UCLA social psy L5自覺意識和控制處理

UCLA social psy L5自覺意識和控制處理

couscious awareness & controlled processing(自覺意識和控制處理)

continuing introspective error

list 6 or 12 times whether we are assertive or not. we rate ourselve more assertive if list 6 time, and result reverse if list 12 time. Because its harder to list 12 times, you will think/rate yourself less assertive.

reflective conscious processing: thinking about others awareness of us

-we know others are aware (theory of mind) and others know we are aware

-"I know that you know that I know" is a powerful social force that affects our behavior and judgments. we all remember elevator logic because professor reveal how others might evaluate you.

-impacts us less when we lack control processing(eg, drink, drug)

exp: imaginary scar

half subject have imaginary scar on forehead. They thought they have scar. but acutally they dont

Result: thought others more tenseness and patronizing.

Reason:1. Out thoughts about them knowing that we have a scar changes how we interpret others behavior 2.Our belief that they know probabliy leaks out our behavior and affects others behavior. (sefl-fullfilling)

Walk in last to a group, wear a embrassed shirt.

thought 75% will notice vs actually 10%. People are busy thinking how others think themselves

Resource/Ego depletion(耗竭)

not to show any emotion when watching a sad video. then do a game(anagram), perform worse

use same area self-control muscle(right ventrolateral preforntal cortex右腹外側前額葉皮質 when doing self-control task, even doing different task. including: motor(運動) self-control, cognitive self-control (dont thinking of a white bear, emotion regualtion, social cognitive self-control, impulse control

Free will or not?

we have free wont

relationship of automatic to controlled processing?

all combination exists.

work together: typing, driving

control processing overidding automatic: when driving in UK, stop while red light.

automatic overidding control processing: running off a bear


whats the self ?

demo: Q: who am I?

1. I am Yi Zhong

2. I like thinking

3. I love girls

4. I like pyschology

5. I am though

6. I love the world

Common: all static(havent change frequently, enduring), most not from internal understand, but society observable category.

lack of complicated, mostly positive.almost no one write immediately experience. And future hardly appear, but it decide a lot thing about us right now.

What can we take away and you still be you?

-name? yes. actually well change, the attachment of a name is part of you?

-sick? different

-preference? most common agree its different. Because thats how we thought we know others.

-different environment are most important thing define who you are.

-amnesia ? they seem act same in the same environment. And know themself the same, same preference. wont change. very suprising

In US spend more money on anti-anxiouty anti-depressants medicine than other drugs

feeling "myself" sometimes more important to some people than feeling 「better」



TAG:加州大學洛杉磯分校UCLA | 社會心理學 |