JuMP: 用Julia進行優化建模及求解
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0. 為什麼要用Julia做優化?
本Tutorial主要介紹JuMP.jl,一種在Julia語言中的開源AML(Algebraic Modeling Language), 類似於AMPL, YALMIP, CVX, Poymo, GAMS等。JuMP的優化建模+solver內存傳遞速度,與其它商業/開源AML的比較見下表。不涉及Convex.jl,類似Matlab中的CVX,由Boyd et al. 開發的另一種Julia中的AML。
JuMP的另一大好處在於無縫銜接各種商業/開源solver: Gurobi, CPLEX, SCIP, Knitro, Mosek等......
1. 優化建模初步(最基本的線性規劃)
# 利用JuMP求解原問題function CarpenterPrimal(c,A,b) # 定義Model對象, OutputFlag = 0指不輸出log Primal = Model(solver = GurobiSolver(OutputFlag = 0)) # 定義變數,注意這裡使用了宏(macro),宏的調用也是Julia&JuMP高效編譯/元編程(metaprogramming)的重要技巧 @variable(Primal, x[1:2]>=0) # 定義不等式約束 constr = @constraint(Primal, A*x.<=b) # 定義目標函數 @objective(Primal, Max, dot(c,x)) # 求解 solve(Primal) # 返回最優目標函數值,最優解(原問題),最優解(對偶問題) return getobjectivevalue(Primal), getvalue(x), getdual(constr)end
調用CarpenterPrimal函數,得到最優解是生產30張桌子,不生產椅子: 。接下來我們看一下這個解背後所蘊含的其他信息。同時,對應木材和時間的影子價格 是0和10/3。
2. 線性規劃中的Column Generation實例:大規模additive convex regression
給定數據 我們考慮以下線性規劃問題:
注意我們如果在目標函數中再額外加上正則項 ( ), 則我們可以得到一個稀疏的(sparse) additive model。詳見:Ravikumar, Pradeep, et al. "Sparse additive models." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 71.5 (2009): 1009-1030.
上述模型是線性規劃因為等價於(記 為 升序排序後的對應原index的序列)
# 生成樣本n = 5000d = 2function_list = [x->0.5*abs.(x).^2,x->2*abs.(x),x->5*x.^2,x->0.5*exp.(x),x->0.3*x,x->0.7*x,x->2*x.^2,x->0.1*exp.(x),x->x.^2,x->exp.(x)]srand(123)X = rand(n,d) - 0.5Y = 0.02*randn(n,1)for i = 1:d Y = Y + function_list[mod(i-1,10)+1](X[:,i])end
# Full-sized的線性規劃模型function Full_ConvReg(Max_T) M_conv_full = Model(solver=GurobiSolver(TimeLimit=Max_T, OutputFlag=0)) @variable(M_conv_full, f_hat[1:n,1:d]) @variable(M_conv_full, Res_pos[1:n]>=0) @variable(M_conv_full, Res_neg[1:n]>=0) for k = 1:d xx = X[:,k] ids = sortperm(vec(xx),rev=false) xx = xx[ids] for i in 2n-1) d1 = (xx[i+1]-xx[i]); d2=(xx[i]-xx[i-1]); @constraint(M_conv_full, (f_hat[ids[i],k]-f_hat[ids[i-1],k])*d1<=(f_hat[ids[i+1],k]-f_hat[ids[i],k])*d2); end end for i in 1:n @constraint(M_conv_full, Y[i] - sum(f_hat[i,k] for k=1:d) == Res_pos[i] - Res_neg[i] ) end @objective(M_conv_full, :Min, sum(Res_pos[i] + Res_neg[i] for i = 1:n) ) solve(M_conv_full) return getvalue(f_hat)end
接下來我們介紹什麼是Column Generation,並展示如何對上述問題利用JuMP和Gurobi進行Column Generation。這種方法是基於單純形法(simplex methopd)的。即我們在一開始默認所有的變數都為0且不是基變數,而在每步iteration的時候利用前一輪的對偶變數的值計算reduced cost(只需要計算一步矩陣和向量的乘法),並將reduced cost最負的變數加入(成為基變數)。同時注意到,因為原問題的約束矩陣實際上具有分塊特性(按照 分塊),實際上我們可以採取Dantzig-Wolfe的formulation,即利用一個cyclic的update方式,在每個iteration對每個block單獨計算reduced cost(比一起算快了 倍)。當所有reduced cost非負的時候,找到最優解:演算法終止。
對Dantzig-Wolfe或者column generation不太了解的同學,請見一些經典的資料,如:https://perso.uclouvain.be/anthony.papavasiliou/public_html/DantzigWolfe.pdf
當然,第五個例子里的constraint generation其實原理和column(variable) generation類似,那個例子對於零背景知識的同學可能更容易看。
