健身 | 一個全身運動Turkish Get-Up
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如果有條件,我會去爬樹、捕魚、狩獵……那些是手腦並用的運動。在沒有這些的現實里,土耳其起立(Turkish Get-Up)實在是個方便至極的全身運動。
The Turkish Get-Up is a highly functional movement that requires all the muscles of the body working together in order to accomplish the task.
- Core strength and stability
- T-spine mobility
- Hip mobility
- Hip extension (glute) strength
- Gleno-humeral (shoulder) stability
- Body awareness and proprioception
- Etc.
1. To begin the exercise lie flat on the floor, face up, carefully placing the kettlebell roughly 12 inches beside your right arm.
第一步:先平躺,面朝上,把壺鈴(或其他合適重量的替代物) 放在旁邊。
2. Roll onto you right, towards the kettlebell, grab the kettlebell with two bent arms.
3. Roll back onto your back firmly gripping onto the kettlebell
4. Gently let go of the kettlebell with the left hand, and bench press the weight up with your right hand, make sure your arms are fully vertical from the floor and elbows are locked out, from this point onwards unless directed the kettlebell will be held in this position.
5. Bend your right knee and plant your foot firmly onto the ground.
6. Lift the right shoulder off from the floor, sort of like doing a twisting ab crunch. {卷腹}
7. Twist until you have to support your weight onto your left elbow which will be firmly on the ground.
8. Pop off from your left elbow onto your hand, the hand should be slightly behind but out wide.
9. Raise your butt and extended left leg off the floor. With your weight balanced on your left hand and right leg, begin to pass your left leg underneath you, knee and toes on the ground, ending up on a lunge type position .{弓步式}
10. Stand up, hold the position, and then reverse the process to sit back down.
第十步: 完全站立。然後再從站立回到初始卧姿。
peace out ~
TAG:健身 |