Kaiserreich Progress Report 64
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Saving myself time and effort, Im just going to link to
the mini announcement I wrote a few days ago, has everything I would normally
put here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaiserreich/comments/8zc422/couple_of_quicktm_things/Now for what you have all been waiting for, take it away
When Huey Long declared his revolt against the corrupt
and tyrannical government, he presumed himself as the savior of the Americanpeople. The big tent party that leads this revolt in the Southeast is theupstart American First Party, a coalition of several political fringes and
interest groups that ostensibly stand behind Huey Long.這裡有很多包括一分鐘人和「分享財富社會」在內的朗的堅定支持者,他們的身後也有鷹犬磨刀霍霍。朗一方面要提防那些表面偽善的嘴臉,一方面又要確保忠誠。
While many of them including the Minutemen and the Share
The Wealth Society uphold the Long ideal, others hang behind with knives readyto strike. Huey should beware the hand that seems too generous to be true, andthe hand that expects much in return for loyalty.雖然一分鐘人有一顆從軍報國的心,但是他們的意志和武器應該要能匹敵聯邦軍隊才行。一分鐘人會把美國從腐朽,貪婪和暴政中拯救出來,那麼在天空中和海洋上我們也要延續這樣的精神。
While the Minutemen have a soldiers』 heart, their minds
and tools must be able to match that of the Federal Government and beyond.While they fight to save America from corruption, greed and tyranny. The skies
and sea must be extensions of the militant spirit that the AUS exudes.苦難從未遠離這片朗為之戰鬥的土地,他本人也同時肩負著無比重大的責任——戰爭的勝利。一些選擇和事件會助你走向勝利,而一些也會帶來未曾預料的後果。
Hardships have never been far from the land Huey Long
fights for, and he himself overburdened by the weight of the war. Decisions andevents will come along to push your campaign towards victory, some bearingunintended consequences.當動蕩平息,聯盟國會面臨更大的,更狡猾的內在敵人。通過事件的選擇會決定國家是由威權民主,寡頭共和或是專制暴政。
Once the national turmoil has ended, the American Union
State faces a far greater foe from within as that enemy of the New America isso crafty. Whether you end up an authoritarian Democracy under Long, an
Oligarchy-cum-Republic, or a tyranny of the victors is up to events after thewar.向王魚致敬
If the machinations of those traitors within the American
First Party fail, then Huey Long can finally implement his reforms in full. Tobegin is to expand and entrench the Share The Wealth program to all Americans.To make Every Man A King Huey must bring the whole of the nation under hispolitical machine.
There is also the matter of pesky political rivals and
enemies. Thankfully his experiences back when he was Governor of Louisianaprepared him for the national stage. In Louisiana and now America, loyalty toHuey Long was rewarded handsomely.有人說奧斯卡·凱利·艾倫州長哪怕是從朗那裡飄來落進自己咖啡中的一片葉子也照樣簽署。這樣的勤政愛民的好形象只有完成了全國選舉監督制度才會成為常態。任何激進分子或者無政府主義者都不能進入體制。
It was said half seriously that Governor Oscar K. Allen
would sign even a leaf that blew into his office on the off chance that it wassent by Huey Long. That level of dedication to work can only be found if localelections are monitored nationwide. Wouldn』t want any anarchists or radicals to
rattle the machinery.如果這樣的瘟神真的出現,那麼我們的一分鐘人會快速反應並處理。那些晚上圍著篝火跳舞的三K亂黨終會因為他們的背信棄義而遭罪。
If ever such a misery should happen, the Minutemen know
how to respond. Of the men that cavort at night from behind white masks, the KuKlux Klan, their treachery will finally end.選舉依舊照常舉行,朗也會從家長獨裁式的統治者轉為威權民主。這裡的選舉會包含這美國人所有想要的選擇——休伊·朗或者是一休·朗。當然剩下的基層民主依舊是由人民自己把持的。
Elections are still held in the American Union State, as
Huey Long believes in authoritarian democracy; thus for this reason he will bechanged from Paternal Autocrat to Authoritarian Democrat. These all-importantelections will have all the choices Americans could ever want. Huey Long, or
Huey Long. However positions of less critical importance will still bedemocratically decided.沒有民主的共和國
In the opening days of the Second Civil War, many large
corporations will move their production out of the rebellious states, deprivingmany thousands of jobs. In the midsts of this economic catastrophe, Huey Longis approached by a group of industrialists sympathetic to his cause.他們建議組成一個「守衛美國價值委員會」的由忠誠的企業家諸如包括亨利·福特和弗雷德·科赫組成的委員會。這個委員會的主席由那個備受爭議又同時受敬重的喬治·梵·赫爾·莫斯利將軍擔任。當事情的發展不如預期,壞事接連發生,我們親愛的朗主席會在華盛頓DC的一場宴會後「被消失」。
They propose to set up a committee of loyal business
owners to best defend American values, composed of mostly industrialists likeHenry Ford and Fred Koch. Their Chairman of the Committee is one George VanHorn Moseley, a controversial but respected General. Should a series ofcascading events occur, our dear Huey Long will disappear after a dinner inWashington D.C.對於莫斯利,這場悲劇和他一點關係也沒有,但正是戰爭權力委員會所需要的。而莫斯利承擔著緊急狀況總司令——真正的委員會權力執行者。莫斯利會依靠約翰·埃德加·胡佛的FBI監視整個國家來找出朗「被消失」的幕後黑手。
To Moseley, this unfortunate occurrence of which he has
no part in at all is the emergency the War Powers Committee needs. While Moseleyassumes emergency powers as Commander in Chief, the real executive power lies
with the Committee.Moseley will utilize J. Edgar Hoover』s FBI to monitor the
