齊次,疊加,時不變(Control System)

齊次,疊加,時不變(Control System)

來自專欄 Control System 劃重點

1.Homogeneity(齊次): Assume that an input to a system r(t) generates an output c(t). For an element to be homogeneous, an input k*r(t) would have to generate an output k*c(t), for any value of k. An example of non-homogeneous behavior is saturation, where twice as much input delivers less than twice as much output.

2.Superposition(疊加): Assume that an element, when subjected to an input r_1(t), will generate the output c_1(t). Further, assume that the same element,when subjected to another input r_2(t), will generate an output c_2(t). Superposition requires that if the element is subjected to the input r_1(t)+r_2(t), it will produce the output c_1(t)+c_2(t).

3.Time invariance(時不變): Assume that an element has an input r(t) that generates an output c(t). Time in-variance requires that r(t - 	au ) will generate c(t - 	au ) for all 	au > 0.


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