

Leonardo DiCaprio to play Leonardo Da Vinci in Paramount-bought biopic

中國日報網 2017-08-14 13:19


根據Deadline消息,萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧將在新片中飾演義大利文藝復興巨匠達芬奇,該片將根據沃爾特·艾薩克森(Walter Isaacson)今年10月出版的新書《萊昂納多·達芬奇》改編拍攝,派拉蒙以7位數購得該書改編權,並將與萊昂納多的亞壁古道公司一同製作影片。

Since winning an Oscar for The Revenant, Leonardo DiCaprio has remained away from the spotlight somewhat, having starred in absolutely nothing since early 2016.自從憑藉《荒野獵人》收穫奧斯卡獎後,小李子萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧就一直遠離聚光燈,2016年初開始就沒有演過任何戲。

Things are somewhat more underway now, the actor scheduled to appear in Martin Scorsese』s adaption of Killers of the Flower Moon and next year』s The Black Hand (which is still in pre-production).現在離小李子回歸稍微近了些,他將出演馬丁·斯科塞斯改編的《花月殺手》,以及明年上映的《黑手》(仍在前期製作中)。

DiCaprio now has another production underway; playing Leonardo da Vinci an adaptation of Walter Isaacson』s biopic on the legendary artist.小李子目前還有另一部拍攝在即的作品,該片根據沃爾特·艾薩克森的《萊昂納多·達芬奇》傳記書改編,傳奇藝術家萊昂納多·達芬奇將由小李子扮演。

According to Deadline, Paramount has beaten out Universal for the rights to the adaptation, spending into seven figures. DiCaprio will produce alongside under his Appian Way banner.據Deadline網站報道,派拉蒙公司已經擊敗好萊塢環球影城,斥資7位數獲得該本傳記的改編權。小李子的亞壁古道影業公司也將一同參與制作。

DiCaprio was actually named after Da Vinci, the actor』s mother having felt her in utero son kick for the first time as she examined one of his artworks at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.小李子的名字萊昂納多實際上就來自達芬奇,他的媽媽第一次感受到兒子在子宮裡踢她時,正在義大利佛羅倫薩的烏菲茲美術館參觀達芬奇的作品。

When reviews eventually come out for the biopic, expect numerous commentators to remark 『this was the role DiCaprio was born to play』.希望眾多評論家對這部傳記片的最終評價是「小李子就是為扮演這個角色而生的」。


The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) - Jordan Belfort《華爾街之狼》——喬丹·貝爾福特

The Great Gatsby (2013) - Jay Gatsby《了不起的蓋茨比》——傑伊·蓋茨比

Django Unchained (2012) - Calvin Candie《被解放的姜戈》——加爾文·坎迪

Inception (2010) - Cobb《盜夢空間》——科布

The Aviator (2004) - Howard Hughes《飛行者》——霍華德·休斯

Catch Me If You Can (2002) - Frank Abagnale Jr.《逍遙法外》——弗蘭克·阿巴內爾

J. Edgar (2011) - John Edgar Hoover《胡佛 J. Edgar》——埃德加·胡佛

Blood Diamond (2006) - Danny Archer《血鑽》——丹尼·阿徹



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