# Column Generation化的線性規劃模型function CG_ConvReg(Max_T) # build the LO: no Δ included M_conv = Model(solver=GurobiSolver(TimeLimit = Max_T,OutputFlag = 0,Method = 0)) @variable(M_conv, Res_pos[1:n]>=0) @variable(M_conv, Res_neg[1:n]>=0) @constraintref constr[1:n] MaxIter = 1000 XX = zeros(n,d) L = zeros(n,n+2,d) ids = convert(Array{Int64,2},zeros(n,d)) ids_rec = convert(Array{Int64,2},zeros(n,d)) for k = 1:d # sort the sequences ids[:,k] = sortperm(vec(X[:,k]),rev=false) ids_rec[:,k] = sortperm(ids[:,k],rev=false) XX[:,k] = X[ids[:,k],k] # needed for column generation L[:,1,k] = ones(n,1) L[:,2,k] = -ones(n,1) L[2,3,k] = XX[2] - XX[1] L[2,4,k] = - XX[2] + XX[1] for i = 3:n L[i,3,k] = XX[i,k] - XX[1,k] L[i,4,k] = - XX[i,k] + XX[1,k] L[i,5:i+2,k] = [XX[i,k]-XX[j+1,k] for j=1:i-2] end L[:,:,k] = L[ids_rec[:,k],:,k] end @constraint(M_conv, constr[i=1:n], Res_pos[i] - Res_neg[i] == Y[i]) @objective(M_conv, :Min, sum(Res_pos[i] + Res_neg[i] for i = 1:n) ) solve(M_conv) dual_var = getdual(constr) NewColumns = [Variable[] for i=1:d] IdxList = [[] for i=1:d] # Implement column generation iter = 1 flag = vec(ones(d,1)) while sum(flag) > 1e-3 && iter < MaxIter #for t = 1:30 for k = 1:d if flag[k] == 1 Δ_r = -L[:,:,k]*dual_var else continue end if findmin(Δ_r)[1] < -1e-3 idx = findmin(Δ_r)[2] constr_list = constr[1:n] coeff_list = L[:,idx,k] @variable(M_conv, Δ_temp >= 0, objective = 0., inconstraints = constr_list, coefficients = coeff_list ) #print("CG iteration ", iter,": enter Δ ",idx," for covariate ",k, "
") push!(NewColumns[k],Δ_temp) push!(IdxList[k],idx) solve(M_conv) iter = iter + 1 dual_var = getdual(constr); else #print("Skip covariate ", k,"
") flag[k] = 0 end end end #print("CG ends after ", iter-1, " itertaions.
") # Retrieve the ? values delta = zeros(n+2,d) zz = zeros(n,d) phi = zeros(n,d) for k = 1:d delta[IdxList[k],k]=getvalue(NewColumns[k]) if isempty(find(IdxList[k].==2)) zz[1,k] = delta[1,k] else zz[1,k] = -delta[2,k] end if isempty(find(IdxList[k].==4)) zz[2,k] = delta[3,k] else zz[2,k] = -delta[4,k] end phi[1,k] = zz[1,k] phi[2,k] = zz[1,k]+zz[2,k]*(XX[2,k]-XX[1,k]) for i = 3:n zz[i,k] = zz[i-1,k] + delta[i+2,k] phi[i,k] = zz[i,k]*(XX[i,k]-XX[i-1,k])+phi[i-1,k] end end return phiend
phi = CG_ConvReg(200);# 畫出第一維上的解XX = zeros(n,d)ids = convert(Array{Int64,2},zeros(n,d))ids_rec = convert(Array{Int64,2},zeros(n,d)) for k = 1:d # sort the sequences ids[:,k] = sortperm(vec(X[:,k]),rev=false) ids_rec[:,k] = sortperm(ids[:,k],rev=false) XX[:,k] = X[ids[:,k],k] endplot(XX[:,1],phi[:,1])
@benchmark CG_ConvReg(200)
@benchmark Full_ConvReg(600)
令人驚訝的是,基於古老的單純形法和Column Generation的演算法竟然要遠快於Gurobi求解LP默認的non-deterministic concurrent方法!這證明針對特定的優化問題,有時候更聰明的建模會給你更快的演算法。
3. 魯棒線性規劃(Robust Linear Programming)
我們考慮最小費用流問題(minimum cost flow),其中每條邊上的cost具有不確定性(uncertainty)。即我們考慮一個有向圖 ,我們考慮優化問題:
# Nominal Problemfunction NominalProblem(n,μ,δ) NetworkModel = Model(solver=GurobiSolver(OutputFlag=0)) capacity = (ones(n,n)-eye(n,n))*0.5 capacity[1,n] = 0 capacity[n,1] = 0 @variable(NetworkModel, flow[i=1:n,j=1:n]>=0) @constraint(NetworkModel, flow .<= capacity) @constraint(NetworkModel, sum(flow[1,i] for i=1:n)==1) @constraint(NetworkModel, sum(flow[i,n] for i=1:n)==1) for j = 2:n-1 @constraint(NetworkModel, sum(flow[i,j] for i=1:n) == sum(flow[j,k] for k=1:n) ) end @objective(NetworkModel,Min, sum(flow[i,j]*μ[i,j] for i=1:n for j=1:n) ); solve(NetworkModel) return getvalue(flow)end
我們考慮以下三種uncertainty set:
其實,容易知道(i)(ii)的robust min cost flow問題仍可寫成一個線性規劃,(iii)的robust min cost flow問題可寫成一個二階錐規劃問題(second-order cone optimization)。不過我們這裡展示利用JuMPeR包可以省去推導robust counterpart的步驟。
# Robust Problemfunction RobustProblem(n,μ,δ,Γ,norm_type) NetworkModel_robust = RobustModel(solver=GurobiSolver(OutputFlag=0)) capacity = (ones(n,n)-eye(n,n))*0.5 capacity[1,n] = 0 capacity[n,1] = 0 @variable(NetworkModel_robust, flow[i=1:n,j=1:n]>=0) @uncertain(NetworkModel_robust, cost[i=1:n,j=1:n]) @uncertain(NetworkModel_robust, r[i=1:n,j=1:n]) @variable(NetworkModel_robust, obj) for i = 1:n for j = 1:n @constraint(NetworkModel_robust, cost[i,j] == μ[i,j]+r[i,j]*δ[i,j]) end end @constraint(NetworkModel_robust, norm(r,norm_type) <= Γ) @constraint(NetworkModel_robust, flow .<= capacity) @constraint(NetworkModel_robust, sum(flow[1,i] for i=1:n) == 1) @constraint(NetworkModel_robust, sum(flow[i,n] for i=1:n) == 1) for j = 2:n-1 @constraint(NetworkModel_robust, sum(flow[i,j] for i=1:n) == sum(flow[j,k] for k=1:n)) end @constraint(NetworkModel_robust, sum(cost[i,j]*flow[i,j] for i=1:n for j=1:n) <= obj ) @objective(NetworkModel_robust, Min, obj) solve(NetworkModel_robust) return getvalue(flow)end
我們這裡做一些模擬來看一下robust solution的表現。假設G是完全連同的,所有邊的容量都是0.5,我們隨機產生 ,然後我們再隨機產生 來看實際的cost的情況。我們以nominal problem的解為benchmark,輸出robust solution的cost與其的差。
function Evaluation() n_type = [10,25,50,75,100] Γ_type = [1e-4,1e-1,1e1,1e4] report_data = zeros(13,5) for n_idx = 1:5 n = n_type[n_idx] count = 2 μ = 10*rand(n,n) δ = zeros(n,n) for i = 1:n for j = 1:n δ[i,j] = μ[i,j]*rand() end end cost_sim = zeros(n,n) for i = 1:n for j = 1:n cost_sim[i,j] = μ[i,j] + δ[i,j] * (rand()-0.5) * 2 end end sol_0 = NominalProblem(n,μ,δ) report_data[1,n_idx] = sum(sum(cost_sim.*sol_0)) for Γ in Γ_type print("n=",n," Γ=",Γ) sol_inf = RobustProblem(n,μ,δ,Γ,Inf) sol_1 = RobustProblem(n,μ,δ,Γ,1) sol_2 = RobustProblem(n,μ,δ,Γ,2) report_data[count,n_idx] = sum(sum(cost_sim.*(sol_inf-sol_0))) report_data[count+1,n_idx] = sum(sum(cost_sim.*(sol_1-sol_0) )) report_data[count+2,n_idx] = sum(sum(cost_sim.*(sol_2-sol_0) )) count = count + 3 end end return report_dataendoutput = Evaluation();# 輸出Γ=10時三種uncertainty set給出的differencetemp_p = plot([10,25,50,75,100],output[8,:],xlabel = "n", label = "Uinf")plot!(temp_p,[10,25,50,75,100],output[9,:], label = "U1")plot!(temp_p,[10,25,50,75,100],output[10,:], label = "U2")
那麼我們確實看到box constraint給出了更robust的solution,而L1/2 uncertainty構建下的魯棒優化問題更mild一些。
JuMPeR也可以model多階段的魯棒優化問題,尤其比如是affinely-adjustable policy的(這比uncertainty set的formulation要松的多)。這裡只是提一下,不詳細介紹了,有興趣的同學可以自行研究,其實也是很有用的。
4. 近似解Stable Number: 半正定規劃/整數規劃
一個無向圖 的stable(independent) set是V的一個子集,其中所有節點互相都不相連。 stable set的最大cardinality定義為α(G),也叫做圖的stability number. 假設|V|=n. 自然,其0/1整數規劃可以寫成:
利用 和 等價, 我們可以得到一個半正定規劃的relaxation:
例子來源:Pena, Javier, Juan Vera, and Luis F. Zuluaga. "Computing the stability number of a graph via linear and semidefinite programming." SIAM Journal on Optimization 18.1 (2007): 87-105.
