來自專欄跟著BBC經典劇《南方與北方》學習英語 https://www.zhihu.com/video/1010289283550236672
I』ll admit that Milton doesn』t have any grand palaces or works of art,but it does have some pleasant parks,where we take our daily walk and meet our friends,while the weather holds.
I didn』t mean any offence ,I recognized you from Marlborough Mills.I recognize you,giving Thornton back as good as he gave.you don』t see that everyday.
I don』t want to keep you. What important appointments might I have?
grand : 宏偉的,豪華的,極重要的, impressive and large or important;
極好的very good or enjoyable;excellent.
palace :宮殿、豪華住宅。
offence:冒犯,打擾。no offence:無冒犯之意
犯罪,罪行 同義詞:crime.
https://www.zhihu.com/video/1010289376898760704I don』t much like strangers in my house.I dare say in the south,where you come from,a young lady such as yourself feels she can wander into anyone』s house whenever she feels like it.But over here,we wait to be asked to someone』s parlor before we charge in.
wander into 徘徊,漫步,遊盪
https://www.zhihu.com/video/1010289540707348480How exquisite! I haven』t seen English pointwork quite like that for years.
Our Milton craftsmanship can compare with the very best. I』m fond of music,but I cannot play well myself.as you can see,this house would hardly bear a grand instrument. Yes ,these rooms are far too small for entertaining.Our staircases are wider than the whole width of this room.
exquisite 精緻的,優美的
craftsmanship 技術,技藝
be fond of 愛好,喜歡,同義詞:enjoy.
staircase 樓梯