

來自專欄傳媒專業留學6 人贊了文章



新媒體藝術具有交互性的特點。它基於信息科技與藝術的整合,隨著互聯網和計算機技術的發展,打破單向交流,讓媒介的生產者和消費者產生交互關係,讓受眾具有自我操作的特點。[1] 所以,交互設計作為新媒體藝術的核心專業,是很多本科學平面設計等具有設計基礎的同學備受青睞的申請方向。以下是美國在交互設計方向排名Top10的院校:

1、 Carnegie Mellon University

2、 California Institute of the Arts

3、 Pratt Institute

4、 School of the Art Institute of Chicago

4、 Rhode Island School of Design

6、 University of California—Los Angeles

6、 Art Center College of Design

8、 Maryland Institute College of Art

9、 School of Visual Arts

10、 New School—Parsons School of Design




MA in Digital Media Design for Learning





M.F.A. in Digital Animation and Interactive Media




MFA Interaction Design2-3年


要求:Portfolio of at least 20 examples of work completed in the last two year. Indicate the title, medium, size, and date of execution for each work.

Visual Communications Design3年



Visual Arts MFA Program



Applicants MUST ALSO submit portfolios ONLINE for the field of study they specify, as outlined below.


Please submit 15 digital images of your work in SlideRoom. You will be required to list the title of each image, the media, year and dimensions.


Please submit 20 digital images of your work in SlideRoom. You will be required to list the title of each image, the media, year and dimensions.


Please submit 20 digital images of your work in SlideRoom. You will be required to list the title of each image, the media, year and dimensions.


Please submit 20 digital images and/or videos of your work in SlideRoom. Your samples can be from any media--whatever best represents your recent artistic work. You will be required to list the title of each image, the media, year and dimensions. We suggest also including a brief description of each sample. Videos can only be used to document kinetic art, not sculptures or exhibitions, and must be submitted through SlideRoom via video upload or video links. If your video link is password protected, you must include a current password in the description otherwise it will not be reviewed. The total running time of videos cannot exceed ten minutes. As additional information, you can also provide links to full videos. We do not accept DVDs or VHS tapes.

New Genres (Installation, Performance, Digital Media):

Please submit up to 20 images and/or videos in SlideRoom. Your samples can be from any media--whatever best represents your recent artistic work. You will be required to list the title of each image or video, the media, year, dimensions and/or running time. We suggest also including a brief description of each sample. Videos must be submitted through SlideRoom via video upload or video links. If your video link is password protected, you must include a current password in the description otherwise it will not be reviewed. The total running time of videos cannot exceed ten minutes. As additional information, you can also provide links to full videos. We do not accept DVDs or VHS tapes. Websites that are freestanding artworks and NOT documentation of work may be submitted through SlideRoom. A still of the website with the web address in the description may be included.

Moving Image:

Please submit videos or excerpts of videos and/or images in SlideRoom. You can submit any combination of up to 20 images and/or videos. Your samples can be from any media; whatever best represents your recent artistic work. You will be required to list the title of each video, the media, year and running time. We suggest also including a brief description of each sample. Videos must be submitted through SlideRoom via video upload or video links. If your video link is password protected, you must include a current password in the description otherwise it will not be reviewed. The total running time of time-based samples cannot exceed ten minutes. As additional information, you can also provide links to full videos. We do not accept DVDs or VHS tapes.


紐約視覺藝術學院School of Visual Arts也是視覺類專業頗有建樹,大家耳熟能詳的CMU,對於此類院校的申請要求,除了過硬的標化成績以外,作品集也是重中之重。當然運氣也是比較重要的


引用:[1] 蔣穎超,新媒體藝術在國外的發展taodocs.com/p-31642758-



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