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Dental Erosion:
Erosion is the progressive loss of tooth substance by chemical processes that do not involve bacterial action,producing defects that are wedge-shaped depressions often in occlusal, facial and cervical areas;
<The Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms:Ninth Edition 2018>
當然,最後再提醒愛喝飲料 的大家一些酸蝕症的有關癥狀,有這樣一些情況應該及時識別並就醫:
1. 牙齒表面出現凹坑,特別是前牙的唇側面
2. 牙齒冷熱刺激敏感
3. 牙齒的磨耗程度跟身邊人不一樣
4. 有長期反酸的胃部不適癥狀
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