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The new Seleucid king Antiochus II reaches an agreement with the king of Macedonia, Antigonus II Gonatas, to work together in trying to push Ptolemy IIs fleet and armies out of the Aegean Sea. With Macedonias support, Antiochus II launches an attack on Ptolemaic outposts in Asia Minor.


Demetrius II Aetolicus distinguishes himself by defeating Alexander II of Epirus at Derdia and so saving Macedonia (c. 260 BC).


Confident in Carthages superiority at sea, Hannibal Gisco deploys his ships for the Battle of Mylae in the traditional long line arrangement. Although inexperienced in sea battles, the Romans heavily defeat the Carthaginian fleet, mainly due to the innovative use of land tactics in naval warfare.

Hannibal Gisco對迦太基的海軍優勢很有信心,在Mylae之戰中按照傳統的長線排列方式部署艦船。雖然羅馬人在海戰方面沒有什麼經驗,但他們沉重地打擊了迦太基艦隊——主要原因是他們在海戰中創造性地使用了陸戰戰術。

The Carthaginians under Hamilcar take advantage of their victory at Thermae in Sicily by counterattacking the Romans and seizing Enna. Hamilcar continues south to Camarina, in Syracusan territory, to try to convince the Syracusans to rejoin the Carthaginian side.


The Romans are able to regain the initiative in Sicily against Carthage by retaking Enna and Camarina. In central Sicily, they take the town of Mytistraton, which they have attacked twice previously. The Romans also move in the north by marching across the northern coast toward Panormus, but are not able to take the city due to the citys heavily fortified walls.


The forces of the Macedonian King Antigonus II and the Seleucid King Antiochus II win a naval victory at Cos against their common enemy, Ptolemy II. This victory secures Antigonus control over the Aegean Sea and the League of the Islanders. It also diminishes Ptolemaic naval power.


The Romans attack Sardinia and try to capture it from the Carthaginians.


The Battle of Tyndaris is fought between the Roman fleet and Carthaginian fleet off Tyndaris (modern Tindari) in Sicily. Hiero II, tyrant of Syracuse, has allowed Tyndaris to be a base for the Carthaginians. However, after this battle, the town falls to Roman forces.

羅馬艦隊與迦太基艦隊在Tyndaris沿岸展開戰鬥。敘拉古僭主Hiero II允許迦太基利用Tyndaris作為基地。然而此戰過後,Tyndaris被羅馬軍攻佔。

Following the Battle of Cape Ecnomus, the Romans land an army near Carthage and begin ravaging the Carthaginian countryside. The Roman army soon forces the capitulation of Clupea, a town 40 miles (64 kilometres) east of Carthage.


The ensuing negotiations between the parties lead to Regulus demanding Carthage agree to an unconditional surrender, cede Sicily, Corsica and Sardinia to Rome, renounce the use of their navy, pay an indemnity, and sign a vassal-like treaty. These terms are so harsh that the people of Carthage resolve to keep fighting.


In the Second Syrian War, Ptolemy II loses ground in Cilicia, Pamphylia, and Ionia, while Antiochus II regains Miletus and Ephesus.


A Roman army capture Panormus in Sicily.


The Romans lose control of the Sicilian city of Agrigentum to the Carthaginians.


The second Syrian War between the Seleucids and the Ptolemies ends. Antiochus II regains much of Anatolia from Ptolemy II, including the cities of Miletus and Ephesus, and also the Phoenician coast.


Alexander, Antigonus IIs nephew and regent, leads a revolt in Corinth with Ptolemy IIs help and declares himself an independent monarch. As a result, Antigonus loses Corinth and Chalcis, the two bases from which he has dominated southern Greece. As the Aetolians occupy Thermopylae, Antigonus II is cut off from Athens and the Peloponnese.


In 251 BC, Aratus, a young nobleman in the city of Sicyon, expelled the tyrant Nicocles, who had ruled with the acquiescence of Antigonus, freed the people, and recalled the exiles. This led to confusion and division within the city. Fearing that Antigonus would exploit these divisions to attack the city, Aratus applied for the city to join the Achaean League.


With Panormus captured, much of western inland Sicily falls with it. The cities of Ieta, Solous, Petra and Tyndaris agree to peace with the Romans in the same year. This defeat marks the end of significant Carthaginian land-based campaigning in Sicily.


The independence of Cyrene persists until the death of Magas.


In the Punic War, the Romans shift their attention to the southwest of Sicily. They send a naval expedition toward the Carthaginian city of Lilybaeum. En route, the Romans seize and burn the Carthaginian held cities of Selinous and Heraclea Minoa. The Romans then begin the siege of Lilybaeum.

在第一次布匿戰爭中,羅馬人將注意力轉向西西里西南。他們向迦太基Lilybaeum發起了海上遠征,順路奪取、焚毀了迦太基的Selinous和Heraclea Minoa城,之後開始攻打Lilybaeum。

The Roman forces at Lilybaeum are relieved, and Eryx, near Drapana, is seized.



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