AP 語言與寫作掃盲貼

AP 語言與寫作掃盲貼

來自專欄留美考試 寫作疑難雜症診療室 AP SAT 托福1 人贊了文章

簡單區分 AP Literature 和 AP Language 的區別。兩者都是結合閱讀選擇題和三篇作文的考試。前者考的是 fiction 類別文本,包括詩歌小說戲劇,後者考察非虛構類文本,包括新聞報道,學術文章,傳記,文學電影評論,散文等。

選擇題考察的文章,以 2015 年真題為例:

- a passage from an essay published in the 1980s by a writer who was born in Trinidad, a former British colony, 作者通過對童年的回憶思考自己性格的形成;

- a passage from a recent book on cognitive psychology,心理學者對直覺認識的說明文;

- a passage from a recent book of essays,一篇思考 「laziness」 的散文;

- a passage from an essay by an 18th century British writer,一篇思考說謊的散文.


- Synthesis: Students read several texts about a topic and create an argument that synthesizes at least three of the sources to support their thesis, 模擬了大學寫 research paper 的要求;

- Rhetorical analysis: Students read a non-fiction text and analyze how the writer』s language choices contribute to his or her purpose and intended meaning for the text, SAT 作文的升級版;

- Argument: Students create an evidence-based argument that responds to a given topic 托福獨立寫作的升級版.

那麼選擇考 AP Language 的正當理由是什麼?

- if you are an intellectual person and if curiosity is one of your defining features, AP Language will expose you to a diversity of differing and even contradictory ideas;

- if you are opinionated, through preparing for AP Language you can get better at articulating, organizing, and presenting your thoughts and arguments, that is, you can grow from an opinionated person to a thoughtful reader, thinker, and writer;

- if you plan to major in the Humanities such as history, literature, religious studies, philosophy, gender studies, etc., AP Language can help you be more academically prepared, for, as mentioned above, it improves your reading and writing skills, and it also helps you master the norms of academic writing.

什麼時候考 AP 語言?


要有怎麼樣的英語實力挑戰 AP Language 才比較有把握高分?

大概是 SAT 1450+ 和 托福 108+ 吧 (這個分數是你在教學質量總體還不錯的培訓機構上過課的情況下定的;如果你托福沒怎麼準備/沒系統學過/自學為主的情況下能考 95 左右,那說明你有足夠的英語能力去準備 AP Language)。

那麼 AP Language 高分滿分對申請有幫助嗎?

幫助會有,but not decisive.

過去兩年托福 110+,SAT 1550+ 漫天飛的大環境下,AP Language 以及其他 AP 文科類的成績能進一步展現你的英語實力。招生官知道亞洲地區的 SAT 作弊行為,托福機經,成績單隨便改,還有成熟的培訓行業,so they will read high TOEFL & SAT scores with a grain of salt. 如果能有比較好的 AP 文科成績能打消他們的一些疑慮。

也有一些理科生想用 AP 文科成績證明自己是全面發展人才,卻又不敢挑戰 AP 文學,嗯。有學生反映學了 AP 語言的閱讀對 SAT 閱讀也有幫助。但學 AP 語言就是為了申請並不是金錢時間上很好的投資。

順便說一下哪些人適合考 AP 文學,喜歡文學的,self-evidently;還有想讀商科的,因為商業成功一個很重要的因素是會畫大餅,講故事嘛。

Advertisement Insertion:

2017 AP Language 語言與寫作 真題 選擇題評講 作文批改?


那麼,如果你對 AP 文學和語言動心了,想私信問一下複習資料和課程嗎?

以下是 2015 年真題 (密碼: 88d6):




【SAT寫作批改】《Air Conditioning Will Be the End of Us》

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