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GAYAN DE ORO — Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago on Sunday reiterated her opposition against the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement between the Philippines and the United States (US).本周日,米利亞姆.蒂芬瑟.聖地亞哥參議員重申她反對美國與菲律賓的《增強防務合作協定》。During the first round of the presidential debates in Cagayan de Oro, Santiago insinuated that the US has its own motives in the disputed South China Sea.在卡加延德奧羅省的第一輪的總統競選辯論中,聖地亞哥暗示美國在有爭議的南中國海有其自己的目的。Santiago noted that China has been refusing one-on-one talks with claimant countries of the disputed sea such as the Philippines and Vietnam.聖地亞哥注意到中國拒絕與爭議海域的聲索國,如菲律賓和越南進行一對一會談。Sen. Grace Poe agreed with Santiago"s stand on the EDCA, arguing that it needs Senate concurrence.格蕾絲.波參議員同意聖地亞哥在該協定的立場,主張這需要參議院的同意。The Philippines can also strengthen its military even if it is a small country to be able to defend its territory, Poe said.格蕾絲參議員還說,儘管菲律賓是個小國,它也應該增強軍事實力,以保衛其領土。


原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:翻譯加工廠 轉載請註明出處論壇地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-392991-1-1.html-------------譯者:聽說愛情回來過-審核者:龍騰翻譯總管------------gusm · 2 days agoDumb argument from this woman. What other choices do we really have? We barely have enough money to maintain our military at the moment.來自這位女士愚蠢的爭論。我們到底還有其他的某種選擇嗎?顯然,我們現在沒有足夠的錢來維持我們的軍隊。[copy]UnknownFamous · 2 days agoFor me it appears the way Miriam is talking about the issue, we are the one being selfish. When China began encroaching, we are the one who asked for help, we wer almost begging for help because our previous leaders have corrupted the money that was suppose to be for the military. The US if you remember doesn"t want to get involved but we talked to them about it. Tapos ngayon they are here Miriam will be saying US is being selfish? How would she wants US to help? Put their military in the sea because we are not allowing them here but we want help? Akala ko ba matalino tong si Miriam?如果按照米利亞姆的說法,那麼我認為我們才是自私的人。當中國開始侵佔時,我們就是求救的那個。因為我們以前的領導人貪污了本打算用來作軍費的錢,以至於我們像乞丐一樣乞求幫助。如果你知道米帝,你就該明白他們不想牽扯進來,但我們卻一直和他們探討這個問題。現在美國要來了,她卻說美國是自私的?那她想讓美國怎麼幫助我們?在我們需要他們幫助的情況下又不想讓他們駐紮在我們的土地上?-------------譯者:z342553752-審核者:龍騰翻譯總管------------desi derata · 2 days agoMirriam Santiago lost the capability to ascertain the good from bad. She beleives that Pres. Cory Aquino is as bad as the dictator Marcos. She was photographed for several times in the company of Imelda and Gloria. She always think that she is the most intelligent and no one should be in her path.So arrogant and so disgusting.. may she wallow and die in the company of evil people.米利亞姆.聖地亞哥失去了分清好壞的能力。她認為阿基諾總統和獨裁者馬科斯一樣的壞。她在Imelda 和 Gloria公司出現了幾次。她總是認為自己最聰明、沒有人應該走在她的道路上。如此的傲慢和令人討厭。希望她和邪惡的人一起死去。[/copy].Keef Riffhard · 2 days agoBrendas obsession with the US is becoming more and more ridiculous. Did a US president shoved her from his laps? Or had the US a hand in her not making it to The Hague?布倫達對美國的強迫癥狀正變得越來越可笑。美國總統把她擠出他的圈子了嗎?還是說美國從中作梗讓她去不了海牙?-------------譯者:文英-審核者:龍騰翻譯總管------------Milloy36 · 2 days agoIf our country can build a military defense , why hasn"t it been done years ago? No matter what the US motives are, we all give something to get something. These two women will be the first screaming "help" for US help when something bad comes down. Watch and see.