

來自專欄 Caesarreich世界線介紹13 人贊了文章



Welcome back to our 6th Progress Report! Its me, everyone』s favourite Middle East dev, TheCrusaderKing (aka u/PrinceYrielOfIyanden here) and today me and my friends Haruhi (aka SilverScorpion), Hellbat and A Toothbrush (yes that』s really their name) will be going over the complicated situation in India since the end of the Guerra Mondiale:

歡迎回到我們的第六期進度報告!是我,大家最喜歡的中東開發者,十字軍之王(又名PrinceYrielOfIyanden),今天我和我的朋友Haruhi (又名SilverScorpion),Hellbat和A Toothbrush(是的,他們的真名)將講述自一戰結束以後,印度地區的複雜狀況:

The Guerra Mondiale was hard on India. Countless brave men never returned from the brutal desert warfare of the Middle East, leaving thousands of grieving families and a populace angry that all of their efforts and sacrifices had been in vain. According to the Treaty of Ludwigsburg, Germany was to be ceded the Maldives and Ceylon, while the British were to keep the rest of their Indian colonies; Germany would be overextended otherwise.


A series of minor revolts broke out as emerging Indian nationalists were disappointed in the continuation of British rule. These events radicalised the wider population with a combination of nationwide famine and harsh repression, caused by the ensuing chaos. Ultimately, this culminated in the Indian National Congress under Lala Lajpat Rai declaring independence in September 1920, and proceeding to organise an army to drive the British from the subcontinent. Many natives within the British military defected to the revolt, and the sluggish and weak British response meant that victory was swift. By the end of the year British officers and colonial officials were streaming home by whatever means possible.



Meanwhile, in the east, the poor and downtrodden of Bengal had launched a revolution of their own, ousting the British in a glorious, albeit pyrrhic, victory. They soon declared their own 『Commune of India』, and once the fighting had ceased diplomats from the other Indian state soon opened diplomatic channels in the hope that a peaceful solution could be reached. This soon began to create a sense of unease amongst the old Princely States, who had reluctantly supported the Indian National Congress once it was clear the British would lose. They worried that an entry of the far more left-wing Bengalis to the nation could endanger their political position, or even see the nobility abolished.


This culminated in the 1925 War of the Princes, as the south under leadership of Osman Ali Khan, Nazim of Hyderabad, rebelled when their demands that the Nobility be enshrined in the constitution were not met. At first the exact battlelines were confusing, although the Princes soon established a hold over the south of the nation. Their advance ground to a halt as the Republican army employed the trench warfare they had used mere years in the Guerra Mondiale, keeping the front locked down for many months.



Persecution against the Northern Princes was swift, with their assets being seized and their leaders interned until the war』s end, and the nation was declared a republic. As the Northern Front grew stagnant, the Princely States soon turned their eyes towards the currently-neutral Socialists in the east, whom they launched a fresh assault against, their only real defence being militias. The Bengalis put up a valiant defence, eventually stopping the Princes as the Republic had, and the war soon turned cold. Unwilling to let their men die in yet another pointless war, Tamil and some of the other Southern Princes broke away from the Princely States, instead taking in German advisors and military protection until eventually they maintained a similar relationship to that which they had under the old British Raj, albeit one in which they enjoyed a greater degree of freedom.


While the war raged, Afghanistan, under secret German instruction, launched a swift attack into the eastern Muslim-majority parts of the country, also establishing the nation of Punjab as their puppet state in order to create legitimacy for their 「Saving of the Islamic peoples of India from imperialism and mismanagement」. After 2 years of fighting the Jabalpur Armistice was signed, a temporary end to the war which has remained in place right up to the present day, no side being willing to end the fragile peace. Relations between the Republic and the Bengalis decreased after the war, with rhetoric and sentiment from Calcutta rapidly moving to the Left of politics over the years while Delhi remained firmly in favour of liberal republican ideals.


This brings us up to the present day, the 1st of January 1936. With worldwide tensions increasing, it seems to many that a renewed conflict may be inevitable for India, however in every nation the glimmer of hope still remains that unity could one day come without conflict, one which the upcoming elections of the republic could make a reality...


Indian Republic


Since its』 inception, the Republic of India has been ruled by only one man. The popular and strong President Lala Lajpat Rai has led the newly-born nation through its very darkest days of war and famine, managing against all odds to create something which can truly be called a democracy. The aged lawyer however, despite constant reelection, is getting older and older by the day and with his health rapidly failing, he has announced that he will step down by the end of the year, triggering fresh elections for who will rule the country. With tensions brewing with the Princes, Afghans and Communists, it seems like this coming election could prove to decide the fate of the entire peninsula.


