

來自專欄 Alternate Histories 架空歷史17 人贊了文章


Hello there, it』s u/AirHunter here! Sorry for the late progress report, but things were a bit hectic in the team for the last few weeks: the whole Caesarreich event change debacle, we had a new co-lead dev appointed, which would be me, we also did some reorganizing to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible from here on, but now we are back with a juicy progress report on Europe, going over the majors there and some minors, and I will hand it off to u/Brit_Bong_79 for now:

你好,這裡是AirHunter!很抱歉這篇進度報告來得有些晚,但在過去的幾周里,開發團隊的情況有些忙亂緊張:整個Carsarreich項目發生了翻天覆地的變化,我們任命了一個新的開發團隊「合作領導人」,也就是我,同時我們也做了一些重組,以確保從今往後一切順利。現在我們歸來,帶來了一個關於歐洲地區的有趣進度報告,來介紹那裡的主要國家,順帶一些小國。現在輪到 BrutyBang79登場。


Italy crawled out of the Guerra Mondiale a strengthened, but humiliated nation. The Treaty of Ludwigsburg had them sign a 「White Peace」 conceding them some territory and ending hostilities between them. All was not well, however. Italy was still seen by many as a mere 「joke」 nation. It got defeated in the Guerra Mondiale, and couldnt even beat the disoordinated mess that was the Austro-Hungarian Empire! This left the people embittered. Then, a famine swept across Southern Italy, leaving thousands starving and impoverished. It was around this time, the already unpopular monarchy and several parliamentary officials were seen eating at a lavish ball! This enraged the people, stoking the flames to what seemed like a growing revolution. However, the revolution they got was different than what was expected. Marco Brescil, former army officer, had developed his new idea of Antiquitarian Nationalism, and the people were in love with it. To them, Brescil embodied the crumbling of the old order, giving way to a new, better one. Styling themselves as the successors of Ancient Rome, Brescil and his 「Legionaries」 marched on the capital in 1935, ousting the Savoyards and proclaiming himself Caesar. Now, Italy stands as a nation reborn, like a Phoenix from the ashes. Abandoning the old Tricolore and replacing it with a noticeably more 「Roman」 flag, this symbolises their newly found revanchism. Will Rome rise again?


然而,這場革命與人民預期的有所不同。前陸軍軍官馬爾科.布雷西亞闡述了他的「泛古民族主義」新觀念,也令人民愛上了它。對他們來說,布雷西亞代表舊秩序的崩潰,並讓位給了一個新的,更好的秩序。自稱為「古羅馬帝國繼承者」,布雷西亞和他的「Legionaries(軍團)」於 1935年進軍首都羅馬,驅逐了薩伏伊王室並宣稱自己為「凱撒」。如今,義大利代表著一個復興的國家,如同鳳凰於灰燼中涅槃重生。放棄了舊式三色旗並用一個明顯更「羅馬」的國旗將其代替,這象徵著他們新創立的復仇主義。羅馬會再度崛起嗎?



The French Republic is in quite possibly the most weak and unstable state it has been in into entire lifetime. After they surrendered to the Central Powers, they were robbed of many of their colonial possessions, as well as their pride. Shortly after the Treaty of Ludwigsburg, a Socialist revolt occurred. It went on until November 1919, and even then it was only put down due to German intervention. Since then, several radicals have begun to consolidate power. Jacques Doiriot』s Communist strengthen in power every day while the Nationalist FPP calls for a return to France』s rightful glory. Even Italian-backed Antquitals are gaining ground. France has become a ticking time bomb, from which nobody know will emerge.



With the final defeat at the hands of the United States and Germany in the Treaty of Ludwigsburg in 1919, the UK lost a great deal of imperial territory and suffered from economic catastrophe. Thousands fled in migratory waves to the Dominions and even to the treacherous offspring of the United States to escape famine and civil strife. However, the worst was in many ways to come - the movement of radical left wing activism in Scotland boiled over just as the ink was dry on the Treaty, inspired by the actions of those in the former Austro-Hungarian Empire. For four years Parliament failed to end the insurrection, and a military coup headed by Lord Kitchener and Douglas Haig stepped in in 1923, unofficially ending parliamentary rule. Many flocked to their banner, but by 1928 the forces of the British Army retreat south of the border and the Workers』 Republic of Scotland celebrates de facto independence under Robert Cunninghame Graham. For years the military junta continues and attempts to improve the social and economic situation in a totally defeated England and Wales. The remaining parts of the empire largely jettisoned themselves after the military seizure of power and only nominal links remain. In a desperate attempt to continue to retain the loyalty of the citizens of the UK the military junta has copied the ideology of the new Antiquarian Nationalism of Italy, styling itself on the old Anglo-Saxon England in a search for legitimacy and also for even strong metaphoric revanchism against its enemies. In 1936 Kitchener continues to effectively rule as dictator but his health is failing, at the same time as the old monarch George V who is increasingly sidelined for foreign roots and irrelevance in this age of the 『Folkloric Ednewing』 - the Cultural Renovation seeking to restore the heart of England and her glory. Society has become highly militarised and brutal under the rule of the military and irredentism is violent and popular. The combination of the Royal Succession and uncertainty of who will succeed Kitchener as de facto ruler means that times are even more trying for old Albion than before.