如果我們國家能建立軍事防禦系統,又為何遲遲不行動呢?無論美國的動機何在,我們都是為了獲得利益而付出的。等著看吧,當情況不妙的時候,這兩女將會是第一個向美國尖叫著「救命」的人。judith · 2 days agoI am thankful to Americans & other white caucasians, every disaster , America is always in the scene of the disaster.. The ball is on our hands how we handle our nation. We mismanaged our own natural resources because of corruption. We let them do it.我感謝美國人和其他國家的白種人,每次災難,美國總是在災難現場··如何處理我們的國家是我們的事。因為腐敗我們沒有管理妥善自己的自然資源,是我們讓他們這樣做的。Avery_23 · 2 days agoNaku! What exactly has the US done for the Philippines that is not self-serving? NOTHING! The US just keeps extracting resources from the Philippines and destroying it, such as causing the Asian Economic Crisis!What have we gotten by being an ally of the US? Nothing! We should change alliance to China and Russia. Their allies get a whole lot from them!Naku!(日語「不」)到底美國為菲律賓做的什麼不是為了一己私利的?沒有!!美國只是不斷地從菲律賓攫取資源和去破壞她,就如造成亞洲經濟危機一樣!成為美國的盟友我們能得到什麼?什麼都沒有!我們應該成為中國和俄羅斯的盟友,因為他們的盟友從他們那裡得到了很多!-------------譯者:龍騰翻譯總管-審核者:龍騰翻譯總管------------Avery_23 Ed Dee · 2 days agoGood! That"s what we need! People who can stand up tot he bullying of the USA! Remember the Asian Economic Crisis that was caused by the US and remember USA invaded us!很好,我們就需要這種敢於站起來反抗美國欺凌的人!記住,是美國引發了亞洲經濟危機,美國也曾經侵略過我們!pole climbers Avery_23 · 2 days agowhat a dumbazz. who is we loser you are alone chinese cannibal and remember the alamo loser stupids china is invading you now today and all you can say is it is their right to do so樓上真是個白痴。中國正在侵略我們,而你卻認為他們有權這麼做。Avery_23 pole climbers · 2 days agowhite_buffalo, how many little boys and little girls have you and your fellow pedophile Americans raped?你和你那戀童癖的美國同胞們強姦了多少男孩和女孩?Ros Feliciano · 2 days agoI don"t believe what she says because in every disaster be it man-made or natural one, America is always in the scene of the disaster but China is seen nowhere except providing supports to the NPA to disrupt anything favorable to the Chinese communists.我不相信她說的話,因為無論是天災還是人禍,美國總是出現在救援現場,而中國只會給新人民軍提供支持進行破壞活動以有利於TG自己。-------------譯者:就是猛牛-審核者:龍騰翻譯總管------------Ros Feliciano Ros Feliciano · 2 days agoI mean disrupting anything that is good, which is unfavorable to the Chinese Communists.對於共產黨不利的都是好的。[copy]Gorrood · 2 days agoWhy am I not too sad that lady Miriam is not leading the survey pool for President; I hope it stays that way. What"s up with Grace Poe? Is she trying to distant herself from the United States because of her citizenship controversy? All I can say on that one is, unbelievable!!!我很高興看到米利亞姆女士沒有在總統競選民意調查上領先;我希望就這樣保持下去。Grace Poe是怎麼回事,就因為她的國籍爭議,她就想疏遠和美國的關係?真是難以置信。Danidanado Gorrood · a day agoRead her platform. She has never been pro-USA. Her backers and supporters are from Bayan Muna types like Cong. Colmenares.看了她的演講,她之前不都是親美的啊。她的支持者和粉絲們都是bayan muna 等派別的 比如 Cong. Colmenares。John · 2 days agonatural resources and strategic location of our country ---- these are the common interests why powerful nations like the US and China want us由於我國的自然資源和戰略位置等利益,導致世界上的大國們都想奪我們,例如美國和中國[/copy]Danidanado jose solitario · a day agoYes but there is a major difference between the US and China.......The US will support us economically and militarily. China just wants to take our resources for free.....by force if necessary.對,但是美國和中國有一個主要的區別在於,美國會支持我們的經濟和軍事,而中國只是想免費得到我們的資源,如果得不到那他就會訴諸武力


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