[第348次聽寫]猜猜Play Hardball是什麼意思?
來自專欄如何自學口語10 人贊了文章 https://www.zhihu.com/video/1010170253778808832
我是Wind, 原生活大爆炸和神探夏洛克字幕組組長. 我每天早上聽寫60秒美劇, 已經堅持快1年了. 每天60秒, 直接啃生肉~
網上要找美劇和電影的字幕並不難, 但字幕常常有錯誤. 你用有錯誤的字幕做精聽練習, 很容易被帶到溝里去. 下邊是我聽寫並精校過的答案, 請放心使用~
1 Ah. Hi, Mr. Costilick. Hows life on the 15th floor?
啊. 嗨. Costilick先生. 15樓的生活怎麼樣?
2 Yeah, I miss you, too. Yeah, its a lot less satisfying to steal pens from your own home, you know?
嗯, 我也想你. 從自己家裡偷鋼筆實在不是那麼爽, 你懂的3 Well, thats very generous. Uh, but look, this isnt about the money.
哇, 那實在是太大方了. 呃, 但是, 這不是錢的問題
4 You know? Its just...I need something thats more than a job.
我需要一個東西, 它不僅僅是一份工作5 I need something I really care about... and thats on top of the year-end bonus structure you mentioned earlier?
我需要一個我真的非常在乎的東西...那是在你剛才提到的年終獎基礎上額外的?6 -Your dream! -Look, Al, Al...Im not playing hardball here, okay?
-你的夢想! -Al, Al...我不是故意要這麼態度強硬的, 好嗎?7 This is not a negotiation, this is... this is a rejection! No...No, no! No, no!
這不是談判. 這是...這是拒絕! 不...不, 不! 不, 不!8 No, stop saying... stop saying numbers!
不, 別說了...別說數字了!
9 Im telling you, youve got the wrong guy. Youve got the wrong guy!
我跟你說, 你找錯人了. 你找錯人了!10 Ill see you Monday!
6 -Your dream! -Look, Al, Al...Im not playing hardball here, okay?
-你的夢想! -Al, Al...我不是故意要這麼態度強硬的, 好嗎?
play hardball=態度強硬, 毫不留情
Hes a nice guy, but he can play hardball when he needs to.還有一個短語和它相似但不一樣, 也頗為符合這個語境, 是play hard to getplay hard to get表示欲擒故縱, 假裝沒興趣, 但其實有興趣每天我會帶領1000位學員一起聽寫60秒美劇, 然後逐句精講語言點, 示範連讀弱讀. 我會把挑選其中一個句子在這裡進行講解. 如果你想學習完整版的逐句精講, 想和1000名小夥伴一起做聽寫, 甩字幕, 治懶癌的話, 請掃下邊海報上的二維碼
※[第310次聽寫]帶你區分一下living, alive和live這三個詞
※中國漢字聽寫大會 2013