史上最全的 帝王蟹 科普

史上最全的 帝王蟹 科普

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最近幾年帝王蟹在國內越來越流行,想想原來都是在談戀愛拗造型時才會充胖子才吃的東西,現在也可以在一些大型 的商超里看到了。 前段時間在公司樓下阿里旗下的盒馬先生,看到裡面有好多。 回家就想了解一下帝王蟹倒底是個什麼東西,發現國內的這方面的材料好少。 還是谷歌和維基上的材料比較多。國外的東西都比較專業,這裡就做一下分類和引用,reference 會放在文 後,學一下老外 ,尊重一下知識版權。 這不查不知道,誰會想到這麼大的螃蟹竟然是我們在海灘邊看到的小小的寄居蟹的近親。 先說一下我們常見的帝王蟹的分類這個大這伙在專業的分類上是屬於石蟹科。 一般相信帝王蟹是源自像寄居蟹的祖先,故成年的帝王蟹並不對稱。皇帝蟹腹部的不對稱與寄居蟹的相似,都是裝入螺旋形的殼中。以往皇帝蟹與寄居蟹都一同分類在寄居蟹總科,但皇帝蟹現已和軟腹蟹科(Hapalogastridae)一同被分類到獨立的石蟹總科內。 King crabs are the most crab-like

anomurans, with fully calcified cephalothoraxes and leathery to calcified,

under-tucked pleons. Molecular and combined molecular and morphological

phylogenetic analyses recovered lithodids as a lineage derived from within

pagurids, close to a group of northern temperate taxa, including Pagurus, Labidochirus and

Discorsopagurus (Ahyong et al. 2009, Schnabel et al. 2011, Tsang et al. 2011,

Bracken-Grissom et al. 2013), although until recently the pagurid origin of the

Lithodidae was vividly debated (e.g., McLaughlin et al. 2004, 2007; Lemaitre

& McLaughlin 2009). 現在已知的在全球有121個品種10個大類 現在抄在下面後面是他們被發現的人和時間喲 Around 121 species are known, in 10 genera:[4]

? Cryptolithodes Brandt, 1848

? Cryptolithodes expansus Miers, 1879

? Cryptolithodes sitchensis Brandt, 1853 – umbrella crab

? Cryptolithodes typicus Brandt, 1848 – butterfly crab

? Glyptolithodes Faxon, 1895

? Glyptolithodes

cristatipes (Faxon,


? Lithodes Latreille, 1806

? Lithodes aequispinus J. E. Benedict, 1895 – golden king crab

? Lithodes aotearoa Ahyong, 2010

? Lithodes australiensis Ahyong, 2010

? Lithodes ceramensis Takeda & Nagai, 2004

? Lithodes chaddertoni Ahyong, 2010

? Lithodes confundens Macpherson, 1988

? Lithodes couesi J. E. Benedict, 1895 – scarlet king crab

? Lithodes ferox Filhol, 1885

? Lithodes formosae Ahyong & Chan, 2010

? Lithodes galapagensis Hall & Thatje, 2009

? Lithodes jessica Ahyong, 2010

? Lithodes longispina Sakai, 1971

? Lithodes macquariae Ahyong, 2010

? Lithodes maja (Linnaeus, 1758) – Norway king crab

? Lithodes mamillifer Macpherson, 1988d

? Lithodes mandtii

? Lithodes manningi Macpherson, 1988

? Lithodes megacantha Macpherson, 1991

? Lithodes murrayi Henderson, 1888

? Lithodes nintokuae Sakai, 1976

? Lithodes panamensis Faxon, 1893

? Lithodes paulayi Macpherson & Chan, 2008

? Lithodes rachelae Ahyong, 2010

? Lithodes richeri Macpherson, 1990

? Lithodes robertsoni Ahyong, 2010

? Lithodes santolla (Molina, 1782) – Chilean centolla or

Chilean king crab

? Lithodes turkayi Macpherson, 1988

? Lithodes turritus Ortmann, 1892

? Lithodes unicornis Macpherson, 1984

? Lithodes wiracocha Haig, 1974

? Lopholithodes Brandt, 1848

? Lopholithodes foraminatus (Stimpson, 1859) – brown box crab

? Lopholithodes mandtii Brandt, 1848 – Puget Sound king crab

? Neolithodes A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier,


? Neolithodes agassizii (S. I. Smith, 1882)

