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頂尖期刊(5)A+ American Economic Review Econometrica Journal of Political Economy Quarterly Journal of Economics Review of Economic Studies一流期刊(12)A Economic Journal Games and Economic Behavior International Economic Review Journal of Econometrics Journal of Economic Theory Journal of Finance Journal of Labor Economics Journal of Monetary Economics Rand Journal of Economics Review of Economics and Statistics Journal of Financial Economics Review of Financial Studies二流期刊(34)B American Journal of Agricultural Economics AEA Papers and Proceedings Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Econometric Theory Economic Theory European Economic Review Journal of Applied Econometrics Journal of Business and Economic Statistics Journal of Comparative Economics Journal of Development Economics Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Journal of Economic Education Journal of Economic Growth Journal of Economic History Journal of Economic Perspective Journal of Economics and Management Strategy Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Journal of Experimental Economics Journal of Health Economics Journal of Human Resources Journal of Industrial Economics Journal of International Economics Journal of Law and Economics Journal of Mathematical Economics Journal of Money, Banking and Credit Journal of Population Economics Journal of Public Economics Journal of Real Estate Economics and Finance Journal of Regulatory Economics Journal of Risk and Uncertainty Journal of Urban Economics Social Choice and Welfare Review of Economic Dynamics三流期刊(27)C Canadian Journal of Economics China Economic Review Econometric Journal Economic inquiry Economica Economic Development and Cultural Change Economics Letters Economics of Transition Health economics Industrial & labor relations review International Journal of Game Theory International Journal of Industrial Organization Journal of agricultural economics Journal of institutional & theoretical economics Journal of law, economics & organization Journal of regional science Journal of transport economics & policy Land economics Mathematical Social Sciences National Tax Journal Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics Oxford economics papers Public Choice Review of Economic Design Review of Income and Wealth Scandinavian Journal of Economics Southern Economic Journal


Accounting (5)1. Accounting Review2. Contemporary Accounting Research3. Journal of Accounting and Economics4. Journal of Accounting Research5. Review of Accounting StudiesEconomics (18)1. American Economic Review2. Econometrica3. Journal of Political Economy4. Quarterly Journal of Economics5. Economic Journal6. Review of Economic Studies7. International Economic Review8. Journal of Econometrics9. Journal of Economic Theory10. Journal of Environmental Economics & Management11. Journal of Health Economics12. Journal of International Economics13. Journal of Law & Economics14. Journal of Labor Economics15. Journal of Monetary Economics16. Journal of Public Economics17. Rand Journal of Economics18. Review of Economics & StatisticsFinance (4)1. Journal of Finance2. Journal of Financial Economics3. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis4. Review of Financial StudiesHealth Economics and Management(1)1. Journal of Health EconomicsInformation Systems (4)1. Communication of the ACM2. Information Systems Research3. Journal of Management Information Systems4. Management Information Systems QuarterlyManagement (5)1. Academy of Management Journal2. Academy of Management Review3. Administrative Science Quarterly4. Journal of Applied Psychology5. Organization ScienceMarketing (4)1. Journal of Consumer Research2. Journal of Marketing3. Journal of Marketing Research4. Marketing ScienceOperations Research/Operations Management (5)1. Annals of Applied Probabilities2. Management Science3. Mathematical Programming4. Mathematics of Operations Research5. Operations ResearchStatistics (4)1. Annals of Statistics2. Biometrika3. Journal of the American Statistical Association4. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B-Statistical Methodology Strategy(2)1. Journal of International Business Studies2. Strategic Management Journal


1. The American economic review(美國經濟評論).美2. The Economist(經濟學家).英3. Econometrica(計量經濟學).美4. The Journal of political economy(政治經濟學雜誌).美5. The Quarterly journal of economics(經濟學季刊).美6. Journal of economic literature(經濟文獻雜誌).美7. Academy of management journal(管理學會雜誌).美8. The Journal of finance(金融雜誌).美9. Harvard business review(哈佛商業評論).美10. The Academy of management review(管理學會評論).美11. Journal of financial economics(金融經濟學雜誌).瑞士12. Journal of marketing(營銷學雜誌).美13. Strategic management journal(戰略管理學雜誌).英14. The Milbank quarterly(米爾班克季刊).美15. The Economic journal(經濟學雜誌).英16. The Journal of economic perspectives(經濟展望雜誌).美17. The Review of economic studies(經濟研究評論).英18. JMR, journal of marketing research(營銷研究雜誌).美19. The Review of economics and statistics(經濟學與統計學評論).美20. The Journal of consumer research(消費研究雜誌).美21. Journal of econometrics(計量經濟學雜誌).瑞士22. Journal of economic theory(經濟理論雜誌).美23. Health care financing review(衛生保健融資評論).美24. Brookings papers on economic activity(布魯金斯經濟活動論文集).美25. Journal of monetary economics(貨幣經濟學雜誌).荷蘭26. Sloan management review(斯隆管理學評論).美27. The Journal of law & economics(法學與經濟學雜誌).美28. Journal of business(商業雜誌).美29. Journal of health economics(衛生保健經濟學雜誌).荷蘭30. Industrial & labor relations review(勞資關係評論).美31. Risk analysis(風險分析).美32. The Journal of human resources(人力資源雜誌).美33. Economy and society(經濟與社會).英34. World development(世界發展).英35. Journal of business & economic statistics(商業與經濟統計雜誌).美36. The Rand journal of economics(蘭德經濟學雜誌).美37. Journal of public economics(公共經濟學雜誌).瑞士38. Human resource management(人力資源管理).美39. American journal of agricultural economics(美國農業經濟學雜誌).美40. OR : the journal of the Operational Research Society(運籌學學會雜誌).英41. European economic review(歐洲經濟評論).荷蘭42. The Review of financial studies(金融研究評論).美43. Health economics(衛生經濟學).英44. California management review(加利福尼亞管理學評論).美45. Journal of environmental economics and management(環境經濟學與環境管理雜誌).美46. Fortune(財富).美47. The World Bank economic review(世界銀行經濟評論).美48. Journal of international economics(國際經濟學雜誌).荷蘭49. The Journal of law, economics & organization(法學、經濟學與組織學雜誌).美50. International economic review(國際經濟評論).美51. Journal of money, credit, and banking(貨幣、信貸與銀行雜誌).美52. Economic geography(經濟地理學).美53. Industrial relations(勞資關係).美54. The Journal of product innovation management(產品創新管理學雜誌).美55. Journal of applied econometrics(應用計量經濟學雜誌).英56. Journal of international business studies(國際商務研究雜誌).美57. Business week(商業周刊).美58. Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics(牛津經濟學與統計學通報).英59. Journal of labor economics(勞動經濟學雜誌).美60. Journal of development economics(發展經濟學雜誌).荷蘭61. The Journal of economic history(經濟史雜誌).英62. Forbes(福布斯).美63. FM: journal of the Financial Management Association(財務管理協會雜誌).美64. Journal of urban economics(城市經濟學雜誌).美65. Marketing science(營銷學).美66. Monthly labor review(勞工評論月刊).美67. Economics letters(經濟學快報).瑞士68. The Economic history review(經濟史評論).英69. Economica(經濟學刊).英70. Land economics(土地經濟學).