function StableBin(A) n = size(A,1) StableB = Model(solver = GurobiSolver(OutputFlag = 0)) @variable(StableB, x[1:n], Bin) for i = 1:n for j in find(A[i,:].== 1) @constraint(StableB, x[i] + x[j] <= 1) end end @objective(StableB, Max, sum(x)) solve(StableB) return getobjectivevalue(StableB)end
function StableSDP(A) n = size(A,1) StableDD = Model(solver = MosekSolver(MSK_IPAR_LOG = 0)) @variable(StableDD, X[1:n,1:n]) @SDconstraint(StableDD, X>=0) @constraint(StableDD, X.>=0) @constraint(StableDD, sum(sum(A.*X)) == 0 ) @constraint(StableDD, sum(X[i,i] for i=1:n) == 1) @objective(StableDD, Max, sum(sum(X))) solve(StableDD) return getobjectivevalue(StableDD)end
A14 = [0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0; 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0; 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1; 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1; 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0; 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1; 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0];# α(G14) = 5StableBin(A14)# 鬆弛之後的解:5.694362954824882StableSDP(A14)
5. Lazy Constriant Generation: 在整數規劃中用分段線性函數近似L2球
我們指出Gurobi還暫不支持整數規劃和column generation結合(即branch and price),然而自定義user cut確是支持的(即branch and cut)!簡單來說,即我們可以一開始只加入少量的約束,在一邊求解整數規劃的過程中將被violate的約束加入,因此也叫lazy callback。
function solve_ball(c, Γ, ?=1e-6) n = length(c) m = Model(solver=GurobiSolver(OutputFlag=0)) # 初始consrtaint: 一個box @variable(m, -Γ ≤ x[1:n] ≤ Γ, Int) # 定義目標函數 @objective(m, Max, dot(c,x)) #核心:定義callback function,記錄加入cut的數量 num_callbacks = 0 function norm_callback(cb) num_callbacks += 1 N = getvalue(x) # 求得當前x的L2 norm L = norm(N) # 如果足夠小,說明已經得到一個可行解,即解最優 if L ≤ Γ + ? return end # 不然的話,加入cut!注意這個cut將使得x變得不可行(infeasible),下步迭代必然會得到一個新的解 @lazyconstraint(cb, dot(N,x) ≤ Γ*L) end # 將callback函數加入JuMP/Gurobi模型 addlazycallback(m, norm_callback) #求解 solve(m) return getvalue(x), num_callbacksend#產生一個隨機樣例srand(1234)n = 2c = rand(n)Γ = 50.0# 求解,輸出callback次數sol, num_callbacks = solve_ball(c, Γ)println(sol)println(norm(sol))println(num_callbacks)
經過11次lazycallback我們得到最優解。接下來還有個交互的例子,我這邊懶得做動畫了,只給code。效果請自行在jupyter notebook里體驗。實際上就是說可以手動在bar上調整參數看到不同情況下的最優解和可行域在二維平面的圖像。
# 這裡展示Interact和Compose包,可用來進行交互# 畫出2D情況下的解set_default_graphic_size(8cm, 8cm)@manipulate for c1 in -1:0.1:+1, c2 in -1:0.1:+1, log? in -4:2 sol, _ = solve_ball([c1,c2], 100, 10.0^log?) compose(context(), compose(context(), line([(0.5,0.5),(0.5+sol[1]/300,0.5+sol[2]/300)]), Compose.stroke("black")), compose(context(), circle((0.5 + (100/norm(sol))*sol/300)...,0.02), fill("red")), compose(context(),circle(0.5,0.5,0.333),fill("lightblue")) )end
6. 一般的非線性整數規劃:密堆積球問題
定義變數 為圓心的x和y坐標. 那麼決策問題可以用如下非凸非線性規劃問題來求解, 也見:Birgin, Ernesto G., J. M. Mart?nez, and Débora P. Ronconi. "Optimizing the packing of cylinders into a rectangular container: a nonlinear approach." European Journal of Operational Research 160.1 (2005): 19-33.