? Neolithodes asperrimus Barnard, 1947

? Neolithodes brodiei Dawson & Yaldwyn, 1970

? Neolithodes bronwynae Ahyong, 2010

? Neolithodes capensis Stebbing, 1905

? Neolithodes diomedeae (J. E. Benedict, 1895)

? Neolithodes duhameli Macpherson, 2004

? Neolithodes flindersi Ahyong, 2010

? Neolithodes grimaldii (A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier,


? Neolithodes nipponensis Sakai, 1971

? Neolithodes vinogradovi Macpherson, 1988

? Neolithodes yaldwyni Ahyong & Dawson, 2006

? Paralithodes Brandt, 1848

? Paralithodes brevipes (H. Milne Edwards & Lucas,


? Paralithodes californiensis (J. E. Benedict, 1895) – California king crab

? Paralithodes camtschaticus (Tilesius, 1815) – red king crab

? Paralithodes platypus Brandt, 1850 – blue king crab

? Paralithodes rathbuni (J. E. Benedict, 1895)

? Paralomis White, 1856

? Paralomis aculeata Henderson, 1888

? Paralomis africana Macpherson, 1982

? Paralomis alcockiana Hall & Thatje, 2009

? Paralomis anamerae Macpherson, 1988

? Paralomis arae Macpherson, 2001

? Paralomis arethusa Macpherson, 1994

? Paralomis aspera Faxon, 1893

? Paralomis birsteini Macpherson, 1988

? Paralomis bouvieri Hansen, 1908

? Paralomis ceres Macpherson, 1989

? Paralomis chilensis Andrade, 1980

? Paralomis cristata Takeda & Ohta, 1979

? Paralomis cristulata Macpherson, 1988

? Paralomis cubensis Chace, 1939

? Paralomis danida Takeda & Bussarawit, 2007

? Paralomis dawsoni Macpherson, 2001

? Paralomis diomedeae (Faxon, 1893)

? Paralomis dofleini Balss, 1911

? Paralomis echidna Ahyong, 2010

? Paralomis elongata Spiridonov, Türkay, Arntz &

Thatje, 2006

? Paralomis erinacea Macpherson, 1988

? Paralomis formosa Henderson, 1888

? Paralomis gowlettholmes Ahyong, 2010

? Paralomis granulosa (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1846)

? Paralomis grossmani Macpherson, 1988

? Paralomis haigae Eldredge, 1976

? Paralomis hirtella de Saint Laurent &

Macpherson, 1997

? Paralomis histrix (De Haan, 1849)

? Paralomis hystrixoides Sakai, 1980

? Paralomis inca Haig, 1974

? Paralomis indica Alcock & Anderson, 1899

? Paralomis investigatoris Alcock & Anderson, 1899

? Paralomis jamsteci Takeda & Hashimoto, 1990

? Paralomis japonicus Balss, 1911

? Paralomis kyushupalauensis Takeda, 1985

? Paralomis longidactylus Birstein & Vinogradov, 1972

? Paralomis longipes Faxon, 1893

? Paralomis makarovi Hall & Thatje, 2009

? Paralomis manningi Williams, Smith & Baco, 2000

? Paralomis medipacifica Takeda, 1974

? Paralomis mendagnai Macpherson, 2003

? Paralomis microps Filhol, 1884

? Paralomis multispina (Benedict, 1895)