美71. Ecological economics(生態經濟學).荷蘭72. Journal of Common Market studies(共同市場研究雜誌).英73. Journal of financial and quantitative analysis(財務定量分析雜誌).美74. Southern economic journal(南部經濟雜誌).美75. Economic inquiry(經濟探究).美76. Business insurance(商業保險).美77. Journal of businessethics(商業倫理學雜誌).荷蘭78. Oxford economic papers(牛津經濟論文集).英79. The Journal of industrial economics(產業經濟學雜誌).英80. National tax journal(國家稅收雜誌).美81. Journal of advertising research(廣告研究雜誌).美82. Accounting, organizations and society(會計、組織與社會).英83. Explorations in economic history(經濟史研究).美84. Journal of accounting research(會計研究雜誌).美85. Public choice(公共選擇).荷蘭86. Cambridge journal of economics(劍橋經濟學雜誌).英87. Economic development and cultural change(經濟發展與文化變革).美88. Work, employment & society(工作、就業與社會).英89. The Business lawyer(商務律師).美90. Journal of banking & finance(銀行業與金融雜誌).荷蘭91. Journal of public policy & marketing(公共政策與營銷學雜誌).美92. Journal of international money and finance(國際貨幣與金融雜誌).英93. Games and economic behavior(博弈論與經濟行為).美94. Journal of economic dynamics & control(經濟動態學與控制學雜誌).荷蘭95. Applied economics(應用經濟學).英96. Development and change(發展與變革).英97. International Monetary Fund staff papers(國際貨幣基金組織論文集).美98. Journal of economic behavior & organization(經濟行為與組織雜誌).荷蘭99. Journal of retailing(零售業雜誌).美100. The Journal of development studies(發展研究雜誌).英101. Journal of rural studies(農村研究雜誌).英102. Industrial marketing management(工業營銷管理學).美103. Journal of risk and uncertainty(風險與不確定性雜誌).荷蘭104. Journal of transport economics and policy(運輸經濟學與政策雜誌).英105. Journal of comparative economics(比較經濟學雜誌).美106. Journal of productivity analysis(生產率分析雜誌).荷蘭107. British journal of industrial relations(英國勞資關係雜誌).英108. Journal of business research(商業研究雜誌).美109. Econometric theory(計量經濟學理論).英110. Journal of regional science(區域學雜誌).美111. Regional science and urban economics(區域學與城市經濟學).荷蘭112. The Scandinavian journal of economics(斯堪的納維亞經濟學雜誌).英113. Journal of accounting & economics(會計學與經濟學雜誌).荷蘭114. The World economy(世界經濟).英115. Long range planning(長遠規劃).英116. International journal of forecasting(國際預測雜誌).荷蘭117. International journal of industrial organization(國際產業組織雜誌).荷蘭118. Journal of mathematical economics(數理經濟學雜誌).瑞士119. International journal of game theory(國際博弈理論雜誌).德120. Journal of economic issues(經濟問題雜誌).美121. The Canadian journal of economics(加拿大經濟學雜誌).加拿大122. Journal of business venturing(企業經營雜誌).美123. Journal of agricultural economics(農業經濟學雜誌).英124. The Journal of risk and insurance(風險與保險雜誌).美125. Journal of financial intermediation(金融中介雜誌).美126. The Journal of taxation(稅務雜誌).美127. Futures(期貨).美128. Business history(商業史).英129. Euromoney(歐洲貨幣).英130. Scottish journal of political economy(蘇格蘭政治經濟學雜誌).英131. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv(世界經濟評論).德132. The Journal of real estate finance and economics(不動產金融學與經濟學雜誌).荷蘭133. Journal of portfolio management(證券投資管理雜誌).美134. Journal of world trade(世界貿易雜誌).瑞士135. The Journal of economic education(經濟教育雜誌).美136. Insurance, mathematics & economics(保險、數學與經濟學).荷蘭137. Auditing(審計學).美138. Journal of world business(世界商務雜誌).美139. Journal of institutional and theoretical economics(制度與理論經濟學雜誌).德140. The Economic record(經濟記錄).澳大利亞141. History of political economy(政治經濟學史).美142. International journal of service industry management(國際服務業管理雜誌).英143. The Banker(銀行家).英144. Journal of regulatory economics(管制經濟學雜誌).美145. Risk management(風險管理).美146. The OECD observer(經濟合作與發展組織觀察家).法147. Challenge(挑戰).美148. Survey of current business(當代商業概覽).美149. Federal reserve bulletin(聯邦儲備公報).美150. Transnational corporations(跨國公司).美


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