In 1916, Sean Mac Diarmada survives the Easter Rising as he blends into the mass of prisoners, becoming the only signer of the Proclamation to survive that doomed revolt. Following the United States』 daring amphibious raid to help free the nationalists so that they could be a thorn in the side of the British war effort, he rejoins a variety of other leaders who are plotting a wider scale war against the UK, including Eamon de Valera, Roger Casement, Michael Collins, W. T. Cosgrove, Arthur Griffith, James Larkin, and Jack White, and low level insurgency continues with German weaponry to the conclusion of the war. In the elections of 1918, as a result of the violent reprisal to the Easter Rising and effective military occupation, Sinn Fein win a landslide. They declare the First Dail and under the Treaty of Ludwigsburg Germany forces recognition of the fledgling republic by the UK. However, internal conflict over supporting the Scottish independentist - but also radically leftist - movement, at risk of the peace with the United Kingdom, eventually escalated into severe violence. President Mac Diarmada resigns as he is unable to mediate between the opposing factions - with de Valera, Larkin, Ashe and others in favour of arming the communists and Casement, Collins, Cosgrove, Griffith and Mulcahy against such action. The Irish Civil War lasted from 1920 to 1921 - brief but bloody and damaging large amounts of infrastructure with many civilian deaths. The isolationists were successful in their military campaign and many communists were forced into exile. Collins assumed the position of Provisional President until safe elections could be held and surrendered his wide-reaching powers to Cosgrave who acted as President from 1922-29, where de Valera took power in the face of governmental infighting. However, the stock market crash during his tenure has wounded his reputation and the variety of policies designed to alleviate the economic decline have thus far failed. The 1936 elections therefore will be immensely important in deciding Ireland』s path into the future.

1916年復活節起義,肖恩.麥克.迪亞馬達通過混入大批囚犯成功倖存,成為那場註定失敗叛亂的唯一存活的宣言簽署者。隨著美國為幫助民族主義者而進行的大膽的,像一把尖刺刺入英國腹部的兩棲突襲,迪亞馬達得以重新加入各位想策劃一場針對英國更大規模戰爭的領導人麾下,包括Eamon de Valera, Roger Casement, Michael Collins, W. T. Cosgrove, Arthur Griffith, James Larkin,和Jack White,在德國武器的幫助下進行低烈度叛亂,直到戰爭結束。在1918年的選舉中,由於對復活節起義的暴力報復以及有效的軍事佔領,新芬黨取得了壓倒性的勝利。他們宣布成立下議院,而在路德維希堡條約之下,德國軍隊也承認了這個從英國手中脫離的新生共和國。

然而,關於是否支持蘇格蘭獨立分子—同時也是激進左翼分子的運動(支持他們意味著損害與英國的關係),愛爾蘭政局爆發了嚴重的內部衝突,最終演變為嚴重的暴力騷動。迪亞馬達總統因他不能在兩個派系中斡旋而辭--de Valera, Larkin, Ashe支持武裝共產主義分子,而Casement, Collins, Cosgrove, Griffith和Mulcahy反對這樣的行動。愛爾蘭內戰從1920年持續至1921年,簡短卻殘暴血腥,造成大量基礎設施被破壞,無數平民被殺害。孤立主義者贏得了最終勝利,使得許多共產主義者們不得不流亡海外。柯林斯取得了臨時總統的職位,直到選舉可以安全地進行為止。之後是1922-1929年擔任總統的科斯格雷夫,在他的任期內,德瓦萊拉在政府內訌中取得實際權力。然而,他任期內的股市崩盤損傷了他的名譽,而旨在緩解經濟衰退的各種政策迄今都失敗了。因此,1936年大選在決定愛爾蘭走向未來的道路上具有極其重要的意義。



The 1919 Clydeside Declaration imitates the Proclamation of the Irish Republic in many ways, but had a new avowedly socialist ideological front. Economic disaster in Britain and huge reparations demanded in the Treaty of Ludwigsburg result in massive unemployment and social discontent, notably in industrial areas of Scotland. The workers of Clydeside led by the teacher John MacLean begin a chain of events that ultimately lead to guerrila warfare by red revolutionaries and the espousal of 『Celtic Communism』, which was socialism imbued with patriotic ideals of an alleged fraternal bond between the Celtic Nations. After 1928 the WRS finally truly demobilises after a period of 14 years, though the economy struggles to ever truly recover from the catastrophe of war and strife. The Chairmanship is awarded to Robert Cunninghame Graham, almost against his own will, with his massive popularity as the first socialist MP in the old parliament. However, in 1936 he is most certainly in the twilight years, and his radical head of government in John MacLean has made many enemies over the years. Meanwhile, the old bourgeoisie and nobility have not been wholly wiped out, and surely must be hatching their own schemes to restore their power in this time of instability...