? Paralomis nivosa Hall & Thatje, 2009

? Paralomis ochthodes Macpherson, 1988

? Paralomis odawarai (Sakai, 1980)

? Paralomis otsuae Wilson, 1990

? Paralomis pacifica Sakai, 1978

? Paralomis papillata (Benedict, 1895)

? Paralomis pectinata Macpherson, 1988

? Paralomis phrixa Macpherson, 1992

? Paralomis poorei Ahyong, 2010

? Paralomis roeleveldae Kensley, 1981

? Paralomis seagranti Eldredge, 1976

? Paralomis serrata Macpherson, 1988

? Paralomis spectabilis Hansen, 1908

? Paralomis spinosissima Birstein & Vinogradov, 1972

? Paralomis staplesi Ahyong, 2010

? Paralomis stella Macpherson, 1988

? Paralomis stevensi Ahyong & Dawson, 2006

? Paralomis taylorae Ahyong, 2010

? Paralomis truncatispinosa Takeda & Miyake, 1980

? Paralomis tuberipes Macpherson, 1988

? Paralomis verrilli (Benedict, 1895)

? Paralomis webberi Ahyong, 2010

? Paralomis zealandica Dawson & Yaldwyn, 1971

? Phyllolithodes Brandt, 1848

? Phyllolithodes

papillosus Brandt,

1848 – flatspine

triangle crab, heart crab

? Rhinolithodes Brandt, 1848

? Rhinolithodes

wosnessenskii Brandt,

1848 – rhinoceros


? Sculptolithodes Makarov, 1934

? Sculptolithodes

derjugini Makarov,


? 我們現在可以在中國市場上可以看到主要是這121個種類中的3 個品種,市面上主要是稱為red king crab 紅帝王蟹 . Blue king crab藍帝王蟹. Gold king crab金霸王蟹. 上張專業的圖,這個是帝王蟹的生理結構和主要特徵,兩張圖片引用的文章和頁面上。(新生物學分類)


king crab (Lithodes aequispinus) are found from British Columbia

to the Aleutian Islands and Japan. averaging 5–8 lb. They have a golden-colored

shell and five pairs of legs, the front pair carrying their claws. They have a

distinctive carapace (the shell covering their back) with a fan-shaped

"tail" tucked underneath the rear of the shell. They taste

similar to red and blue king crab, although perhaps somewhat sweeter.


Life History生活史

Growth and Reproduction生長和繁殖

Adult females brood thousands of

embryos underneath their tail flap for about a year. When the embryos are fully

developed, they hatch as swimming larvae, but they are still susceptible to the

movements of tides and currents. Larvae feed on plant and animal plankton for

several months, undergoing several body changes with each molt. Eventually, the

larvae settle to the ocean bottom and molt into non-swimmers, looking for the

first time like king crab as we normally think of them. At this stage they are

smaller than a dime! Golden king crab appear to settle in water of 300 feet or



Because a crab』s skeleton is its

shell (made mostly of calcium), it must molt its shell in order to grow.

Juveniles molt many times in their first few years, then less frequently until

they reach sexual maturity in four or five years. Adult females must molt in

order to mate but males do not. Adult males often skip a molt and keep the same

shell for one or two years.


Adult golden king crab exhibit

offshore 「deep and back」 annual migrations. They come to shallow water in late

winter and by spring the embryos hatch. Adult females and some adult males molt

and mate before they start their offshore feeding migration to deeper waters.

Adult crabs tend to segregate by sex once off the mating/molting grounds. Red,

blue and golden king crabs seldom co-exist, although their depth ranges and

habitat often overlap.


Feeding Ecology攝食生態學

Golden king crab eat a wide

assortment of marine life including worms, clams, mussels, snails, brittle

stars, sea stars, sea urchins, sand dollars, barnacles, crabs, other

crustaceans, fish parts, sponges, and algae. Crabs have a strong sense of

smell, helping them to find prey which they then grasp with their claws prior

to consumption.


