壹佰文化— 老韓的採訪

壹佰文化— 老韓的採訪


正威國際集團董事局主席王文銀 Wang Wenyin – Chairman of Amer International Group』s Board of Directors

威國際集團,《 財富》世界500強,2013年排名第387位,2014年排名第295位,2016年排名第190位。2018年《 財富》世界500強排行第111名。

As a Fortune 500 company, Amer International Group ranked387 in 2013, 295 in 2014, 190 in 2016. In 2018, Amer ranked 111 in Fortune top 500 in the world.

01 花絮一

中紅投集團董事局主席曾泳 ZengYong – Chairman of Zhonghong Investment Group』s Board of Directors


The GDP of Shenzhen surged to 2.22 trillionlast year from 20 million in 1979, marking an astonishing increase of over ten thousand times.

02 花絮二

企業家代表之一胡光華 Hu Guanghua–Oneof the entrepreneur representatives

03 花絮三 Yi Ting

現場鋼琴表演者--天才少女 賴熠婷


Yi Ting, born in Shenzhen in 1998 with great talent, began to learn piano at the age of three. At the age of eleven, she was accepted by a famous European music school with an offer of full scholarships and started her university study (young class). In 2012, she won the "Genius Art Youth" full scholarship from the Austrian government; in 2015, she won the second prize in the Italian Broviso International Piano Competition and the International Piano Competition in the Rome Conservatory. Not long ago, she was invited by the Polish Symphony to go to Japan next year to star in the Chopin Piano Concerto – Largoand Gorgeous Polish Dance.


In the history of human development, forty years, thoughatwinklingmoment, marks the change of this city from catching up the times to leading the times. Shenzhen has become a center of technological innovation, regional finance, trade and logistics. It has the worlds third largest container port, the largest land port in Asia. Have world top 500 enterprises are located in Shenzhen, such as Huawei, Ping An, Tencent, Vanke .. It is the first one in the country to propose building an independent-innovation-based city.


"This city will provide a platform thatdreams every possibility for every struggled dreamer." People from the north and the south, with their dreams, with passion, knowledge, gather together to represent the power of pioneering and innovation. The pace of entrepreneurship for 40 years continues to move forward. The power rooted fromthe gathering of talents has grown stronger in 40 years.


Live and breath in Shenzhen is not only wonderful but heart-touching.


民工辛苦一年換白條 包工頭:誰採訪弄死誰(圖)

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