

7 人贊了文章


大家好,我是北燕南飛,目前在奧克蘭大學學習幼教專業。我前後一共考了5次雅思,作文從6到6.5到7到最後8分,所以還是對於雅思作文比較有心得體會。 因為我自己本身就是高中英語老師,辭彙語法沒有太大問題。

第一次寫作6, 我總結了一下主要是兩個原因

  • 一,素材積累不夠, 考試的vegetarian的話題基本不知道寫什麼,胡亂湊字數。
  • 二,缺乏專業指導,小作文兩個線圖比較寫了半個小時,依然毫無章法。分類不清晰。







Topic sentence 主題句

Supporting sentence 支撐句

For example 舉例

Concluding sentence 總結句


題目:The news media has become more influential in people』s lives, some people think it is a negative development, to what extent do you agree or disagree ?

主題句:It is undeniable that media coverage plays a crucial role in disseminating(傳播) information and connecting the world to individuals.

支撐句:To be more specific,individuals are liable to(傾向於) make better-informed (更明智的)decisions when they gain access to a wide range of news covering aspects of their lives.

舉例句:For example, a college graduate student is in urgent need of latest news about employment and career path.

總結句: Therefore, news related to these items is more helpful to them than other social resources.



題目 Should old people stay at home or be placed in nursing homes?

The most important benefit is that professional doctors give intensive medical cares to aging people in retirement homes much more easily than those people at home. Besides, they can receive a proper diet prepared by dieticians to meet their individual requirements. This is especially good for those with auditory function disabilities. The greater flexibility of the regular medical check-ups allows for more chance to identify disease in its early stage. Importantly, their commonly held reports of physical examination can help distinguish them from other healthy people.

有沒有感覺看著特別費勁?首先這一段主題句不突出,我讀了很多遍才看出作者的意思是 It isbeneficial for old people to spend time in nursing home. 其次,到底哪些方面有益呢?作者寫的邏輯混亂。

按照我的理解,應該是 Firstly,staying at nursery home means getting access toprofessional care and nutritious food, which can not be acquired at home. 同學們可以就這一點舉例。 後面再加一點,Secondly, frequent medical check-up and physical examination to prevent the occurrence of age-related disease is another advantage. 這個點不用舉例了,一個段落兩個點可以了。

第二次寫作居然是產假(maternity leave) 的利與弊。緊張了幾分鐘之後,在考場上奮筆疾書。小作文還差最後一段, 十天後,成績查到了,作文只有6.5。我非常難過,拿去複議,兩個月後,郵箱收到郵件,複議成功,寫作升高。成績單上的6.5變成了7!



The line graphs display the quantities of goods transported in the Uk from 1974 to 2002 by road, water, rail and pipeline.


The most distinctive feature was seen in the category of road, in 1974, 70 million tonnes of goods were transported by road, after experiencing some fluctuations(起伏,波動), the figure increased dramatically to 90 million tonnes in 1998 and increased minorly to 100 million tonnes in 2002.

接下來寫在它下面的水運water, 也是增加, 數值稍微減小

A similar trend was seen in the category of water, although the initial number was40 million tonnes from 1974 to 1978, it experienced a minorrise to 60 million tonnes in 1982 and reached 62 million tonnnes in 2002 after experiencing some fluctuations.

再寫鐵路運輸rail, 相反趨勢,

However, an inversely trend was seen in the category of rail,although it displayed an identical figure as the data of water between theyears of 1974 and 1978, it showed a decreasing trend and reached 41 milliontonnes in 2002.

最後寫體量最小的管道運輸: pipeline

Pipeline was the least important transport code even though itdisplayed a ring trend, it transported 5 million tonnes of goods in 1974andreached the peak at 20 million tonnes in 1995, then the figure leveled off atthe same data of 20 million tonnes till 2002.


In conclusion, it is evident that road was the dominant transportcode from 1974 and 2002 while pipe line was the least important one whichcarried the least amount of goods.


Children find it difficult to concentrate on or pay attention to school. what are the reasons, how can we solve this problem ?

原因 Primarily, the rooted cause for this thorny issue is related to the learning pattern designed by many developing countries, such as China which just focus on the passive learning rather than interactive learning. This means that pupils have to spend too much time in class sitting still, listening toboring lectures or being tasted.

解決方案 To transform this situation, great efforts and measures should betaken. For example, teachers should try their best to make classes interesting and lively to help learners learn efficiently and provide them enough opportunities to acquire knowledge via interacting with their peers and speakers. Besides, the students also should take part in extra-curricular activities and explore the interesting aspects of subjects actively rather than passively accept teachers』 orders.

我考試的時候就是類似的題目,關於現在在大城市騎自行車的人越來越少了,給出原因和解決方案。我就用了類似的寫法。 在紐西蘭考到了寫作8


因為一邊上班一邊備考,我花的時間久了一點,整整考了一年。你們比我年輕,比我機會好,一開始備考要選最正確的範文,最專業的老師,發現錯了及時糾正,備考雅思很辛苦,特別是寫作,練習大於上課,積累大於技巧劍4-劍12 (現在已出劍13) 的考官範文請你熟悉,路在腳下,生命的夢想破繭成蝶需要很多很多的辛苦和努力!





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