King crabs are eaten by a wide

variety of organisms including, but not limited to, fishes (Pacific cod,

sculpins, halibut, yellowfin sole), octopuses, other king crabs (they can be

cannibalistic), sea otters, and several species of nemertean worms, which have

been found to eat king crab embryos.



Mature crabs have a very set

migration pattern. They come into shallow water to mate in late winter. By

spring, when the embryos hatch and set off on their own, they migrate back to

their deep-water feeding grounds.



Fast Facts

? Size 5–8 lbs

? Range/Distribution The Aleutian Islands, the Pribilof and Shumagin Islands,

Shelikof Strait, Prince William Sound and the lower Chatham Strait

? Diet Worms, clams, mussels, snails, brittle stars, sea stars, sea

urchins, sand dollars, barnacles, crabs, other crustaceans, fish parts,

sponges, and algae

? Predators Pacific cod, sculpins, halibut, yellowfin sole, octopuses, other

king crabs, sea otters, and nemertean worms

? Reproduction Have larger eggs than both red and blue king crabs

General Description

Red king crabs (Paralithodes camtschaticus) are a

species of large crab that appear dark red or burgundy in color. Red king crabs

can grow very large with carapace (the shell covering their back) lengths up to

11 inches and a five foot leg span. Red king crabs have "tails," or

abdomens, that are distinctive, being fan-shaped and tucked underneath the rear

of the shell. They also have five pairs of legs; the first bears their claws or

pincers, the right claw is usually the largest on the adults, the next three

pairs are their walking legs, and the fifth pair of legs are small and normally

tucked underneath the rear portion of their carapace. These specialized legs

are used by adult females to clean their embryos (fertilized eggs) and the male

uses them to transfer sperm to the female during mating.


紅螃蟹(Paralithodes camtschaticus)是一種大螃蟹,呈現深紅色或勃艮第色。 紅螃蟹可以生長非常大,甲殼(殼覆蓋其背部)長達11英寸,長度為5英尺。 紅螃蟹有「尾巴」或腹部,有特色,扇形和褶皺在殼後面。 他們也有五對腳; 第一個對為鉗子,成年蟹右敖偏最大的,接下來的三對是他們的步行腿,第五對腿很小,通常卷在他們甲殼的後部的下面。 雌性用這些專門的腿用來清潔他們的胚胎(受精卵),雄性使用它們在交配期間將精子轉移到雌性。




and Development


females brood thousands of embryos underneath their tail flap for about a

years time. When the embryos are fully developed they hatch as swimming

larvae, but they are still susceptible to the movements of tides and currents.

After feeding on plant and animal plankton for several months and undergoing

several body changes with each molt, the larvae settle to the ocean bottom and

molt into nonswimmers, looking for the first time like king crabs as we

normally think of them, except they are smaller than a dime. Red king crabs

settle in waters less than 90 feet deep.





Because a

crabs skeleton is its shell (made mostly of calcium), it must molt its shell

in order to grow. Juveniles molt many times in their first few years, then less

frequently until they reach sexual maturity in four or five years. Adult

females must molt in order to mate but males do not. Adult males often skip a

molt and keep the same shell for one or two years. Red king crabs can grow very

large with the record female and male weighing 10.5 and 24 pounds,

respectively. These large crabs were estimated to be 20–30 years old. The

males leg span was nearly 5 feet across.




Adult red

king crabs exhibit near shore to offshore (or shallow to deep) and back, annual

migrations. They come to shallow water in late winter and by spring the

females embryos hatch. Adult females and some adult males molt and mate before

they start their offshore feeding migration to deeper waters. Adult crabs tend

to segregate by sex off the mating-molting grounds. Red, blue, and golden king

crabs are seldom found co-existing with one another even though the depth

ranges they live in and habitats may overlap. Adult male red king crabs in the

Kodiak area have been known to migrate up to 100 miles round-trip annually,

moving at times as fast as a mile per day.



