卸載 Norton Security for macOS

卸載 Norton Security for macOS

來自專欄【辭客堂】Mac 兼容機專版13 人贊了文章

由於體質特殊,Norton Security 和我的電腦八字不合,於是我就要卸載掉它。

被 macOS 版 Norton Security 的更新錯誤提示煩死_Symantec_國外殺毒軟體 卡飯論壇?



Remove Norton for Mac programs using RemoveSymantecMacFiles removal utility?


  1. 下載 RemoveSymantecMacFiles.zip
  2. 進入 Finder 的下載文件夾,解壓這個 zip 文件
  3. 打開終端,進入 RemoveSymantecMacFiles 目錄,執行下列命令

sudo RemoveSymantecMacFiles.command


********* RemoveSymantecMacFiles.command 7.0.72 *********You must be an admin user to run this script.Please enter your admin password: (此時輸入你的密碼)WARNING: This script will remove all files and folders created by Symantec OS X products (except Symantec Adminstration Console for Macintosh files) and any files within those folders. Therefore, you will lose ALL files that reside in those folders, including any that you have created.1 - Remove all Symantec files/folders.2 - Quit. Do not remove any files.Enter choice (1 or 2):

輸入 1 並回車。

Removing Symantec files............NOTE: You should now restart the computer to get Symantec processes and kexts out of memory and/or to remove login items.Do you wish to restart the computer now (y/n)?


恭喜你,Norton Security 已經從你的電腦中消失了。


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