

4. 二本和三本的選擇

4.tier 2 and tier3 choice


What would you do if you have enough fuel after produce 4 units? You can choose continue stay at tier 2 or upgrade to tier 3 to assault, I don』t recommend you upgrade to tier 3 unless you have certain advantage and take most of the fuel point, but if you have the certainly advantage, you can immediately


Choice Blitzkrieg Doctrine, then study how to unlock the skill use grenadier 『s 』throw grenade』 skill to continuance to suppress enemy infantry is attack, after that try your best fight around to how to take fuel.


<2>.Wehrmacht fight guide—tier 2

1. 作戰兵營

1.Krieg Barracks


Krieg barracks is necessary structure for Wehrmacht, only few unit produce belong to tier 3,tier 2 have versatile combat units. Sdkfz 251 half-track can reinforce, let pioneer enter can operate the mg42 light machine gun at both the front and rear to suppress enemy infantry.


but it』s main job is ferry infantry, ferry grenadier who upgrade panzerschreck chase the enemy heavy damage tank who hit heavily by our side before, over take the heavily damage tank, then grenadier get out shooting, the world is so quit right now! The grenadier is backbone of Wehrmacht, also you no need produce them, if you can build a medic banker in time.


You can get 1 free grenadier squad after the medic banker gather wounded infantry no matter which unit it is , recommend immediately upgrade a panzerschreck assistant Pak 38 50mm anti-tank gun against light vehicle armor.GR.34 81mm mortar team was outrange and high accuracy than US mortar team. and you need attention the smoke skill, make all the unit in the smoke can less damage.


How can it work? smoke ability was work between 2 units who fight each other, it will reduce the accuracy for each unit try to shoot each other, also can remove suppression ,so smoke skill was effective for your unit approach enemy』s position or provide cover for retreat. I recommend produce 1 team.


Pak 38 50mm anti-tank gun it can have 3 shoot then expose itself when its be camouflage ,but now only 1 shoot, but it』s still was a valuable weapon to anti armor, remember didn』t deploy alone ,the best situation was each unit produce 1 belong to the tier 2, but this really difficult to operate, it is up to you.

2. 作戰指揮中心與碉堡

2.Kampfkraft center and bunker


You must to consider build Kampfkraft center then upgrade after you finish krieg barracks, meanwhile ,you should build a bunker after the front line, you should build a ma42 bunker at important recourse point, the recourse point which one your choice didn』t so close to front line, otherwise you will difficult to hold it. Protect it not be take by enemy,


If the situation between enemy and you was stalemate, you should build a medic bunker to collect wounded infantry, Upgrade the grenadier after they are be produce by the medic bunker,2 grenadier ungrade panzerschreck, after that upgrade mg34 ,didn』t upgrade 2 weapon for one grenadier ,the second weapon them can pick on the battle field .you no need upgrade them if your sort of ammunition .


But i didn』t recommend upgrade 2 mg34 or panzerschreck, if you have absolutely advantage .all the grenadier can upgrade to mg 34 .use STUG IV anti armor, you can upgrade panzerschreck for all grenadier ,let them assistant Pak 38 50mm anti-tank gun combine a defence in depth system for against tank. you have no need to build krieg barracks instead of upgrade you HQ to tier 3 if you have advantage.but recommend build a


Repair station , it』s worth to do so, but notice that the repair station』s repair range have limit, not the whole map.

3. 作戰要點

3.fight point


Your defense was perfect now after the unit reveal who belong to tier 2,but you need patiently to attack and defense now, building a defence in depth, no need assault right now. you can upgrade to tier 3 after each unit belong tier 2 you have one and you defeat the enemy』s several times attack. The good thing always reveal later, at least produce 2 unit belong krieg barracks ,one was a anti tank unit, then you can upgrade to tier 3


I recommend each unit belong to krieg barracks you need produce one before you upgrade to assault phase ,you must upgrade your infantry and tech to second level .I recommend the produce list is :grenadier, immediately upgrade a


panzerschreck,Pak 38 50mm anti-tank gun,sdkfz251,mortar team. you can use local medical kit now, the unit who wealth no complete can use this, it worth to do so, after that you can upgrade to tier 3, didn』t produce huge number of unit who belong to tier 2 to fight to the end unless your choice Terror tactic try to collect recourse to call


in a mighty Tiger heavy tank to a decisive attack. You can produce 2 Pak 38 50mm anti-tank gun against the opponent』s huge number armor, produce 2 mortar team against opponent』s outnumber infantry when you are on disadvantageous situation. You often fund the opponent 『s M8 greyhounds enter your base ,and normally it will drive to the gate of krieg barracks laying a set of mines there for against Pak 38 50mm anti-tank gun,so we can laying mines on the gate of our base.