nation for the phantom assassins responsible for Huey』s disappearance.反情局(COINTELPRO)會確保那些滋事者不會再危害美國。而軍事工業委員會將把科學管理拓展至國家公共事務中去。
The Counter Intelligence Program, or COINTELPRO, will
ensure that those responsible never threaten America again. The leaders of theWar Industries Committee extend the scientific management approach into the publicsector.ESMWT(工程學,科學,管理學,戰爭訓練)的建立將會聚焦在國內(民用)研究上。像童子軍和美國軍團(老兵組織)這樣的組織會有助於根除任何會顛覆新美國的成分。在委員會成員眼中,那些顛覆者大多是工團主義者。
Their creation of the Engineering, Science, and
Management War Training or ESMWT will focus domestic research. Groups like theBoy Scouts and the American Legion can reach their full potential to root outsubversive elements in the New America. Most of those subversives beingsyndicalists in the eyes of the Committee.在企業陰謀治下的美國是個共和國但不是一個民主國家,這就是那些統治者所期望的。軍事工業委員會熱衷於這種對美國民主的修改並相信相比民主,這會更好地守衛自由。
Under the Business Plot America is a republic but one
without Democracy, after all America is a Republic and not a Democracy andleaders in charge of the Country wish to keep it that way. The War IndustriesCommittee believes in a perversion of American Democracy and believe that arepublic is able to 『better safeguard liberty』 then democracy can.吉姆·克勞的美國
That name itself connotes the mocking character of
vaudeville. That accepted disparaging chuckle among friends that lives outsideof the public conscious. William Dudley Pelley is that character that spreadout under the sun and survived. If Huey Long is not careful with him, Pelleycan run away with the nation. Pelley and the Silver Legion seek to bring JimCrow to the entirely of America, a display for victors in the war for America』sheart. Jim Crow and Segregation will no longer be in the south but extend fromcoast to coast.銀衫軍會靠著吸收並褒獎三K黨來達成這個目的。因為三K黨推翻朗政權有功,銀衫軍會公開承認之。第二個提攜三K黨的原因是銀衫軍希望藉此清洗異議人士,那些異議人士的鄰居可能就是3K黨,他們一定無處可逃。
The Silver Legion will do this by absorbing and rewarding
the members of the Klan. As they took part in the overthrow of Huey Long, TheSilver Legion rewards them with open recognition. A second reason to openlyannounce the Klan is that it allows the Silver Legion to utilize communitynetworks to uproot all forms of dissidents. These dissidents can not hide whentheir own neighbor may be a Klan member.向白人承諾大到令人無法相信的薪水是佩利達成夢想的途徑,而他的夢想是——一個基督教美利堅聯邦。佩利心中的基督教信仰和對美國體系的信仰融為一體,他希望結束世俗的政府並建立神權國家。這都是按照他對自己基督徒身份的特殊理念。
The grandiose promises of welfare and almost
unrealistically high wages for whites all serves the purpose of Pelley』s grandvision. A Christian Commonwealth of America. His vision of America is the endof the secular government and the birth of a Religious State. Faith in Pelley』sinterpretation of Christianity and faith in the American system are permanentlyfused. All this in accordance to his particularistic ideas on Christian Identity.重建國家
Regardless of who takes over the United States must be
rebuilt from the civil war. To solve that Two plans exist to rebuild thecountry.朗的計劃是建立一個「國家復興管理局」,這個機構會提供工作機會,福利並為讓所有美國人休養生息。第二個計劃是和軍隊更加密切往來,藉此提供一個更好的經濟成長,然後就業機會和福利都會增長,除此以外還有軍工的發展。
Huey Long』s Plan is the National Recovery Administration
that shall seek to create a set of programs to provide for jobs, relief andrecovery for all americans. The Second Plan is to work closer with the Militaryto provide for better economic growth that will in turn create jobs and providerelief in addition to the providing America with more military factories.這裡要說明的是朗只能施行「國家復興管理局」,而莫斯利只有軍工綜合體。佩利可以選擇任何一條。
It should be noted that Huey Long can Only do the
National Recovery Administration while Moseley can only do the MilitaryIndustrial Complex. Pelley can decide between the two.還有一些難題:所有其他的州都要奪回,反抗軍依舊負隅頑抗。這些問題都可以靠著決議解決。
There is also the matter of other states that shall need
to be brought back under control as well as resistance fighters that seek tocontinue the fighting despite the war being over. Thus decisions exist to dealwith that.放眼世界
Once the country has been rebuilt and one of the three
leaders has consolidated power, the question is about looking outward andforming factions. Huey Long seeks to form the League of American States andreform America』s Monroe Doctrine to stick only to the Western Hemisphere.但是佩利和莫斯利的野心遠不止西半球,他們希望和協約國,德國,甚至俄國聯盟。
However Pelley and Moseley have other ambitions seeing
that America should look beyond the western hemisphere they will seek to alignthemselves with some of the other Great powers, such as Germany or the Ententeor even Russia.下周再見,這裡是我們的discord和論壇地址。最後不要忘了我們正在招募人員,如果你想幫忙的話,點擊(哪裡都不用點)來幫我們改善KR。
Well see you all next week, but while you wait check out
our discord (https://discord.gg/013cqzfpWMRLqnvHr) or the forums(https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?forums/kaiserreich.967/). Finally don』tforget that we are currently recruiting and would love help, if you areinterested check the sidebar for more information and help us improveKaiserreich.推薦閱讀:
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