
What should we do to take care of our Mother Earth?


Candidate 1 : Our Mother Earth is the only home of man up till the present moment. Everyone has the duty to protect our Mother Earth. As students, what should we do to take care of her?

First, in order to reduce the so-called "white pollution", we could use paper bags instead of plastic bags. We also could take bags that can be used over and over again when go shopping. As we all know, normal plastic bags won"t decompose easily. They will pollute the soil in spite of being buried deeply.

Second, we shouldn"t throw garbege here and there. And we should make efforts to pick up teh little we see on streets. If everyone can do it, our city and countryside will be cleaner and cleaner.

Third, we have to help people raise their awareness of environmental protection. Our concept is the most important and fundamental. Our concept is the most important and fundamental. Only when we"re conscious of its significance, could the environment of our Mother Earth be better and better.

Candidate 2 : In the modern society, the economic benefit is considered more and more important. Therefore, the problem of how to take care of our Mother Earth has become very serious. Firtly, we should launch more publicity campaigns to enhance people"s awareness of the importance of environmental protection. Secondly, we should do some things from now on, such as collecting the used batteries, recycling the plastic stuff, sorting the rubbish and so on. Last but not least, we should eliminate the pollution at source. For instance, factories should dispose of the waste gas, water or material before discharge. If everyone plays his part, our environment would be improved a great deal. So everybody is supposed to spare no efforts to preserve our Mother Earth—for ourselves, and the future generations of our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Candidte 3 : Protecting the environment so as to make our Mother Earth in good condition is a daily thing. For example, when summer or winter comes, you may turn on the air conditioner. "In fact, when you heat or cool, your home has a big effect on the earth", says John Cormody, an environmental researcher. He says that bulidings consume more energy than transportation and industry. Almost half of the energy that buildings use goes into heating or cooling.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete meansures.

First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the family planning policy into practice, because more people mean more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves. If we do our best, tomorrow will surely be better!

對於口袋問題的回答,需要一定的技巧。僅僅依靠關聯詞將一些現象鋪陳下來,提出相應的建議是不夠的,注意內在關聯是不可忽視的一個方面。相比Candidate 1而言,Candidate 2在保護地球策略的分析上,內在關聯更為明顯,從樹立意識到腳踏實地,以及反對污染等具體措施,使考官更為容易理解和接受;Candidate 3則突出顯示以小見大的表達手法。通過動筆寫「MINI作文」,應對雅思口語考試。假如給你一個topic,比如Describe A photograph,只給你一分鐘準備,我想大多數同學連說什麼都沒想好。但如果給同學1個小時,讓你用筆寫出來一個150字的「MINI作文」,再把它說出來,你是否會做得更好?這是不言而喻的。在考前,最好親自去收集並預測口語考試的topic,(詳見各大網站雅思專題)。然後將其按照人物、事件、景色、物品等分類,這樣可以找出寫作的共通之處。可以用一段時間寫20個Topic,一邊寫一邊修改。 你會發現在寫前10個的時候,非常吃力。但再寫接下來的10個時,會開始感到輕鬆,因為這時候已經反覆使用了很多「套話」,可以不假思索的一揮而就。同學 們會發現在說英語的時候,可以不用再藉助漢語了,因為我通過寫作訓練了直接用英語組織語言的能力。

其次,凡是經過自己寫過的內容,其用詞之考究,句式之精細,語言之準確,都遠遠超出了沒經準備直接說出來的內容。這樣在考試中,如果遇到相同的 Topic,那麼說出來的都是「完美」的答案。即使遇不到相同的Topic,我完全可以採用「換湯不換藥」的方法,把準備好的內容照搬出來。比如,假設准 備了「A famous person」,結果考到的是「An old person」,直接把說的人換個名字就行了。



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