After that,quickly produce a grenadier upgrade panzerschrecks, and produce a Pak 38 50mm anti-tank gun to assistant them to defense base.

4. 指揮路線選擇

4.Doctrine choice


We only discuss terror doctrine and defense doctrine, cause blitzkrieg doctrine we have choose before. You have 2 to 4 skill unlock now, you can choice doctrine now. you can choice terror doctrine when the situation was stalemate, after that you must produce a sdkfz251 follow your huge number infantry to attack,


It can reinforce and suppress enemy』s infantry very easy ,first you can use 『inspired assault』 and 『zeal』 skill, you can use 『firestorm』 when you were upper hand on against enemy, you can use 『propaganda war』 when you were in disadvantageous situation, I did』t recommend you learn how to use both of them.


one of them is enough. how to use the next skill I will told you when your tech to tier 3.You can choice defense doctrine when your situation was disadvantageous, and then learn how to use 『for the fatherland』 and 『advanced warning』, after that you can learn how to use 』fortify the perimeter』 and 』registered artillery 『 ,Priority use 『fortify the perimeter』,


it can let all of your bunker can reinforce, and 『registered artillery』 can use on any recourse point and build, very effectively bombard, the enemy will annihilate once they were inadvertently, you must be use it carefully .Meanwhile you need build 2 bunkers,


One mg42 bunker at front defense key point or area, one medic bunker at behind to gather wounded infantry, if had more players on one map, try to build a medic bunker close to your ally as you can ,your ally』s corpse you can collect too, especial PE can』t collect corpse, all the corpse be wasted.


You can proceed attack and defense around the bunker, must be produce a Pak 38 50mm anti-tank gun and a mortar team, they can use effectively on defense. Didn』t forget volksgrenadier can use Panzerfaust 30,donot worry about pak 38 be flanked. just turn the Pak 38 50mm anti-tank gun 『s direction toward the way enemy』s armor try to run away is ok.


3.Wehrmacht』s fight guide –tier 3


1.sturm armory


You can know that this weapon factory have strong aggression through its name. let』s detail analysis the unit belong this factory.sdkfz234,was good to anti infantry and tank, it can upgrade available for use 50mm gun, you at least produce one if you just from tier 1 skip to tier 3


I didn』t recommend use it to straightforward attack defence in the later stage of the game, but it is good for against enemy penetrated .Officer wasn』t use often of wehrmacht, most of time he was useless, although he have versatile useful, but


He was good to speed up the build time when your blitzkrieg doctrine was failed, the officer can reduce production time, force enemy』s infantry retreat , call mortar rounds, remember can』t use it before you upgrade to battle phase,although costs 150 ammunition, but the mortar rounds


really effective. This really effective when you use 』Blitzkrieg assault』 counter fortify garrison. Nebelwerfer , an legendary weapon, although less maneuverability than sdkfz 251, but range and damage as same, and suppress capability and burning capability good than sdkfz.


I recommend produce 2 or 3 when the enemy use infantry as his main force or enemy fortify garrison. Upgrade level for Nebelwerfer and Sdkfz 251 half-track can reduce its recharge time, properly is 10 second. Stug Ⅳ assault gun was a excellent unit .


It is good at defense than attack, frontal armor is really thickness, can use it as a meat shield to lead infantry to attack, you only use one can against it if enemy only have light armor vehicle, you only deploy two and assistant other anti tank infantry to annihilate it if the enemy deploy heavy armor vehicle, I didn』t recommend produce more than 2 ,


Th e mg34 mounted on turret was available after you upgrade the tank to 3 level, it 『s good to kill and suppress infantry .jagdpanther was replace for stug IV, it』s power was reduce now, although good at killed and range,but I didn』t thought it was excellent than stug iv, I didn』t recommend to replace it.



2fight highlight


If your sdkfz251 upgrade a flamethrower is good idea, the units of sturm armory can effective to suppress enemy force. you can turn defense to attack after you have 2 unit of the sturm armory, but did not expect that you can win the battle after you deploy armor vehicle,


Although they were was a core of the battle, but you still rely on your unit who produce by the krieg barracks and wehrmacht quarters, especially the grenadier. but sometimes it have a exception ,for example you skip from tier 1 to tier 2,recommend to produce a sdkfz234 armored car, than a stug iv be build if essential


and combine it with the stromtrooper squad and stuh 42 howitzer gun who call from off map as a main force group to attack enemy, stuh 42 howitzer gun have high accuracy to kill enemy when attack the ground, you can use 『blitzkrieg assault』 if you fight step by step lead your tier 2 to tier 3


No need call these two units. You should immediately upgrade your tech level to 3 or 4 grade of the kampfkraft centre for consolidate your units.You should use the armor who belong to strum armory assistant sdkfz251 as start a small scale attack even your situation was disadvantageous.


