

來自專欄雅思IELTS口語話題3 人贊了文章

今天和大家分享一個Part 2 里比較常見的高頻話題:「描述你生氣的場景」。

Describe a situation where you got angry

You should say:

When it happened;

What happened;

How you reacted to it;

and explain why you felt angry.

First Point + Sample Answer:

When did it happen?

Well, its pretty normal that people get pissed off when something bad happens to them as it is one of the human natures.

To tell you the truth, Im a very easygoing and gentle person, which means I dont get angry very often, but let me just share with you one thing that happened between me and my colleague a few weeks ago.

Second Point + Sample Answer:

What happened?

I remember it was a Friday afternoon when everyone at work was getting excited about the upcoming weekends. However, I agreed to help one colleague to move to her new apartment after she contacted me asking for help.

Strangely enough, after a few hours waiting to hear from her in the company, I got nothing, so I had to go home in the end, feeling a bit mad.

Third Point + Sample Answer:

How did you react to it?

Despite the nasty feeling I had, I still believed that she must have had some solid reasons for that, so I waited and waited…from Saturday through Sunday afternoon,I got her message finally explaining to me that her phone was dead on Friday evening so she was not able to tell me the fact that she actually didnt need my help in the end. Hearing that explanation, I couldnt say a word so I just sent 「Okay" to her as a reply.


Explain why you felt angry.

I felt angry about it because she did not even try to reach me in time to inform me of that. I mean I did not expect her gratitude as I did not help her anyway, but at least she could have told me earlier so that I could have planned some other things instead on Friday night.

On the other hand, I was not so pleased with the way she dealt with it later,because my understanding is that she owes me an apology after what has happened, but I was really shocked that she pretended that nothing had happened when she saw me at work on Monday.

Okay, 今天Part 2 的分享就這些了~

Have a nice day!



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