來自專欄大玩家4 人贊了文章
今年初,還是小張的時候,讀了愛德華·索普的自傳「A Man for All Markets」(中文名:所向無敵)。在這之前,因為「賭神數學家」的感染,我已經成了索普的粉絲,但翻開自傳看第一章差點看不下去——基本上就是在寫自己小時候多優秀,簡直是神童里的神童。
索普確實擁有了傳奇般的人生,如今一把年紀還偶爾出來做個演講(http://edwardothorp.com 網站上有相關 events);他把大半輩子的故事都寫到了書里。
On Friday, October 16, 1987, the market, as measured by the Dow Jones Industrial Average, fell about 4 percent. Since a daily move typically averages about 1 percent, this was large, but not cause for panic. However, the market had been declining somewhat and was becoming more volatile.
1987 年 10 月 16 日,星期五,道瓊斯工業指數下跌了約 4% 。由於每天波動的平均值約為 1% ,4% 已經挺大了,但還沒有引起恐慌。不論如何,市場已經有所下跌,而且越來越不穩定。
On the following Monday morning we watch the market continue to fall. By the time I left for my usual lunch with Vivian it was off 7 percent, more than half as large as the two record 13 percent and 12 percent down days of October 28 and 29, 1929, which together signaled the start of the Great Depression. As the market dropped further, my office called me at the restaurant, telling me with alarm that the Dow Jones Index was downfour hundred points, or 18 percent, already the worse day ever, amid widespread panic. Vivian wondered whether I needed to skip the rest of our lunch and race back. PNP and we personally could be suffering massive losses.
接下來的周一早上,我們看到市場繼續下跌。我和 Vivian 共進午餐的時候,它跌掉 7% ,比 1929 年的 10 月 28 、29 日的 13% 和 12% 兩個記錄的一半還多(1929 年的大跌也標誌著大蕭條的開始)。隨著市場的進一步下跌,我的辦公室給我打電話到餐館,提醒我道瓊斯指數瓊斯下跌了四百點,或 18% ,已經是史上最糟糕的一天,恐慌在蔓延。Vivian 想知道我是否需要跳過剩下的午餐,然後沖回公司。PNP(註:索普創辦的投資機構) 和我們自己都可能遭受巨大損失。
I told her there was nothing I could do in the markets that day. Our investments were either safe, thoroughly protected by hedging as I believed them to be, or not. 「What will you do?」 she asked. I told her that first we would relax and finish lunch. Then, after a brief visit to the office, I was coming home to think.
When I returned to my desk, the market had closed, having fallen 508 points, or 23 percent, by far the worst single day in history. One quarter of the US stock market value was 「gone.」 The nation had lost 5 percent of its net worth in one day, and the shock ripped through markets around the world. Fear reigned. For most academic theorists, this was as close to impossible as anything can be.
當我回到辦公桌前,市場已經關閉,下跌了 508 點,或 23% ,是有史以來最糟糕的一天。美國股市市值的四分之一「消失」了。美國在一天之內就損失了 5% 的資產凈值,這一衝擊席捲了世界各地的市場。恐懼蔓延。對大多數學術理論家來說,這幾乎是不可能的。
We ended October Flat for the month (approximately zero net gain or loss) whereas the S&P Index was down 22 percent.
我們在 10 月沒有虧錢也沒有賺錢,而標普指數下跌了 22% 。
當時讀到這一段,佩服作者在市場跌掉 18% 的情況下安之若素跟姑娘吃飯(一有個風吹草動就跑出來斬倉的不會是優秀投資者)。但更佩服的是,在第二天大範圍恐慌的情形下,在自己公司交易員已經害怕到不敢做交易的時候,還冷靜思考、發掘機會、堅定發出交易指令,事後看來,簡直是神一樣的男子。
如果閱讀英文沒有障礙,很推薦朋友們讀一下「A Man for All Markets」,在亞馬遜中國可以買到紙質原版。書中還有許多精彩故事,希望今後可以多分享一點。
文:大玩家 / 微信號:SeniorPlayer
TAG:股票市場 |