華麗,然而卻離題千里,最終分數不盡人意。在多年的教學過程中,Eric總結了一些審題的小竅門,列舉了同學們常犯的錯誤,希望對大家有所啟發。
http://1.In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of large cities and into regional areas. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages? (2014-8-16)
2.Because of traffic and housing problems in the cities, the government encourages business move to the rural area. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (2015-6-13)
題2與題1大部分類似,然而不能不提防的在於其限定"Because of traffic and housing problems in the cities",所以答題方向,無論優點還是缺點,首先要談的就是交通和住房,其它論點也可提及;忽略交通和住房任意一項,評分標準之一TA是肯定無法上6分的!
1.Nowadays, there are many television advertisements aimed at children. What are the effects of these advertisements on children? Should TV advertisements be controlled?(2014-4-24)
2.Nowadays a large amount of advertising aiming at children should be banned because of the negative effects.To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2016-2-20)
儘管兩道題問題不一樣,但是題1的"What are the effects of these advertisements on children"以及題2的"To what extent do you agree or disagree",答題方向其實很類似, 都答的是廣告的利弊,但是限定不一樣。
題2:優點和缺點不僅僅可以答對於孩子的,還可以包括對於家長的影響,因為同樣的廣告信息,家長能夠distinguish right from wrong(讓家長對產品加深了解,make well-informed decisions 去購買產品),對於廣告商的影響(減少收入)。
http://1.In some countries, more and more adults choose to continue to live with their parents after they graduate and have found jobs. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?(2015-04-30)
http://2.In recent years, young people in many countries choose to live by themselves. What are the reasons and is it positive or negative for the development of the society?(2014-9-27)
題2:若答獨居的壞處,有的考生順手就把上面的觀點遷移下來,認為獨居的話,年輕人就不得不茶米油鹽,各種瑣事,不能把精力和時間放在事業上,則大錯特錯,其限定 "of the society" 指明對社會的影響,例如可以答社會大批獨居老人的出現,對社會氛圍的不利影響。
1.Some people think that the increasing use of computers and mobile phones for communication has had a negative effect on young people』s reading and writing skills. Do you agree or disagree?(2015-03-28)
很多考生看到這個題目,頓時喜出望外,洋洋洒洒寫了數百字,例如造成視力的惡化,太多輻射影響健康,加強和朋友之前的交流,釋放壓力等皆為偏題,請注意對"communication" "young people』s reading and writing skills"的影響,此處兩次限定都易偏題。
利用手機電腦交流,對讀寫技能的影響。如:經常text messages 在手機和電腦上,因其自動糾錯功能,我們很少注意到辭彙的書寫,且經常寫縮寫,真正寫作的時候漏洞百出,各種語法錯誤;語音交流,說話很隨便,寫的內容很口語化。手機電腦各種大量的信息,刷微博微信,其內容多,可以鍛煉我們的閱讀速度,擴展我們的知識面,積累了大量寫作素材等。
2.Some people regard the increasing business and cultural contact between countries as a positive development. Others,however, feel these leading to loss of national identities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(2015-8-29/2016-1-09)
經濟文化交流好處:對個人,留下或者工作人增多,給個人教育以及工作機會;對國家(落後,發達),落後國家引進便宜的進口產品和先進的技術,發達國家利用落後國家便宜的原材料,勞動力等,雙贏;文化上,取長補短,多樣性等。而 loss of national identities為限定難點,部分考生答缺點為:國外企業和本土的競爭,失業等,偏題。應圍繞:本土文化的消失(例如,國外企業和本土的競爭,導致大量本土失業人員)
1.Scientists and tourists can travel to remote natural environments such as the South Pole. Do you think the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?(2015-1-29)
2.Some working parents believe childcare centers can provide best care for children, while others think family members like grandparents can do it better. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(2015-3-14)
3.Students in school or university learn more from classes of teachers than other resources (e.g. Internet or TV), do you agree or disagree?(2015-9-20)
http://4.In many countries today, both men and women need to work full time. Therefore, some people think men and women should share household tasks equally (e g. cleaning and looking after children). To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2014-5-10)
5.Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes (for example working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood of teaching sports to younger children)(C9)
最後一道劍9 的真題,我們不要整篇文章論述"working for a charity,improving the neighbourhood of teaching sports to younger children"的重要性,然而,e.g.:提高交際技能,組織能力,團隊合作精神;獲得滿足感;增加將來的就業能力;減少犯罪率等,這些也是可以的。
Life skills are important and by doing voluntary work, students can learn how to communicate with others and work in a team but also how to manage time and improve organizational skills; by giving them compulsory work activities with charitable or community organizations, they will be encouraged to do something more creative; healthy life balance and exercise are strongly promoted by the NHS, and therefore it will prevent from sitting and doing wrong. It could also possibly reduce the crime level in the high school age group.
前面確實講述的是"charity"的好處,然而橫線部分並沒有對應 "improving the neighbourhood of teaching sports to younger children"。
還有一類題目也要注意,雖然給的是這種"for example, such as"詞,但其語境就是一個獨一無二的限定,只能從它著手。
1.Schools should concentrate on the academic subjects that will be useful for students』 future careers. Subjects such as music and sports are not useful. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
http://2.In some countries, the government has tried to reduce traffic accidents. For instance, they imposed a congestion tax during rush hour. Do you think this development is positive and negative? (2016-1-30)
此情況一定要注意題目中的連接詞,例如"and, or", 論述過程中缺一不可。
1.Traditional food is being replaced by international fast foods. This has negative effects on family and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2011-06-23)
2.Children spend long time studying in school. What are the positive or negative effects on children and society they live in? (2013-01-12)
http://3.In some countries many young people choose to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages. (2015-2-28)
4.With the wide use of computers and the Internet, people can study and work from home without going to school or company. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?(2014-4-26)
5.Reading stories in books is more beneficial for children than watching TV or playing computer games. Do you agree or disagree? (2015-12-12)
2) 因果
1.Some people think news is in no connection with people』s lives; therefore, it is a complete waste of time to read the news in the newspaper or watch TV news. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2012-06-09)
2.Children』s education is expensive. In some countries, the government pays some or all of the costs. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages? (2014-2-22)
3.Some think that printed books are not necessary in the digital era, because all writing can be stored electronically. Others think printed books still play an important role. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (2014-3-13)
3) 轉折
Food can be produced more cheaply today because of improved fertilizers and better machinery. However, some people think that the methods used to achieve this may have negative effects on human health and local communities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2012-5-19)
4) 絕對化
1.The best way for the government to solve traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2014-1-9)
2.Some people believe that the best way to build a happier society is to ensure that there are only small differences between the richest and the poorest members. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2014-2-1)
3.Some people think that the best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age for driving a car or motor-bike. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2015-2-12)
5). 類比
1.The use of mobile phone is as anti-social as smoking. Since smoking is banned in certain places, using mobile phone should be banned as well. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2015-2-14)
比較中,一定進行比較。Mobile smoking 在文中一定要提到。
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