



New Era in Space: NASA Astronauts Fly Commercial Spacecraft

nju? ???r? ?n spe?s: ?n?s? ??str?n??ts fla? k??m????l ?spe?skrɑ?ft



Ladies and gentlemen: I present to you our Commercial Crew astronauts.

?le?d?z ?nd ???nt(?)lm?n: a? ?pr?znt t? j? ?a?? k??m????l kru? ??str?n??ts.


The announcement was made at the Johnson Space Center in Houston Texas by NASA Administrator, Jim Birdenstine.

ei ??na?nsm?nt w?z me?d ?t e? ???ns(?)n spe?s ?s?nt?r ?n ?hu?st(?)n ?t?ks?s ba? ?n?s? ?d?m?n?stre?t?, ??m Birdenstine.

這一消息是由美國宇航局局長Jim Birdenstine在休斯敦德克薩斯約翰遜航天中心發布的。

For the first time since 2011, we are on the brink of launching American astronauts on American Rockets from American soil.

f? e? f??st ta?m s?ns 2011, wi ?r ?n e? br??k ?v ?l??n??? ??m?r?k?n ??str?n??ts ?n ??m?r?k?n ?r?k?ts fr?m ??m?r?k?n s??l.


Nine astronauts are assigned to the four Commercial Crew flights aboard the Boeing Starliner in the SpaceX crew Dragon spacecraft.

na?n ??str?n??ts ?r ??sa?nd t? e? f?? k??m????l kru? fla?ts ??b??d e? ?b???? Starliner ?n e? SpaceX kru? ?dr?g?n ?spe?skrɑ?ft.


NASA has worked closely with the companies in the design, development and testing

to ensure the systems meet the agency』s safety and performance requirements.

?n?s? h?z w??kt ?kl??sli w?e e? ?k?mp?niz ?n e? d??za?n, d??v?l?pm?nt ?nd ?t?st?? t? ?n???? e? ?s?st?mz mi?t ei ?e???nsiz ?se?fti ?nd p??f??m?ns r??kwa??m?nts.


Marine Corps test pilot Nicole Aunapu Mann says she』s thrilled to join the Boeing team for the Starliners test flight.

m??ri?n k?? t?st ?pa?l?t n??k??l Aunapu m?n s?z ?i?z θr?ld t? ???n e? ?b???? ti?m f? e? Starliners t?st fla?t.

海軍陸戰隊試飛員Nicole Aunapu Mann說,她很高興加入波音團隊參加星際飛船試飛。

To be involved in the tests and development and then to be there on launch day,

and to experience the results of all that hard work, it』s going to be a proud moment for the team.

t? bi ?n?v?lvd ?n e? t?sts ?nd d??v?l?pm?nt ?nd e?n t? bi ee?r ?n l??n? de?, ?nd t? ?ks?p??r??ns e? r??z?lts ?v ??l e?t hɑ?d w??k, ?ts ?g???? t? bi ? pra?d ?m??m?nt f? e? ti?m.


It』s gonna be a proud moment for America.

?ts ?g?n? bi ? pra?d ?m??m?nt f?r ??m?r?k?.


Victor Glover, a Navy Commander and naval aviator will fly SpaceX crew dragons first operational mission to the International Space Station.

?v?kt? ?gl?v?, ? ?ne?vi k??mɑ?nd?r ?nd ?ne?v?l ?e?v?e?t? w?l fla? SpaceX kru? ?dr?g?nz f??st ??p??re???nl ?m???n t? ei ??nt?(?)?n???nl spe?s ?ste???n.

海軍指揮官Victor Glover和海軍飛行員將乘SpaceX的載人龍船,開展在國際空間站的第一個作戰任務。

That will be his first spaceflight.

e?t w?l bi ?z f??st spaceflight.


To have the opportunity work with these great companies on something that is so important to our nation and to NASA

t? h?v ei ??p??tju?n?ti w??k w?e ei?z gre?t ?k?mp?niz ?n ?s?mθ?? e?t s s?? ?m?p??t?nt t? ?a?? ?ne???n ?nd t? ?n?s?,


this is a test pilot dream and I』m just excited like Josh said to get to work making it a reality.

e?s ?z ? t?st ?pa?l?t dri?m ?nd a?m ??st ?k?sa?t?d la?k ??? s?d t? g?t t? w??k ?me?k?? ?t ? ri(?)??l?ti.


NASA says the public-private partnerships fostered by the Commercial Crew program

will boost the U.S. commercial space industry and spark continued innovations for the future.

?n?s? s?z e? ?p?bl?k-?pra?v?t ?pɑ?tn???ps ?f?st?d ba? e? k??m????l kru? ?pr??gr?m w?l bu?st e? ju?.?s. k??m????l spe?s ??nd?stri ?nd spɑ?k k?n?t?nju(?)d ??n???ve???nz f? e? ?fju???.


Mariama Diallo, VOA news

Mariama Diallo, vi?-??-e? nju?z

這裡是美國之音新聞為您報道,我是主播Mariama Diallo。



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