Just retreat if the situation was disadvantageous for you, the goal of attack not for take territory just disturb the enemy』s set plan and deploy, get enemy』s attention win the time for your front line. Counterattack was important, must to be remember.


Clausewitz said: defense was a shield combined by wise counterattack.


3.doctrine choice


If you choice defense doctrine before, you can building flak 88 after you learn how to use the above skill and get advantage, did not deploy it so close to front line, use it as a tactic core advance step by step. You should use


280mm rocket artillery』 skill, although spend ammunition more than 200 point, but no need to say that the power was useful, especial attack a fortify battle field. Didn』t waiting for collect recourse for produce armor after your call 『stormtroop 『and』stuh 42 howitzer gun』 if your doctrine was Blitzkrieg, instead of you should to learn how to use 』resource blitz』 to assault.


Use the rapid recourse call 『stuh 42 howitzer gun』 to give the enemy huge pressure. you can free choice 『blitzkrieg assault』 or 』urban assault support』 base on the situation ,remember produce a officer if the battle drag too long, his bombard ability really impact the battle. if you choice


Terror doctrine, your situation always be disadvantageous, you can call a tiger heavy tank to turn the tide of the battle after you use 『propaganda war』, did not call tiger heavy tank after your situation was disadvantageous, it is too late, you can continue use 『fire storm』 and 『v1 rocket artillery』, try your best throw v1 rocket to enemy』s base as you can. you can give the enemy a huge casualties.


5. 在建造兩個兵工廠後第三個兵工廠的選擇

The building choice after you have wehrmacht quarters and krieg barracks already.


If you choice defense doctrine or terror doctrine, building wehrmacht quarters or krieg barracks already ,then the third factory you can choice build panzer command if your situation was advantageous ,if your situation was disadvantageous ,you can choice build strum armory .If you choice blitzkrieg doctrine, you have wehrmacht quarters and strum armory already ,the unit who belong to above structure were failure to attack enemy, I recommend you build krieg barracks if your situation was disadvantageous ,you can build panzer command if your situation was advantageous, cause panzer command


need plenty fuel for produce tank, if you choice build panzer command not krieg barracks when your situation wad disadvantageous, you only can produce knight』s cross holders or barely enough fuel to produce 1 ostwind flakpanzers, you will fight so hard once the enemy deploy tanks, but the unit in kriey barracks were versatile without fuel, you also can use your precious fuel to upgrade your infantry, then let your have complete fight capability.



4. wehrmacht』s fight guide –tier 4


Panzer command


The opponent was so powerful as he can against you to the battle phase,but wehrmacht have huge advantage on tier 4,they were good equipment and highly fight experience can help you win the battle. i like the unit produce by panzer command, they were reveal on the later stage of the battle.


But when the enemy have huge number infantry as main force and have strong anti tank force, for example 2 or 3 paratroop squad, that is so popular on office website, the knight cross holders were real strong, sniper can 『t let he die only one shoot except the sniper had 3 level, they are good at close combat no fear suppress,


when the panzer factory produce them, spark around it, who can told me what exactly happen there? mechanical reconstruction ?they can sweep all the infantry for you, at the circumstances produce 2 or 3 team was really useful,

步兵非常有用,注意突襲是可以解決自己的壓制和釘死的,要善加利用。鐵十字在與敵人貼身近身時有用恐怖的殺傷能力,鐵十字在與敵人近身作戰時最好使用一個醫療包,它會讓你的鐵十字戰鬥持續時be catious knight cross holders possess 『assault grenadiers』 skill, it useful to suppress enemy infantry, in mind that 『assault grenadiers』 skill can remove the suppress pin down by enemy, you need use it wisely. Knight cross hold have terrible fight capability when them close to enemy, better things use a medical kit when they were close combat to enemy, it will prolong knight cross holders』s fight capability.


Ostwind flakpanzers, which one effective to tear infantry apart, but i did not recommend produce more,1 or 2 is ok. i need to emphasize stug iv, although stug iv was be reduce it』s power now, but after upgrade its turret mg34 was available ,whatever against to infantry or armor,


Us army or british army,was very effectively ,you can use several stug iv to solve all the problems, you only need panther unless enemy use outnumber tanks. Panther was the most powerful tank which one can produce in the game,it 『s really useful no any doubt.


Because it is exist so the Germany army always upper hand when against the ally』s armor troop, didn』t recommend produce more than 2 panthers unless you face the armor company, one panther can solve all the problem, keep the remind recourse to produce ostwind flakpanzers


was more useful than panther.



TAG:陣營 | 軍事 | 遊戲 |