請原諒,我不是有意惹您生氣。 Forgive me, I didn』t mean to offend you .
我真的是很抱歉。 I can』t tell you how sorry I am.
事情鬧成這樣並非我的本意。 I didn』t mean it that way.
我並不想要那麼做。 I didn』t mean to do that.
我不知道怎麼會發生那樣的事情。 I don』t know how that could have happened.
我的確不是故意的。 I honestly didn』t mean it.
希望你能原諒我。 I hope you will excuse me.
語言無法描述我對你的歉意。 Words cannot describe how sorry I am.
你不知道我感到多麼抱歉。 You cannot believe how sorry I am.
我真不知道該說什麼好。 I just don』t know what to say.
我應該為昨晚的事向你道歉。 I owe you an apology for what I did last night.
我真的感到很內疚。 I really feel bad about it.
我非常抱歉。 I"m terribly sorry.
對不起,都是我的錯。Sorry. It was all my fault.
求你了,別生我的氣。 Please don"t be mad at me.
請原諒我吧! Please forgive me.
對不起,我不是故意要冒犯你。I"m sorry. I didn"t mean to offend you.
我要怎樣才能補償你? How can I make it up to you
是我錯了。我真的很抱歉。It"s my fault. I really feel bad about it.
我真不知道該說什麼好。I just don"t know what to say.
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