Section 1 舊題
場景: Enquiring
內容: 關於車輛的購買
題型: 填空題
重點: 這次的S1相對較容易,話題比較常見,但是大家要注意常用詞語的拼寫,尤其是人名和日期拼寫,盡量不要出錯。
Light [la?t] 明亮的
Tyre [ta?r] 輪胎
Manager [?m?n?d??] 經理
Automatic [??t??m?t?k] 自動的
Station [?ste??n] 車站
Identification [a??d?nt?f??ke??n] 認同
Supermarket [?su:p?rmɑ:rk?t] 超級市場
Section 2 舊題
場景: Introduction
內容: 關於農場的規劃和建造
題型: 選擇題
重點: 注意選擇題問題中的限制性信息,以幫助快速定位和排除
Construct [k?n?str?kt] 構成
Layout [?le?a?t] 布局
Concrete [?kɑ:?kri:t] 混凝土
Cement [s??m?nt] 水泥
Landscape [?l?nd?skep] 風景
Livestock [?la?vstɑ:k] 家畜
Underground [??nd?rgra?nd] 地下的
irrigation [??r?ɡe??n] 灌溉
Drainage [?dren?d?] 排水系統
Grass [gr?s] 草坪
Section 3 舊題
場景: Discussion
內容: 活動形態的實驗討論
題型: 選擇題,配對題
重點: 單選題劃題干關鍵詞,注意定位;匹配題提前審題以及區分干擾項;
Control group 控制組
Dynamic [dai?n?mik] 動態的
Cause [k?z] 原因
Conclusion [k?n?klu??n] 結論
Evidence [??v?d?ns] 證據
Amorphous [??m?:rf?s] 無固定形狀的
Visible [?v?z?b?l] 看得見的
Experiment [?k?sp?r?m?nt] 實驗
Subject [?s?bd?ekt] 受試者
Consolidate [k?n?sɑ:l?de?t] 統一
Crystal [?kr?stl] 晶體
Deform [d??f?:rm] 使變形
Section 4 舊題
場景: Research
內容: 與飛行相關
題型: 填空題
重點: 分析詞性,以名詞居多,注意單複數變化
Marketing [?mɑ:rk?t??] 營銷
Airlines [erla?ns] 航空公司
Feedback [?fid?b?k] 反饋
Pilot [?pa?l?t] 飛行員
Exercise [?eks?rsa?z] 練習
Hands [h?nd] 掌管
Behavior [b??hevj?] 行為
Piano [pi??n??] 鋼琴
Technology [tek?nɑ:l?d?i] 科技
Privacy [?pra?v?si] 隱私
Meteorology [?mi:ti??rɑ:l?d?i] 氣象學
Atmosphere [??tm?sf?r] 大氣層
Take off 起飛
Land [l?nd] 著陸
Passage 1
題目: 條形碼的發明與發展
內容: 描述了上世紀20年代在實驗室里在信封上做標記,創造了最初的條形碼,最終這種條形碼被用於了各行各業。
類型: 科技
難度: 簡單
題型: 待定
模擬練習推薦: C5T1P1
Bar code 條形碼
Envelope [?env?lo?p] 信封
Graph [ɡr?f] 圖表
Manufacturer [?m?nj??f?kt???] 製造商
Retailing [?ri?tel??] 零售業
Warehouse [?werha?s] 倉庫
Positive [?pɑ:z?t?v] 積極的
Extensive [?k?st?ns?v] 範圍廣泛的
Agenda [??d??nd?] 議事日程
Logistics [l??d??st?ks] 物流
Transportation [?tr?nsp?:r?te??n] 運送
Package [?p?k?d?] 包裝
Invention [?n?v?n??n] 發明
Military field 軍用領域
Passage 2
題目: 音樂表演成就感
內容: 這篇文章描寫了音樂表演的中介作用,通過表演體驗創作成果,促進音樂良性發展並且加強審美體驗。
類型: art
難度: 偏難
題型: 段落配對*5,填空題*4,人名配對*4
模擬練習推薦: C7T1P3
Performance [p?r?f?:rm?ns] 表演
Achievement [??t?ivm?nt] 成就
Violin [?va???l?n] 小提琴
Instrument [??nstr?m?nt] 儀器
Psychology [sa??kɑ:l?d?i] 心理學
Enthusiastic [?n?θu:zi??st?k] 熱情的
Appreciation [??pri?i?e??n] 欣賞
Composer [k?m?po?z?(r)] 作曲家
Musician [mju?z???n] 音樂家
Inspiration [??nsp??re??n] 靈感
Artist [?ɑ:rt?st] 藝術家
Symbol [?s?mb?l] 符號
Music works 音樂作品
Emotion [??mo??n] 情緒
Imagine [??m?d??n] 想像
Memory [?m?m?ri] 記憶
Affection [??f?k??n] 喜愛
Passage 3
題目: 爐灶如何減少污染
內容: 這篇文章描寫了爐灶的工作原理,以及如何在使用中減少環境的污染。
類型: 自然科學
難度: 中等
題型: 填空題*6,選擇題*3,判斷題*5
模擬練習推薦: C5T2P1
Environment [?n?va?r?nm?nt] 環境
Pollution [p??lu??n] 污染
Concur [k?n?k?:] 同意
Cooker [?k?k?] 爐灶
Alleviate [??livi?et] 減輕
Principle [?pr?ns?p?l] 原則
Energy [?en?rd?i] 能源
Emission [??m???n] 排放
Ozone [?o?zo?n] 臭氧
Fossil fuel 化石燃料
Methane [?meθe?n] 甲烷
Ventilate [?v?ntl?et] 通風
Coal [ko?l] 煤
Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
Furnace [?f?:rn?s] 熔爐
clean energy 清潔能源
翻譯: 無
類型: 柱狀圖
難度: 中等
- 注意時態變化,從過去時間到未來預測時間
題目: Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative effects on children and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
翻譯: 現在,很多廣告面向小朋友。有人認為這會給小孩帶來負面影響,應該被禁止。多大程度上你同意這一說法?