Range and Habitat

Red king

crabs occur from British Columbia to Japan north to the Bering Sea with Bristol

Bay and the Kodiak Archipelago being the centers of its abundance in Alaska.

Red king crabs can occur from the intertidal zone to 100 fathoms or more.


Fast Facts

? Size Females up to 10.5 lbs; Males up to 24 lbs and leg span of five


? Lifespan Males and females estimated to live up to

20-30 years

? Distribution/Range British Columbia to Japan north to the Bering

Sea with Bristol Bay and Kodiak Archipelago being the centers of its abundance

in Alaska.

? Remarks Red king crabs were historically the most

commercially important shellfish species in Alaska. Since statehood in 1959,

U.S. fishers have harvested nearly 2 billion pounds of red king crab worth $1.6

billion from Alaska waters.

? Status Healthy


General Description

Blue king

crab, like all king crabs are decapod or 「ten-legged」 crustaceans that have

"tails," or abdomens, that are distinctive, being fan-shaped and

tucked underneath the rear of the shell. They also have five pairs of legs; the

first bears their claws or pincers, the right claw is usually the largest on

the adults, the next three pairs are their walking legs, and the fifth pair of

legs are small and normally tucked underneath the rear portion of their

carapace (the shell covering their back). These specialized legs are used by

adult females to clean their embryos (fertilized eggs) and the male uses them

to transfer sperm to the female during mating.


藍蟹王像所有的螃蟹都是十足的或「十條腿」的甲殼類動物,有「尾巴」或腹部,有特別的扇形和褶皺在殼後面。 他們也有五對腳; 第一個對為鉗子,成年蟹右敖偏最大的,接下來的三對是他們的步行腿,第五對腿很小,通常卷在他們甲殼的後部的下面。 雌性用這些專門的腿用來清潔他們的胚胎(受精卵),雄性使用它們在交配期間將精子轉移到雌性。




and Reproduction

Blue king

crab are similar in size and appearance, except for color, to the more

widespread red king crab, but are typically biennial spawners with lesser

fecundity and somewhat larger sized eggs. Development of the fertilized embryos occurs in the egg cases attached

to the pleopods beneath the abdomen of the female crab and hatching occurs

February through April. After larvae are released, large female blue king crab

will molt, mate, and extrude their clutches the following year in late March

through mid April.





crabs require an average of 29 days to release larvae, and release an average

of about 110,000 larvae. Larvae are pelagic and pass through four zoeal larval

stages which last about 10 days each, with length of time being dependent on

temperature; the colder the temperature the slower the development and vice

versa. Stage I zoeae must find food within 60 hours as starvation reduces their

ability to capture prey and successfully molt. Zoeae consume phytoplankton, the

diatom Thalassiosira spp. in particular, and zooplankton. The fifth larval

stage is the non-feeding and transitional glaucothoe stage in which the larvae

take on the shape of a small crab but retain the ability to swim by using their

extended abdomen as a tail. This is the stage at which the larvae searches for

appropriate settling substrate, and once finding it, molts to the first

juvenile stage and henceforth remains benthic. The larval stage is estimated to

last for 2.5 to 4 months and larvae metamorphose and settle during July through

early September.

女性螃蟹平均需要29天才能產出幼蟲,平均釋放約11萬隻幼蟲。幼蟲要經過四個變態階段,每個階段持續約10天,時間長短取決於溫度。溫度越低速度越慢,反之亦然。第一階段的幼蟲必須在60小時內找到食物,因為飢餓會降低捕獲成功蛻皮的能力。 主要以浮游植物,硅藻和浮游生物為食。第五個幼蟲階段幼蟲呈小螃蟹的形狀,但仍通過其延長的腹部作為尾巴保留游泳的能力。這個階段過後就會蛻皮到第一個少年階段,此後變為底棲生物。幼蟲期預計持續2.5至4個月,並於7月至9月初定居海底。




eaten by king crabs varies by species, size, and depth inhabited. King crabs

are known to eat a wide assortment of marine life including worms, clams,

mussels, snails, brittle stars, sea stars, sea urchins, sand dollars,

barnacles, crabs, other crustaceans, fish parts, sponges, and algae.




crabs are eaten by a wide variety of organisms including but not limited to

fishes (Pacific cod, sculpins, halibut, yellowfin sole), octopuses, king crabs

(they can be cannibalistic), sea otters, and several new species of nemertean

worms, which have been found to eat king crab embryos.

