[第340次聽寫]ever不是」曾經」, 它到底是什麼意思?

[第340次聽寫]ever不是」曾經」, 它到底是什麼意思?

來自專欄如何自學口語14 人贊了文章 https://www.zhihu.com/video/1005819922454228992

我是Wind, 原生活大爆炸和神探夏洛克字幕組組長. 我每天早上聽寫60秒美劇, 已經堅持快1年了. 每天60秒, 直接啃生肉~


網上要找美劇和電影的字幕並不難, 但字幕常常有錯誤. 你用有錯誤的字幕做精聽練習, 很容易被帶到溝里去. 下邊是我聽寫並精校過的答案, 請放心使用~

1 -Okay. All right. I have a question, then. -Yeah.

-好的, 我有一個問題 -嗯

2 Um, were you planning on kissing me ever?


3 Uh...thats definitely a, uh, valid question.


4 And, uh...the answer would be...yes. Yes, I was.

並且, 嗯...答案是...有. 我有打算的

5 But, see, I wanted it to be this phenomenal kiss that happened at this phenomenal moment because, well, because its you.

但是, 我希望它是一個菲比尋常的吻, 發生在一個菲比尋常的時刻, 因為你是菲比啊

6 -Sure. Yeah. -Right.

-嗯嗯 -是的

7 But, you see, the longer I waited, the more phenomenal the kiss had to be.

但是, 我等的越久, 這一吻的意義就越重大

8 And now, weve reached a place where its just got to be one of those things where I just, like, sweep everything off the table and throw you down on it.

現在呢, 我們已經到了那種我必須得把桌上東西一下掃清, 把你扔到桌上然後吻你的程度

9 And, uh, Im not really a, uh...sweeping sort of fella

但我又不是一個...那種一掃而就的人, 所以...


2 Um, were you planning on kissing me ever?


o plan on doing sth=計劃做某事

o We hadnt planned on going anywhere this evening

o 也可以說plan to do sth, 意思是一樣的

o ever我們腦海中第一想到的意思是"曾經"

o 比如Have you ever been to America?

o ever在這裡的意思是"有過哪怕一次, 任何某個時候"

o ever=used in negative sentences and questions, or sentences with if, to mean 「at any time」

o 用於否定句, 疑問句或if從句, 表示在任何一個時候(其實"曾經"也是這個意思)

o If youre ever in Miami, come and see us.

o She hardly ever (= almost never) goes out.

o ever這個詞放在不同語境下會翻譯成不同的中文意思, 所以有點費勁. 其實你可以把它看做"增強語氣"

o 比如上邊的幾個句子, 你去掉ever, 意思不變, 但語氣削弱了

每天我會帶領1000位學員一起聽寫60秒美劇, 然後逐句精講語言點, 示範連讀弱讀. 我會把挑選其中一個句子在這裡進行講解. 如果你想學習完整版的逐句精講, 想和1000名小夥伴一起做聽寫, 甩字幕, 治懶癌的話, 請掃下邊海報上的二維碼


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