類型: 社會類
解析:不同意的說法。I think that limiting the number of such advertisements instead of banning them is more advisable when considering the adverse impacts on children. It is true that a product advertised by companies tends to be more attractive, so children possibly require parents to buy it without realizing if they really need it. However, to elimate all of these advertisements would bring about much more problems both to the society and to parents. Firstly, this idea would inhibit the economic prosperity of the market. Without sufficient publicity, organizations were likely to fail to reaching target groups, and thus suffered from financial losses. This could prevent companies from further investing in the market and the field. Secondly, when parents really needed consultation for such purchases, there would be very restricted and inconvenient information resources for them.
教育類, 社會類
Part 1
Work or study
Study efficiency
High school
High school
Being bored
Applications (APP)
Ideal work
Daily routines
Save money
Travel (Space travel)
Foreign food
Rainy days
Outside activities
Physical exercise
Being bored
Ideal work
Save money
Travel (Space travel)
Foreign food
Part 2
Describe a leisure facility (cinema, theater, sports center) you would like to have in your hometown
You should say:
What it is
Where it is
When you go there
And how you feel about it
*需改進的公共場所Describe a public place that you think needs improvement
You should say:
What the public place is
How often do you go there
What do people do there
And explain why it needs improvement
And how to make it batter
Describe a city or a country you want to live or work in the future
You should say:
Which city or country is
When you do want to live or work
Why do you like to live or work in the city or the country
What you do to achieve your dreams
Describe a place where you often visit with your friends or family
You should say:
Where the place is
How you know the place
How you go there
Why you want to visit
Describe a quiet place you found
You should say:
Where it is
When you found it
How you found it
How often you go there
What it is like
How you felt about the place
Describe a toy that you had in your childhood
You should say
What kind of toy it was
Who gave you the toy
What it was like
When you received it
Did you like to play the toy alone or with others?
Why you liked the toy or how you felt about the toy?
Describe a good photo you had or a good photo of you taken by somone
You should say
Where you took it or where it was taken
Who took it for you
When it was taken
What it was about
Why you think it is a good photo
Why it was unforgettable for you
Describe a building you like
You should say:
Where it is
What it is used for
What it looks like
And explain why you like it
* 受歡迎的人
Describe a popular person you know
You should say:
Who the person is
What kind of person he or she is
How you knew the person
or How this person influences the public
Why he or she is a popular person
* 有名的運動員
Describe a famous athlete you know or a successful sportsman
You should say:
Who the person is
How you know him or her
What sport he or she plays
Why he or she is successful
Why he is famous
Describe an interesting animal
You should say:
What it looks like.
When you saw it / knew it for the first time
Where it lives.
And explain why it is interesting.
*別人說的難忘故事Describe a memorable story told by someone
You should say:
Who told you the story
When you heard the story
What the story was about
Why you found it memorable
Describe a situation or a time when you helped someone.
You should say:
what the situation was
who the person was
how you helped them
and explain how you felt after helping them.
Describe a special /meaningful meal you had
You should say:
When/where you had the meal
Who were with you
What food you ate
Why it was special meal
Describe a special day out that didn』t cost you much
You should say:
When it happened
Where did you do
What did you do
Who you were with
How much it cost
Why it was very special
Describe something important that you celebrated (with others).