各樣的生物都吃藍蟹,包括但不限於魚類(太平洋鱈魚,比目魚,黃鰭fin sole),章魚,其他種類的螃蟹,海獺以及幾種新種的蠕蟲



blue king crabs exhibit nearshore to offshore (or shallow to deep) and back,

annual migrations. They come to shallow water in late winter and by spring the

females embryos hatch. Adult females and some adult males molt and mate before

they start their offshore feeding migration to deeper waters. Adult crabs tend

to segregate by sex off the mating-molting grounds. Red, blue, and golden king crabs

are seldom found co-existing with one another even though the depth ranges they

live in and habitats may overlap.



Range and Habitat

Blue king

crab are anomurans in the family Lithodidae which also includes the red king

crab Paralithodes camtschaticus and golden or brown king crab Lithodes


Alaska. Blue king crabs occur off Hokkaido in Japan, with disjunct populations

occurring in the Sea of Okhotsk and along the Siberian coast to the Bering

Straits. In North America, they are known from the Diomede Islands, Point Hope,

outer Kotzebue Sound, King Island, and the outer parts of Norton Sound. In the

remainder of the Bering Sea, they are found in the waters off St. Matthew

Island and the Pribilof Islands. In more southerly areas as far as southeastern

Alaska in the Gulf of Alaska, blue king crabs are found in widely-separated

populations that are frequently associated with fjord-like bays. This disjunct,

insular distribution of blue king crab relative to the similar but more broadly

distributed red king crab is likely the result of post-glacial period increases

in water temperature that have limited the distribution of this cold-water

adapted species. Factors that may be directly responsible for limiting the

distribution include the physiological requirements for reproduction,

competition with the more warm-water adapted red king crab, exclusion by

warm-water predators, or habitat requirements for settlement of larvae.


藍螃蟹是寄居蟹的近親石蟹種,其中還包括紅帝王蟹Paralithodes camtschaticus和在阿拉斯加金帝王螃蟹Lithodes aequispinus。藍帝王螃蟹分布從日本北海到鄂霍次克海,沿西伯利亞海岸到白令海峽。在北美,他們從Diomede群島,Point Hope,Kotzebue sound,King Island和Norton Sound的外圍部位都有分布。在白令海的其餘部分,它們位於聖馬修島和普里比洛夫群島的水域。在阿拉斯加灣阿拉斯加東南部更南的地區也有廣泛分布。藍蟹王相對於相似但較廣泛分布的原因很可能是冰河期後期水溫升高的結果,限制了這種冷水適應物種的分布。也可能是繁殖的生理要求。

Fast Facts

? Size Up to 18 pounds for a mature male.

? Range/Distribution Disjunct populations in the North Pacific

Ocean, with major concentrations primarily in Bering Sea.

? Diet Wide assortment of invertebrates including worms, clams,

mussels, snails, brittle stars, sea stars, sea urchins, sand dollars,

barnacles, crabs, other crustaceans, fish parts, sponges, and algae.

? Predators A wide variety of marine fishes, king crab,

and octopus.

? Reproduction Biennial spawning, embryos held in egg cases attached

to the abdomen.

? Remarks Bering Sea populations off of Alaska are

managed jointly by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the National

Marine Fisheries Service.

總結,藍 在俄羅斯分布比較多,

紅 的產量最大,



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