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激光醫學(Laser Medicine)的開創者是一位匈牙利的醫生,名叫Endre Mester

1960年紅寶石激光器的發明,1961年氦氖激光器的發明【1】,隨後Endre Mester就發現了低功率激光器的生物學效應,他被認為是低功率激光器生物效應的發現者【2】。

當年,Endre Mester為了重複激光減少小白鼠體內腫瘤的實驗,他把小白鼠的體毛給剪掉,然後用低功率激光照射小白鼠的皮膚。然而他在實驗中錯誤的使用了比他想像的要低強度的激光,他發現這樣的激光並不能減少小白鼠體內的腫瘤細胞,倒是意外的發現被激光照射的小白鼠的毛髮長得明顯比對照組小白鼠的毛髮要快很多【3】。隨後,Endre Mester把自己的發現發表在了學術期刊上【4】。這是第一次發現低強度激光能夠加速毛髮的生長。

隨後Endre Mester進一步發現了低強度激光發射器能夠加速小白鼠的傷口的癒合,並在隨後應用低強度激光療法用於治療人類的皮膚潰瘍【4】。




2012年2月份,發表在Dermatology Online Journal上的學術論文【5】:Alopecia: a review of laser and light therapies(脫髮:激光和光照射療法綜述


Since then, a number of studies have suggested the use of lasers as an effective way to treat alopecia, particularly androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata, but there is still a paucity of independent, peer-reviewed blinded clinical trials.


2014年發表的綜述文獻【6】Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy (LLLT) for Treatment of Hair Loss(低功率激光LLLT治療脫髮),文章中如是寫道:

Controlled clinical trials demonstrated that LLLT stimulated hair growth in both men and women. Among various mechanisms, the main mechanism is hypothesized to be stimulation of epidermal stem cells in the hair follicle bulge and shifting the follicles into anagen phase.LLLT for hair growth in both men and women appears to be both safe and effective. The optimum wavelength, coherence and dosimetric parameters remain to be determined.

受控的臨床試驗表明,LLLT能夠刺激男性和女性的頭髮生長。 在各種機制中,據推測最主要的機製為刺激毛囊凸起中的表皮幹細胞並將毛囊轉變成毛髮生長期。 用LLLT刺激男性和女性的頭髮生長似乎既安全又有效。 最佳波長,相干性和劑量學參數仍有待確定。


同樣是2014年的時候,另一篇學術文獻【7】The use of low-level light therapy in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia and female pattern hair loss(用低能量激光治療男性脫髮和女性脫髮)給出了不同的結論:

Due to the paucity of well-conducted randomized controlled trials, the efficacy of LLLT devices remains unclear.


2015年發表的學術文獻【8】Low level laser therapy and hair regrowth: an evidence-based review(低能量激光治療和脫髮:基於證據的綜述)再次表明,確實低能量激光治療能夠促進頭髮的生長:

Based on this review on all the available evidence about effect of LLLT in alopecia, we found that the FDA-cleared LLLT devices are both safe and effective in patients with MPHL and FPHL who did not respond or were not tolerant to standard treatments. Future randomized controlled trials of LLLT are strongly encouraged to be conducted and reported according to the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement to facilitate analysis and comparison.

基於對有關LLLT治療脫髮的所有可用證據的綜述,我們發現FDA批准的LLLT裝置,對傳統正規治療的沒有效果的男性脫髮和女性脫髮患者,是安全和有效的。 強烈建議未來的LLLT隨機對照試驗根據「報告試驗綜合標準」(CONSORT)聲明進行和報告,以便於分析和比較。







【1】Chung, Hoon; Dai, Tianhong; Sharma, Sulbha K.; Huang, Ying-Ying; Carroll, James D.; Hamblin, Michael R. (2011)."The Nuts and Bolts of Low-level Laser (Light) Therapy".Annals of Biomedical Engineering.40(2): 516–533.

【2】Perera, Judith (19 March 1987)."The healing laser comes into the limelight".New Scientist.

【3】Hamblin, MR (1 October 2016)."Shining light on the head: Photobiomodulation for brain disorders".BBA Clinical.6: 113–124.

【4】Chung, Hoon; Dai, Tianhong; Sharma, Sulbha K.; Huang, Ying-Ying; Carroll, James D.; Hamblin, Michael R. (2011)."The Nuts and Bolts of Low-level Laser (Light) Therapy".Annals of Biomedical Engineering.40(2): 516–533.

【5】Rangwala, Sophia; Rashid, Rashid M. (Feb 2012). "Alopecia: a review of laser and light therapies".Dermatology Online Journal.18(2): 3.

【6】Avci, Pinar; Gupta, Gaurav K.; Clark, Jason; Wikonkal, Norbert; Hamblin, Michael R. (February 2014)."Low-Level Laser (Light) Therapy (LLLT) for Treatment of Hair Loss".Lasers in surgery and medicine.46(2): 144–151.

【7】Gupta, AK; Daigle, D (April 2014). "The use of low-level light therapy in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia and female pattern hair loss".The Journal of dermatological treatment.25(2): 162–3.

【8】Zarei, Mina; Wikramanayake, Tongyu C.; Falto-Aizpurua, Leyre; Schachner, Lawrence A.; Jimenez, Joaquin J. (2015-12-21). "Low level laser therapy and hair regrowth: an evidence-based review".Lasers in Medical Science.31(2): 363–71.



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