You should say:
When it happened
What it was about
Who you celebrated it with
And explain how you felt about it
Describe an activity with an old people in your family
You should say:
Who the person was
When you did it with him/her
What you did with him or her
How you felt about it
Describe an occasion when someone visited your home
You should say:
Who the person is
When the person visited your home
What you did
How you felt about the visit
Describe a good service you received
You should say:
What service you received
When you received it
Who you were with
How you felt
Describe an occasion when you had to be polite.
You should say:
When it happened
Where it happened
What it was about
Why you needed to be polite
Describe a time you saved money for something.
You should say:
What the money was for
Why you needed to save money
How long you saved
How did you feel about it
Describe a period of history that you think interesting
You should say:
When it happened
What happened
How you learned this event
Why you are interested in it?
Describe a party that you joined in.
You should say:
When did the party hold
Where did the party hold
Whose party it was what you did at the party
And explain how you felt about the party
Describe your favourite season in a year
You should say:
When this time is
What do you like
What the weather is like at this time
What you usually do at this time
Why it is your favourite time of the year
Describe a technology you like (except computer)
You should say:
What the technology is
What it is used for
When it was invented
How do you feel about it
Describe an important rive or a lake or area of water in your country/in your hometown
You should say:
Where is the lake or the river or area
What it is
What it looks like
What do people usually do there
Why you like the river or lake or why it is important
Describe a subject that you like most
You should say:
What it is
How long have you learn about it
How will you use it
Where you studied it
And explain why it is your favorite.
Describe an interesting job you would like to have
You should say:
what job it is
what people do in that job
What qualities the job needs
and explain why you think it would be interesting work to do (well paid job)
Describe a TV program (TV series / drama) you enjoy watching
You should say:
What it is
What it』s about
When did you first watched it
Why you like watching it
Describe a website that you like to often visit
you should say:
what it is
how often do you visit it
what information do you find
And explain why you often visit it
Describe an important skill which cannot be learned at school
You should say:
What the skill is
Why it cannot be learned at school
Why it is important
How we learned it
Describe a sport that you have watched (on TV) before and you want to try
You should say:
What it is
When you first watched the sport
What you like about the sport
And explain why you would like to try this sport
Describe a competition (talent show, etc) you would like to take part in.
You should say:
What the competition is
How you knew it
What you need to do to prepare for it
And explain why you want to attend it.
Describe some useful skills you learned in a math class from your primary/high school
you should say:
what the skills are
who taught you these skills
And explain why you think they are useful
Describe a magazine you enjoy reading
You should say:
What it is
When you started reading this magazine
What the content is
How often do you read it
What do you learn from it
Why do you like it
Describe a song that means something special to you. (favorite song)
You should say:
What the song is about
When did you hear about it for the first time
How often you listen to this song
And explain why it is special to you (why favorite?)
Describe something you do to keep you concentrated.
You should say:
What it is
How does it help you
How you knew about this thing
How often you do it
When you started doing it
And explain what do you think about it/ why it helped you concentrate
Describe a happy experience you had before.
You should say:
Where you were
When it happened
Who you were with
What you did
And explain why you felt happy
Describe something interesting that your friend has done but you haven』t.
You should say:
What it is
When did your friend do it
Where did your friend do it
And explain why you want to do it
Describe a time when you were shopping in a street market.
You should say:
when it was
what the street market was
what did you buy
And explain how you felt about the shopping experience
Describe a time when you changed your plan / mind.
You should say:
what the plan was
when it happened
why did you change it
And explain how you felt after you changed it
Describe a trip that you went on by public transportation
You should say:
What the transportation is
Where did you go
Why you choose this transportation
Who you were with
And explain how you feel about it
Describe an idea of vacation away from home. (a trip in the near future).
You should say:
Where will you go
Who will you go with
What you will do there
And explain why you want to go there
Describe the time when you received your first cellphone
You should say:
who send it to you
when did you receive it
What it was like
And explain how you felt about it
Describe a popular comic actor/actress you know in your country
You should say:
Who is he/she
How do you know about him/her
What comedies have he/she performed
And explain why do you think he/she is popular
Describe a person you know who like to talk a lot (talkative).
You should say:
Who he/she is
When do you know her/him?
What does he/she like to talk
And explain what you think about him/her
Describe a time that you wore a type of clothes you wear in special occasion
What the occasion was
What you wore
Where you bought the clothes
And explain what do other people think about it
Describe a childhood friend of yours
You should say:
When you met him/her
Where you met him/her
What you did with your friend
How you felt about the friend
Describe a thing you own that you want to replace
You should say:
what it is
when did you have it
how did you get it
And explain why do you want to replace it
Describe a new development (such as new roads, shopping centers) that appeared in your town or city
You should say:
What it was
When it was developed
Where you saw it
And how you felt about it
Describe something important that you lost
What is it
When this happened
Where you lost it
Why it is important
How did you lose it
And explain how did you do after losing it