# 畫圖function PlotCirclesRectangle(p1,p2) p = scatter((p2),(p1)) for i = 1:k plot!(p,(p2[i]).+r*cos.(linspace(0,2*π,100)), (p1[i]).+r*sin.(linspace(0,2*π,100)), color = "blue", legend=false, aspect_ratio = 1 ) end plot!(p,linspace(0,d2,100),zeros(100,1),color = "red") plot!(p,zeros(100,1),linspace(0,d1,100),color = "red") plot!(p,linspace(0,d2,100),ones(100,1)*d1,color = "red") plot!(p,d2*ones(100,1),linspace(0,d1,100),color = "red") pend
# 考慮這樣一組問題r = 25d1 = 160d2 = 190k = 11;# MIOfunction PackCirclesGen(r,d1,d2,k,Method,MaxTime) tic() PackCircles = Model(solver = GurobiSolver(MIPGap = 1e-3, OutputFlag = 0, TimeLimit = MaxTime)) @variable(PackCircles, p1[1:k]>=r) @variable(PackCircles, p2[1:k]>=r) @variable(PackCircles, s1[1:k,1:k]) @variable(PackCircles, s2[1:k,1:k]>=0) @variable(PackCircles, z[1:k,1:k]>=0) @constraint(PackCircles, p1.<=d1-r) @constraint(PackCircles, p2.<=d2-r) for i = 1:k for j = i+1:k if j - i > 2 continue end @constraint(PackCircles,s1[i,j] == p1[j]-p1[i]) @constraint(PackCircles,s2[i,j] == p2[j]-p2[i]) #使用PiecewiseLinearOpt包近似nonconvex constraint fun_dist = piecewiselinear(PackCircles, s1[i,j] , s2[i,j], -(j-i)*r*2:r/5j-i)*r*2, 0:r/5j-i)*r*2, (u,v) -> (u^2+v^2)^0.5, method=Method) @constraint(PackCircles, z[i,j] >= 2*r - fun_dist ) end end @objective(PackCircles, Min, sum(z[i,j] for i = 1:k for j = i+1:k)) solve(PackCircles) return getvalue(p1),getvalue(p2),toc()endp1,p2,time = PackCirclesGen(r,d1,d2,k,:ZigZagInteger,Inf);# 一個可行解PlotCirclesRectangle(p1,p2)
2×1000的矩形中能放多少個直徑為1的圓?# 不同bivariate分段線性方法的比較r = 21d1 = 120d2 = 120k = 6;Method_List = [:CC,:MC,:DisaggLogarithmic,:SOS2,:Logarithmic,:ZigZag,:ZigZagInteger]# The experiment, note the cutoff time set as 600 secondsfor Method in Method_List p1,p2,time = PackCirclesGen(r,d1,d2,k,Method,600) print("The method ", Method, " uses ", time, " seconds!
我們注意到不同的線性分段逼近方法的計算速度是大不一樣的,ZigZag的速度最快,CC/MC這樣的formulation一般不建議用。詳細的理論方法請見:Huchette, Joey, and Juan Pablo Vielma. "Nonconvex piecewise linear functions: Advanced formulations and simple modeling tools."
7. 更多
JuliaCN/MeetUpMaterials其它JuMP支持的優化拓展包可見:https://www.juliaopt.org/packages/比如,支持多目標優化的MultiJuMP.jl,機會約束(chance constraint)的JuMPChance.jl,多項式(polynomial)優化的 PolyJuMP.jl,還有支持隨機動態規劃,非線性控制,平衡約束問題,圖論演算法,元啟發式演算法等等的package。之前我也寫過一個Julia的安利文:
覃含章:Julia:高效易用的數值計算/優化編程語言多練,多嘗試...Practice makes Perfect!