

來自專欄日常實用英文1 人贊了文章

check in :


Can I see you ID please?

Where are you flying to today?

Im flying to Beijing, China.

Im flying to Seoul, South Korea, and then I have a connecting flight to Beijing, China.


Kiosk 自助機器;Bag checking 託運行李

Are you checking any bags?

Is my baggage overweight?

Yes, Im checking 2 bags and I have 1 carry-on.

Is this allowed on the plane?

Can you put it on the scale, please? handles up.

How long is my layover? 我的中轉時間是多少?

Am I picking up my luggage in Seoul or my final destination?


window seat 窗邊座椅;Aisle seat 過道座椅

Do you prefer window seat or aisle seat?

Can you assign me to an aisle seat please?

Can I upgrade my seat to exit row seat / extra-legroom seat?

Yes, thatll be $100 extra.

How much is the upgrade?

Heres your boarding pass, your flight leaves from gate 7 and boarding begins at 10:30 am.


TSA- transportation security administration

Please take off your jackets, belts, shoes or accessories. Anything that might have metal in it.

Seperate your electronics in a seperate bin, please.

Phones, chargers, laptops, cameras,ect.

Please drink up your water or throw it away. Anything liquid will not be allowed beyond this point.

Please stand in line and wait for your turn.

Please stand on the mark and put your hands up.

Please remember to collect your items at the end.

Im sorry, but this has exceeded the level that we allow at this point.

Youre going to have to discard this. This can not be with you on the airplane.


Can I have your documents, please?


Is this your final destination?

No, I having a connecting flight to LA.

Yes, this is my final destination.

Whats your connecting flight number?


Whats the purpose of your visit?

Im going to school here.

What school are you going to ?

Im here for work.

Im here for vacation.


How long will you be staying in the US.

Two weeks/ two and a half weeks.


Whats the US address youll be staying in?

Ill be staying in my dorm at USLA.


How much currency are you carrying with you?


Do you have anything to declare?

I have one pack of cigarette that I bought at the airport.


Can you please take your glasses/hat off for a picture?

Please put your right thumb on the machine. Now the rest of your fingers. Now put your left thumb on the machine.


『航空攝影』Sarah Martinet:俯瞰冰島
航空 | 機票上的艙位的真實含義

TAG:航空 | 生活 | 英語 |