Commune of India


What started as a labour strike in Bengal soon erupted into rioting, marking the beginning of the bloody Bengal Revolution. After weeks of fighting in the streets, thousands of Indian workers lay dead, but the new Commune of India stood triumphant. While their sympathies were primarily left-wing, a dialogue was also established with the parallel Republic of India in hopes that a peaceful unification could one day come about. This was not to be. After the War of the Princes all talks of reunification were put on hold, and as many people, inspired by the successes of Danubia, move further and further to the left of politics, it is possible that that reunification may never come. Eventually with Austrian leadership the communist organizations were merged into CPI, and while the nation is officially council communist it has a wide variety of factions within it, being a young, corrupt and unstable party.


The Commune itself is quite unstable, weakness has convinced many the CPI will never do much but be a laughing stock for the Republic. Utopians lead by Subhas Chandra Bose want to overthrow the 「bourgeoisie republic」 for a new strong utopian state, unify the subcontinent and remove what』s left of colonial influence. Rightists within the CPI itself criticize the economic policies of the party, and want a return back to markets, with a small scale agrarian economy. The Commune is at a crossroads as factions fight for power, all wanting to determine it』s destiny. Will it prosper or fall to infighting? Only time can tell.



Princely States


Emerging from their baptism by fire that was the War of the Princes, the Princes created a new Union, placing Osman Ali Khan as the new leader and becoming the only free and native monarchy on the peninsula. Led by a council of princes with differing ideologies and beliefs, and with little to no centralization on the federal level, it is one of the most unstable nations in India. This instability as well as the countination of colonial era taxation by many of the princes has led to the State becoming unpopular among the people, denounced by them as a Muslim creation.


A revanchist movement has arisen in the states itself calling for a union of all Dharmic people』s inspired by the Brescil』s Antiquarian Nationalists in Italy. The movement aims for a reunification and national revival of India to create a Dharmic state of all free peoples, one inspired by the ancient empires of old, such as the Maurya Empire, from a time when the continent was free from dangerous foreign ideologies and customs. The Princes are attempting to crack down on the movement, will they succeed and hold on to dear life, or fall away for the new India?




With the War of the Princes, Afghanistan with German assistance moved into Western India to take land and glory for themselves and create a new Islamic state, The Islamic Republic of Punjab. The Muslim League, persecuted by other governments, moved into the new state at the request of the Afghan government and formed an interim one. They wanted to create a buffer against the growing Indian Republic, under the supervision of Afghanistan, for the new state.


The nation is rather young, but it is one of India』s most stable, with the League having high popularity. The economy has been growing at a steady pace and the nascent state is steadily growing in power and influence. With talks of reunification being discussed, and the Muslim League getting farther from it』s Afghani overlords many are worried about the state』s independence, and if it can withstand an onslaught of the rest of India, or even break away from Afghanistan.


Deutsche Raj


In the wake of the War of the Princes the balance of peace in India was disturbed, the Germans viewing it as their opportunity to strike gold in the subcontinent and acquire their long coveted jewel in the old British Empire』s crown. German ambassadors lured in princes to signing treaties of German mutual defense in the South, with the princes fearing encroaching rule from the communists or further centralisation of the Princely States. Those princes who rejected would be subject to war with the much more powerful Germans, a terrible fate indeed with the War in the North. When the war was over Germany had acquired all of South India and declared the protectorates the 「Deutsche Raj」.

在王公戰爭後,印度和平的穩態被打亂了,德國人把它看作是他們在次大陸淘金的好機會,可以從古老的大英帝國皇冠上獲得他們垂涎欲滴的寶石。德國大使們誘使一些王公在南部簽署了「德國共同防禦條約」,利用了王公們害怕共產主義侵襲他們權力基礎,或者進一步被王公國集權的恐懼。那些拒絕條約的王公們會面臨與更強大的德國人戰爭的風險,這相比於王公戰爭(王公國意圖吞併印度共和國的戰爭)來說是個更可怕的命運。戰爭結束後,德國佔領了整個南部印度,宣布其保護區為「Deutsche Raj(德國統治,或稱德屬印度)」。

Not long after, a militant anti-german group, allegedly allied with the All-India Dharmic League, was formed to resist German rule on the peninsula, and have since launched a number of terrorist attacks on German officials. It』s modern day situation is similar to that of the Princely State, the Raj itself is unstable, with officials of both groups distrustful, the people resentful, and corruption widespread within the nation. With no clear ideological movements in place due to Germanic divide and rule strategies, it is the wildcard for the future of the subcontinent.



We hope you enjoyed this overview of India! Remember to join our Discord here: for updates and if you want to ask more questions about our mod, either here or there is the best place to do it. Also don』t forget that we are currently recruiting new devs, so head on over to our discord if you want to apply! See you all next week!





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