來自專欄 STU德國留學7 人贊了文章
- 如何進行自我介紹
- 考官會使用的常用問題匯總
- 一般性問題General Issues
- 關於教育背景問題 Educational Background
- 德國學業問題 German Academic Problems
一般性問題 General Issues
1、你可以簡短的自我介紹一下嗎? Could
you take a few minutes to one brief introduction of yourself?2、你的名字有特殊含義嗎? Is there any special meaning of your name?
3、你的父母是從事什麼職業的? What are the occupations of your parents?
4、你的父母住在哪裡? Where are your
parents living now?5、你跟父母一起住嗎? Do you live
with your parents?6、你的家鄉有什麼特產? Is there any
Special Product in your hometown?7、你業餘時間喜歡做什麼? What are your
interests in the spare time (off-hour)?8、你學德語學多長時間了? How long have
you leant the German?9、你的家鄉在哪個省? Which province is your hometown?
10、你有兄弟姐妹嗎? Do you have
siblings? (brothers or sisters?)11、你對德國有什麼印象? What is your impression of
Germany?12、你覺得你能適應在德國的生活嗎? Do you think you could adapt to the life
in Germany?13、你有舊交、朋友、親戚在德國可以幫助你解決問題嗎? Do
you have any friend or relative in Germany could help you solve the problems?
12、你對德國有什麼了解?(政治、經濟、文化、地理) What
is your understanding to Germanyin fields of PoliticalEconomicCulturalGeography?13、你了解過德國的信息?從哪裡了解? How
are you aware of the Germany information?14、你覺得你能適應德國的文化嗎? Do
you think you could adapt to the German culture?關於教育背景問題 Educational Background
1、你受過哪些教育? What are your
education in detail?2、你什麼時候在哪裡上的這些學校? When and where do you take these
education?3、你上大學上了多長時間?How long have you studied in your collegeuniversity
now?4、你已經畢業了嗎? Have you graduated now?
5、你是什麼專業? What is your profession?
6、你為什麼想中斷在中國的學業? Why do you wanna interrupt your studying
course in China?7、你給我講述下你在中國職業經歷?Can you explain your occupation experience
in China?8、你參加過實習嗎? Have you taken part in any
internshipspractice?9、你對什麼最感興趣?科目 Which subject are you
interested in firstly?10、你認為你學的這些學業對你將來有幫助嗎? Do you think there is any help to your future by the profession subjects
now?11、能簡短介紹下你所學的專業嗎?Could you make a brief introduction to your professional?
12、你所學專業的重點是什麼? What is the main point in your
professional?13、你在這個專業學到什麼? What do you learn from your
14、你在中國已經有工作了,為什麼還去德國? You
already have one occupation in China ,why do you wanna go to Germany?15、你的畢業論文題目是什麼? What is the topic of your
graduated thesis?16、你給我介紹下你的畢業論文、設計? Could you make a introduction
17、你的畢業設計的框架是什麼? What is the framework in your graduated design?
18、你為什麼選擇這個題目作為你的畢業設計? Why you chose this issue as your graduated design?
Do you wanna go to Germany after you finish your
studying in China, or interrupt your studies in China and go to Germany
immediately ?德國學業問題 German Academic Problems
Why you wanna go to German for studying?2、你想去德國哪個地方?為什麼?
Where do you wanna go in German and Why?3、你在德國的學業誰來資助? Who will fund your studies in
German? (Financial Issues)!!!4、你學業在德國完成後,想繼續留在德國嗎? When you finish your education in German, do
you wanna still live in Germany?
No I have my family in China and I want to start my own
Business in China.5、如果你必須打工來維持學業,你怎樣保證畢業? If
you have to wage to maintain your studies, how could you ensure your willgraduate successfully?6、你認為你在德國能找到工作么?(上學期間) Do you think you will find the works during
the period of your studying in Germany?7、你怎麼看待你自己和德國學生的關係的?
What do you think about the relationship between the German studentsand yourself?
8、你對德國的高校了解過么?Have you ever understood the
Germany』s colleges and universities?9、你對你未來想就讀的學校有哪些了解?
Do you have any idea to the university where you will go to study in future?10、你在德國的學業有哪些方向?
What is the direction of your professional in German?11、你在德國有什麼期望? What do you
expect in German?12、你還會別的外語么? Could you speak other foreign language?
13、哪個德國城市最合你胃口? Which is your favorite city in Germany?
14、為什麼你在德國要選擇英語授課? Why
would you like to choose the courses by English language in German?15、你想從冬季還是夏季開始讀? Which terms
do you wanna begin to study, the winter courses or the summer courses?16、你為什麼不想去別的國家繼續學習? Why
don』t you think about other country for your studying?17、你知道在德國讀書的話1年要花多少錢嗎? How
much do you know will be pay for your studying courses in one years?私人問題:
1、你結婚了嗎? Have you married?
Are you single or married?2、你打算在德國每個月花費多少錢? How
much money do you expect to pay for your normal fee for every month?APS審核真題/APS專業 1 VS 1 輔導