Since its creation in 1915, the Polish Republic has had a troubled time. For the first decade of the countrys history youd be hard pressed to figure out who was in charge beyond "Germany" and even that would be questionable. Officially the republic was created in 1920 after a gridlocked regency council was interrupted by a flare up of revolutionaries. Zdzis?aw Lubomirski, the future first Prime Minister, proposed the idea in the hopes it would calm tensions. The first parliament barely managed to maintain itself for four years before the military stepped in to restore order. After a year in exile the government was able to re-establish itself by 1928 with the assistance of Germany. Now, with the empire struggling within its borders, Poland stands to either collapse in on itself or stabilize into a power in its own right.

自1915年成立以來,波蘭共和國一直處於動蕩之中。在這個國家歷史上的第一個十年里,你很難弄清楚除了「德國」之外誰是負責人,甚至這(德國有沒有負責)都值得懷疑。在一直以來陷入僵局的攝政委員會被革命者的怒火推翻後,共和國於1920年正式成立。未來的第一任總理濟斯瓦夫. 盧博米爾斯基提出這一想法(正式成立共和國),希望能緩和緊張局勢。在軍隊介入恢復秩序之前,第一屆議會勉強維持了四年。經過一年的流亡,政府在德國的幫助下於1928年重新建立。現在,德意志帝國掙扎於國內事務,波蘭要麼自行崩潰,要麼自立為強國。


The German Empire came out as a victor of the Guerra Mondiale in 1918, and signing the Treaty of Ludwigsburg in 1919, which would expand the german colonial empire greatly, as well as the previous treaty with Russia in 1917 which expanded their european influence greatly, and finally end the war that had exhausted Germany so much. However, what was supposed to be the year of peace, the year of relief, would come to be known in Germany as 「the year of hell」. During the Guerra Mondiale, the empire learned the cost of creating their desired status quo. In the following year, and especially so in 1919, they would learn the cost of maintaining it. The German interventions in 1919, most notably in France, would lead to a 「year of unofficial war」, and these decisions weren』t popular among the population- in this year, liberals and spartacists would raise in popularity in Germany, and in 1936, they present a serious threat to the political stability in Germany. Separatists also rose in popularity after the worst economic crisis the world has seen- The Great Depression - which would lead into Germany』s own economic crisis. The German Empire stands as a titan over the world on a pile of powderkegs, that, with the slightest mistake, can explode and bring great ruin to Germany.




After the Habsburgs abdicated in 1917, the various subregions of Austria-Hungary declared independence, and Austria briefly collapsed into a near-total anarchy. After the unrest was dealt with, Germany set up a provisional Danubian republic containing Austria, Hungary and Transylvania. Meanwhile other nations like Czechoslovakia established their own governments.

However, this republic wouldn』t last for long- a radical socialist called Bela Kun would use his support to seize power in Hungary and Eastern Austria. In securing control over the area, he managed to seize Slovakia, however right-wing forces were still in Austria which would lead to 1 year of a bloody civil war, which ended in a socialist victory and the occupation of the remaining Austrian territories.

Chaos would still continue to run rampant in the declared Danubian Federation, and resulting in a great famine in 1924. By 1936, Danubia has begun to regain it』s past strength, but the country is still plagued by the memories of famine, factionalism within the national council as the radical and authoritarian Mátyás Rákosi works to increase his base of power and the true equality between the ethnicities promised worked towards by Kun and the various non-hungarian groups not being delivered, despite their best efforts leading to widespread Militia revolt.






Now, there is a lot more to be talked about these countries which will be done in their respective progress reports, especially so with the majors, but hopefully this gives you a general idea of what is going on in Europe. Now one major nation we missed was Russia, and that』s because our current Russia dev was too busy to write anything for the report. Don』t worry, we haven』t forgotten that they exist. Also, I cant stress this enough: Everything here is WIP and subject to change.


Next week, you can expect another report on covering another general area, which might include the one country we missed... Remember to join our community Discord if you haven』t and chat with the members and devs and ask us any questions youd like and we will try to answer as best as we can.




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